Camber Pharmaceuticals Generic Percocet (Page 3)
UpdatedJust got Camber Pharm generic Percocet at Walgreens instead of the Actavis brand. It's giving me an upset stomach and causing me to feel weird. Has anyone else had a similar reaction?
Re: Cate (# 20)
Same thing for me! Been on for several months for cancer stage 4. No pain relief just vomiting and nausea. PLEASE fix this as I don't have thousands of dollars to spend on the brand name. My last generic, Activis worked fine. I have been at Walgreens as well.
Yes they are the worst pain Pills!! Gave me headaches. Weird feelings. Stomach aches and it doesn't attack the pain like the A332s I normally take. Never will I go back to walgreens again to get my pain Meds!!
Re: Annabelle (# 42)
Oh I so agree. I have been on Percocet and generics for this medication for years from crushed bones in leg and back from accident. It takes a long time and alot of test ,xrays, etc to get a very good Pain Management doctor and I found a very good one 4 years ago. My body is changed forever, my life, but I have been looking on the positive side, managing the best I can. Now?? The last week I have been in bed everyday not being able to hold my head up from these "CAMBER" posion pills. I looked and found the INSERT, but took me forever and I see the amount of medication we are getting. Barely over 8 mg. of the 10 mg,.. but the worst part are the fillers and binders. I have never in my life ever had a few of these in my other generics. I do my homework because I want to know what I am putting in my body. This is insane! One of them closest to the top is an alcohol used in MOTOR oil for our cars. it says on the insert,...what it doesent contain but does say contains... ALCOHOL. I have been so sick as all of you. My headache is explosive, my eyes are sensitive, everything hurts, severe stomach cramps, very nervous to the point I cant sit without shaking visibly. Also there is NO PAIN RELIEF at all. These is something very wrong here. Now it will be a month, before I can refill again, and Im scard to death to take another one of these. I dont know what to do? It makes me feel like I need to be rushed to the hospital. Never had an experience like this in my life.
Marv, I have a post detailing some of the information I found in the insert. I dont like the fact that Im putting the same kind of ALCOHOL in my body they use in MOTOR OIL for cars, or any kind of alcohol for that matter in my body. My post is #43. I got these filled a few days ago and I havent been out of the house due to being so sick from these Camber percocet generic. Extremely sick because ive never experienced these kind of symptoms in my life. Walgreens will take notice of losing patients. How can they not? They had my business for the last many years from my PM Doc. My reason for having these is making my life almost impossible to live but on the other generics I was at least managing with as positive of an outlook as possible because I will be this way the rest of my life. Now I'm stuck with this so-called medicine that is supposed to help our pain? Camber in no way has had any kind of effect on my pain, but all the very sick side effects a person can think of. Something has to be done. I'll post the ingredients if this board will let me, but it may not. I will never go to walgreens again. They lost almost 1600.00 in true dollar amount on my combined meds a month.
Re: Lildarlin (# 43)
I would like to know where you found the insert/ingredients. I Had to use the poison for 22 days and my symptoms are the same as yours; stomach burning, now neck and collarbone pain, shakiness, extreme tiredness, blurry vision, on and on. My palliative doctor gave me a new script; because Wallgreens in my area got a supply of the Actavis back. What hassle it was to get it approved. The medicaid insurance denied the script at first. I called them and went ballistic. I said people are suffering. I threatened that if they didnt do something, I would find the strength to contact someone who would. I told them I had heart attack symptoms with this poison. Very upsetting. The next morning she called the Doctor and the pharmacist and it was approved. WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS. IT'S CRIMINAL. Anyhow I have been back on the Actavis for only 4 days and the side effects are still bad. The only relief I've had is not as much gas but still burning in my stomach and everything else this poison has caused. I'm concerned about permanent damage. I see my primary care Monday (if I can make it) and she really cares. She is MD/Do doctor. Some doctors should take lessons from her. I would love to know how you found the ingredients before i go. I tried and the pharmacist dont know. It's despicable that they distribute medications and we dont even know the ingredients. We can read the ingredients on every over the counter drug our food but something as important as ingredients in our prescription meds is hidden from us. My pharmacist said (sarcastically); I know you dont want to hear this but we're supposed to trust the government. He already knows that I DON'T!
