Buprenorphine Levels Low? (suboxone)
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I have been on the suboxone program for three years, today when I called I was told they spun my results and it came back very low like it's been "watered down" but my adderall came back fine. Now here's the odd thing, some days I miss my dose of adderall but have never missed a dose of my suboxone? So how that sounds accurate blows my mind? Another thing they have never weighed me, so how are they comparing these levels? I drink up to 6 redbulls a day have a fast metabolism that still don't explain my adderall not being low though? An every lab test spun, I've ever done my urine got sent right to the place. This place in Williamsport PA they just keep our urine cup apparently, bc it's always been done the dipstick method. Now today they say they sent it out? With out my knowledge. So it wasn't even in a proper cup, it was a cup that sits on a stand for about 10 mins until they decide to test it with a dipstick then when ever they get around to it send it out to a lab? I mean it was in the normal urine cup but the things I've used at other doctors in the past for spinning the urine was handled in a different fashion? Oh an did I mention we initial them to sit there for ten mins and that scares me at times bc I've saw others sitting there with the same initials. Now that's just a theory but a far one bc of the adderall, so this other patient would have to have the same initials and medicine prescribed. I'm just at a loss really and can't explain why this would be?! Any ideas on why this would come up this way would be idea! My doctor wants to know why Monday, and I'm at a complete loss. I almost s*** my pants when the nurse said this bc it's completely unexplainable knowing I take me doses? I should tell them to send me out for blood work bc I know that's more accurate and I have nothing to hide! Just beside myself right now!

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Hi I'm having the same issue other than they also said that both my antidepressants Lamictal and wellbutrin levels were really high and that my Vyvanse levels were fine. The subutex levels were a lil low so they have discharged me not giving me any advice where to go what to do etc. And being on subutex it's impossible to find another clinic to prescribe that to me even though it's documented of my allergies to the suboxone but never had an anaphylactic shock as this Dr told me the reason for not being able to prescribe it to me?

But I'm not doing well at all on the suboxone pills the ones with 54 375 on them. I'm sluggish, feeling drowsy, no energy, itchiness all over, constipated - all the symptoms that I had 5 yrs ago when the prev Dr had switched me. But due to our great commonwealth in VA it's impossible to get subutex and Dr's are scared to even prescribe it even with documented symptoms etc. I'm lost and don't know what to do.

I was doing great doing everything that I was supposed to be doing and then they came at me with that bs about my lab results the Dr I just saw almost week ago told me she didn't understand why they would've been texting or checking my levels for my antidepressants. So I'm thinking they just were saying that to get rid of me, maybe bc of medicaid. Heard them always saying how it was a hassle all the paperwork etc how it puts the eyes on them?

Idk all it is if they were so worried about my levels they should've sent me for further testing and they didn't so even though they stated they didn't want to be responsible if something were to happen to me while taking the subutex with my supposedly high levels of my antidepressants they weren't to concerned and may I add they sent me out the door w no resources on where to go with to do nothing. So here I am taking these suboxone tablets and I feel like crap n feel like all the success that I've did while being in this program has been shot to he**. I feel like using my anxiety is thru the roof I have taken Klonopin since all this like I said I was doing great now I'm most def not any advice please help. Thanks.

Also they would leave our urine cups sitting as well until they would pull the tabs on them to see if clean or not then would put in a bag to ship out and while in there it'll sit there for God only knows how long? Like I told them maybe my body is metabolizing it differently they didn't want to try and do anything to help keep me in their program it was obvious they just wanted me out. I was devastated, crying, everything - bc here I was actually doing the right thing, not suing I was clean and they did this to me. It's not fair.

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Blood work is the shortest period of time to test for drugs UAs or swab testing will bust you a lot longer then having blood drawn.

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