Re: Lildarlin (# 43)
Call your doctor asap. The pharmacy cannot replace the prescription but the doctor can. You will need to take your unused pills to him and he will be able to write a new script in the reason why and that he has in his possession the pills that are making you sick. I hope this helps!
As a side note, my Walgreens in North County of San Diego filled my prescription one time with camber after almost 2 years of Actavis. I complained and they are now getting the new medication in as they have had a number of complaints. So it is not a firm choice of Walgreens to only carry the camber now. Best!
Re: Bella (# 45)
Yes I found the insert on the camber pharmaceuticals page. It was hard to find but I did. Also I am having the same e,tra pain as u are Bella. Neck, collarbone, arms, and my throat, toung and eyes swelled so bad, had i not had antihistamines I don't know what would have happened. Start on their homepage. If u can't find It, I will find a way to get it to u. I'm so happy u got your activis. Back. I'm on the same insurance and all as u are and 100 percent disabled so I need relief bad. My family is worried for me as well about permanent damage. They have never seen me like this before.
Re: Lildarlin (# 47)
Thank you, I will see if I can find it. Dont trouble yourself to find it. I know how hard this is when you dont feel well. I am so glad you told me about your similar symptoms. The chest the neck/thoat, collar bone and back in the upper shoulders. It started in the neck. I have been petrified; because I had an upper lobectomy with lymph node removal September 2016. No reocurrence as of August. Ive been thinking that the lung has spread and thats whats causing these particular side effect. However if it has, than its been since January 1st. On the 9th of Jan., I tried to get the oncologist to help me and she didnt want to bother. She just thinks its anxiety about my health and suggested an antidepressant. Thank God I had the sense not to add that experiment to the mix. The palliative care went to bat for me. With the new opioid convoluted rules; no one can get more than 120 in 28 days of whatever strength they are taking. My script I filled on December 31st was for 90. So I could only get 30; on the 24th; because you can refill a few days early, he had to write another script for 60 (had to go drive to pick that up); which I could fill two days later.
I hope this is making sense :( I dont know how many your script was for but if its less than 120; your doctor can get you the remainder; without a script. A call to the insurance company should work. The poor pharmacist was so confused. The palliative care doctor told me that generics are fine for some things. Certain conditions only need a portion of the active ingredients to work but pain meds are different. Nothing can be done when the name brand (in my case) would be $1,300. We have to use generic but the fillers in Actavis Never caused me these kinds of problems. Just for you information, I am with LA care HMO. Wallgreens is stocking them again and hope you can do something. With the new guidelines that they have carelessly enforced, one generic can only sell so many opioids a year to the pharmacies. After like a month, they can start the new year. In that transition, the corporate pharmacy has to find another supplier. We are not even considered in this and how our individual bodies might react to these changes. From everything i can tell; the FDA benefits in regulatory fees and the generic drug companies just look for next cheapest manufacturer. Im shocked at what ive read. This is there idea of controlling the opioid crisis. Not even considering people in real pain. Its all political. Anyhow, the very best of luck to you. Please keep in touch.
Re: Arthur (# 11)
Arthur, I came back to see if a patient has noticed the very strong chemical/plastic, smell coming from the bottle of my script I got at Walgreens on Jan. 23. It's been six days now and all I have done is put up with the adverse side effects making me so sick not to mention my tongue, lips, swelling on top of the massive nausea, and explosive headache. I've been on this drug for many years for severe injuries and never have I receive any type of SCRIPT with a smell of the medicine coming out of the bottle when opened. I'm very scared to take another one due to side effects I've never had on the brand and different generics of this drug for several years. Did u call your pharmacy to see if this could be the dye on these? They are yellowish/off-yellow. They are hard like plastic. I'm about to call Walgreens to see if they can look up the lot number for the day I got them filled. This cannot be right. I almost feel I was given the wrong medication altogether. No way I can take these for 22 more days.
Re: Countrygma (# 39)
I too have the plastic/chemical smell coming out of my medicine bottle. This CAMBER generic for Percocet 10/ 325 is ABSOUTLEY wrong! Something is wrong when your lips, toung, eyes, swell, of top of all the patients I see here with extreme nausea. When I open the bottle, it's a smell that your adult instinct would normally tell u, "DO NOT SWALLOW". Its bad enough just smelling it much less this is suppose to be my pain medicine from Walgreens? I'm so upset. I'm in so much pain and I cannot take this poison. U can smell the poison smell when WALGREENS top is opened on my bottle. Actavis was perfecially fine for me. I don't understand how this mess can help anyone. I'm having someone stay with me because I've had two episodes so far I felt like I needed to go to the hospital After taking my prescribed dose from this CAMBER GENERIC. THIS NEEDS TO BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET ASAP! :(
Walgreens filled a prescription of Percocet that is a new generic manufactured by Camber. Blue with a T 192 on one side. I've been on and off pain meds for twenty years, and have never had any side effects. Especially, constipation! I've had too many side effects to list over the last month. The technician at Walgreens told me they used that new generic, because of a nationwide shortage of the other generic Percocet. REALLY? C'mon, MAN!
I devolved a problem with my stomach lining from taking to many Dulcalax. Threw up the first night I took them. Was nauseous for 3 weeks until I quit taking it. My general practitioner and PA with my pain doctor couldn't even find the med for 10 minutes on the Internet. Both thought there was weird "ingredients" in the med. Does anyone know if alcohol is an "ingredient"? And, a form of an antidepressant? I've never had any problem with my stomach or intestines, but had to have a special cat scan on my stomach at an ER. Two trips to an urgent care and a visit to my GP. So, Camber cost me a lot of $$$$$! And, three weeks of my life I won't get back!
Is anyone else tired of the government propaganda classifying EVERYBODY who's prescribed opioids as a DRUG ADDICT? Most of the opioid overdoses are from an opioid called, Fentanyl. Not Vicodin or Percocet. And, I believe, it's probably easier to get illicit drugs off the streets than it is to get a prescription for opioids today. It's so closely regulated that most dentists and GP's won't even consider prescribing opioids. So, if anyone can inform me of the chemical makeup of the new generic Percocet by Camber I'd greatly appreciate it.
P.S. My pain doctor is switching me to Vicodin. Hopefully, my physical health will return to normal.
Re: Henry (# 51)
Yes! I am having the same really strange side effects. It has almost sent me to the ER twice from face, ears, tongue, and lips swelling among the sickness u described. YES IT HAS ALCOHOL IN IT. I FOUND THAT ON THE PAGE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. I thought that was very odd. I'm in withdrawals with them and without. I finally put a call in to my doctor. I'm afraid if I take another one it will kill me!!! Shame on these pharmacies! Especially Walgreens. I've been with them 11 years on this medication for very serious injuries that I will have to live with the rest of my life. This poison needs to be taken off the market!
Re: Henry (# 51)
Is anyone else tired of the government propaganda classifying EVERYBODY who's prescribed opioids as a DRUG ADDICT?
ABSOLUTELY Henry, Im disgusted with government the FDA and anyone involved. Just not sure what we can do about it. Interesting you mentioned the possibility that antidepressants may be in the Camber percocet. Ive been back on the Actavis after 22 days on the poison. I had horrible mood swings. The good news is the stomach pain and gas has slowly subsided. The sore neck and shakiness etc is much better. I dont know how long my Wallgreens will have the Actavis. Before I fill the next script, I will check another store or go with an independent pharmacy and take a chance on Alvogen. That pharmacy told me they are both much better than Camber and he would never go with Camber. I am so sorry for all you went through. Believe me, I thought about an ER trip several times. However, the fear of this deadly flu, kept me from following up.
Re: Nicole (# 7)
So did u flush them or take them back? I got them but I’ve seemed to have misplaced them. Praying I don’t get called for a count, but they didn’t help me much either and I vomited
Re: Nick (# 54)
I still have 30 of the 90 left. When the palliative care Doctor helped me get the new script, he didnt even ask me for them. He could see that i didnt feel well and was visibly shaking. I think he knew damned well that I was about to take anymore of them. Id like to hang onto them in case i can ever find someone to analyze that poison.
I got the Camber brand from Walgreens on Jan. 3rd. I got a rash on my hands and arms for the first 2 days. I had to take Benadryl around the clock. Along with that, I was very nauseous. I am prescribed Zofran 8mg which always prevents me from vomiting. Well, not this time!!!! I had to literally run to the toilet to throw up. I felt so weak and thought I was going to faint. This feeling lasted for a week and a half until I finally stopped taking it. For that entire week and a half I felt absolutely no pain relief whatsoever. I am prescribed this for Severe Atypical Intractable Headaches (daily that never go away since age 5, so, 31 years) as well as bulged discs and facet joint arthropathy following a head-on collision 14 years ago. I can not stand up for more than 20 minutes without getting severe pain. As soon as I started the Camber, I felt all of my pain, all at once, and I was stuck with this med for 30 days. I didn't ask for it to be refilled because, you know how that goes. I suffered. I should have gone to the ER, but, I was afraid they wouldn't help me and I would just feel worse after being there for hours and hours. The pain has been unbearable. My symptoms were most likely a combination of withdrawal and allergic reaction, on top of the full blown pain that comes with all of my conditions- all at once.
After 30 days, I finally picked up a new script, but, I was smart and requested a one (1) week script instead of 30 days. I knew that I would be getting another unfamiliar brand and could not take the chance of being stuck again for an entire month with something so awful. That turned out to be a great decision because I was given the Rhodes brand and I am still in severe pain. After 25 minutes, I thought I felt it starting to work, but, it just made me drowsy and kind of spaced out for about a half an hour. I tried to move around but then I felt all of my severe pain. Thank God I only have to wait another 5 days for the next batch. I am going to try Mallinkrofdt for the first time, as I have read a lot of good reviews. If that doesn't work, then I will special order either Endo (which I hear works great), or my old brand, Actavis, that I was on for years with no issues whatsoever.
So, as of now, I am on day 31 of severe, unbearable pain. I have barely slept at all in 3 days. I have had the heating pad on and off for a month. That is somewhat soothing, but, does not ease the pain at all. I take Baclofen every night, which I thought had been helping the bulged disc in my neck for the past 3years of being on it. Well, obviously not because, since starting the Camber, I have not been able to turn my neck, I feel random popping sensations followed by stabbing pain. The same thing has been happening in my back at least 10 times a day. When on my old brand, this would only happen maybe once a day-a few times a week. And I have gone months in a row without having problems with my neck while on my old brand. I had been able to go back to work (with very minimal physical activity, but, still!) I have been working now for 6 months. This past month, however, I showed up to work 2 days a week in tears. I was excused from having to do anything, I just had to be there. But, with the way I feel now, there is no way that I can make it into work this weekend. I am in so much pain that I can barely move. I have my boyfriend bring me non-perishable foods and leave them by the bed when he goes to work in the morning because I have not even been able to walk to the kitchen to make anything. Except for dragging myself to work 2 days a week, I have not left my bed in a month. Plus, I have only made it to work because I know that I can lay down when I get there. I am a CNA and my patient is asleep during my shift so I can lay down. Driving home last weekend, I had to pull over because I couldn't turn my neck at all. I sat there, pulled over for a half hour crying in pain.
It has taken all of this for me to realize just how much this med has improved my quality of life. But, now, that has all been taken away. I am not the only one suffering. What these companies are doing to these generics is taking away any quality of life and we are suffering. It is CRUEL. A month straight of non-stop, unrelenting severe pain is true torture. If "they" want to make weaker meds to stop people from getting addicted, that is fine by me, and, probably a smart decision. However, for patients who have a well-documented and clear history of severe chronic pain, have been on this med for years, pass all U/A's, and show accurate pill counts, we should have access to a med that truly works and has 100% of the active ingredient prescribed. The 20% differential allowance that I keep hearing about will make no difference to someone who is taking it for the very first time, for only a few days, following an injury or whatever, BUT, it makes a major, major difference to people who have been on it for years. We feel it. I have not changed my dose or monthly quantity in FIVE YEARS. Now, all of a sudden, it is not working anymore? I am not buying it! My tolerance has not changed. The med has!!! Sorry for such a long post. I would recommend to everyone that you ask your Dr. to write you a shorter script (5 days) that way, while searching for a new brand, you don't get stuck with a month long supply of a med that is not helping your pain and only giving you severe side effects and allergic reactions. Take care, everyone.....
Re: Bella (# 53)
The reason why Walgreens is dispensing camber is because for a bottle of ?? pills cost $20.00 for each bottle. For Actavis...a bottle of ?? pills comes to $117 for each bottle. I know this because my husband works for a pharmaceutical Distribution Center. What I don't understand is HOW DOES A GENERIC MEDICINE GO TO A BRAND NAME???!!? IT'S ALL ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY THEY MAKE. NOT ABOUT THE PATIENTS!!! The insurance will not cover the Actavis generic oxycodone because it is now a"BRAND NAME". THE way it works is every phcy has a "preferred brand that insurance will cover" In this case it's Camber. So they took the generic Actavis oxycodone and made it a "brand name". Now that it is a brand name.... insurance WILL NOT COVER IT ANYMORE. THE phcy's will not order it because it now cost's $117 for a bottle of ?? pills. I hope this helps people to understand what is going on
Bubble wrap (# 56) --
Thanks for the info. Im going to present that to the pharmacist at Wallgreens. i am suppose to pick up a script for Actavis today. i mad sure before they filled it that it was the Actavis and the tech said it was approved by LA Care Medicaid. That may change, Nothing surprises me anymore. Before they ring it up, i want to see that Bottle. Otherwise I want that script back and I will go to the independent pharmacy and check on the Alvogen. Who know, maybe thats not approved. I did present the details about the Camber last week to the insurance company. I will let you know what happens. I just got myself calmed down. Glad you told me though. We have to look out for each other.
Re: Bella (# 53)
I saw that you may be getting Alvogen brand. I was given those by a different pharmacy when Walgreens ran out of all oxycodone in December. To me, they are just as bad as the Camber brand. The last prescription I got from Walgreens was Actavis brand and they are not working like they used to. I think they have changed them in some way!
Gia (# 58) --
Ahhhhh!!! Thanks for telling me. I was afraid to try anything else. Seems I got more constipated on the Actavis but its been resolved. I mean thats kind of normal. I try to eat healthy so it wont happen (a little phillips and prunes (which I love) helps. In my infamous wisdom I attributed that to they were actually an effective pain medication. Im going to try to call the company Actavis today. We need to know what the hell the ingredients are in all generic medications. I found a site to message The president. I got upset when he mentioned (in the state of the union) that he was expanding the generic drug companys. I sent a tweet but I dont know if it went through; never used it before (: However, when I get all my facts together (and Im well on my way), Im going to write a loooooooooong message. Does one of us or many have to die from something we are allergic to before something is done.
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