Budeprion Xl
Updatedovalp pale yellow pill with #682 o one side.
Is budeprion xl the same drug as wellbutrin xl. when did it become generic? I have been taking wellbutrin xl for a year and I want to be sure it is the same.
i have been on wellbutrin for quite a while. i went and refilled my medications today and instead of my welbutrin i recieved Budeprion XL. I have several drug guides and cant really find out anything about this particular generic
Also...if it is a generic....it isnt a cheap one. i think the differece is mabe a dollar????
i cant find out anywhere to look about the side effects about this drus,
I also was switched to budeprion xl by my pharmacy. I've been taking it since 12-30-06 and this past week I've had anxiety, mild panic attacks and thinking I'm going to die. I had some Wellbutrin XL 150 left over so I switched back this morning and I've been much better today, not perfect, but better. No more budeprion xl for me, I'll pay the higher copay if I have to.
Well, unfortunately, there IS a difference between generic and name brand drugs, even though your doctors and pharmacists are NOT allowed to tell you that. The FDA does not permit them to acknowledge these differences, they claim it can scare people away from taking needed medications, however, as some of you have experienced, you can clearly tell that in some cases there are difference.
The law in the US allows generic drugs to differ from their name brand counterparts by as much as plus or minus 20% in the ACTIVE ingredient, so thus, if you were taking a 100mg pill of the name brand and then were switched to the generic, you may have only been actually getting an 80mg tablet, which could be ineffective in treating your condition. In other case, you could have been getting a higher milligram pill than you were supposed to, which in some cases could cause increased side effects, and perhaps overdosage.
It is possible, I have had it happen personally, to have pills that differ in the dosage of the active ingredient, all in the same bottle from the same prescription fill.
I originally experienced this problem when we moved and the new pharmacy I had to use had a generic version of Darvocet and I had previously been on the name brand. Sometimes I would take a pill and it would have no effect, other times a tablet would work fine, then again sometimes I could take one and get sick and have a reaction as if I had taken too many.
I was starting to wonder if I was crazy of what, since the docs, pharmacists, and all medical professionals swear up and down that generics are identical to the name brands, but then my husband was prescribed the same thing and when he took his, he had the same problem. Doing some more research online, I began to discover that many people were noticing problems with a lot of the generic medications, so I was wondering what was going, was it just poor quality control at some companies, or something else?
So I started hunting and reading some more information on it, and I discovered the truth, the generic meds DO NOT have to be exactly the same as their name brand counterparts.
They really don't even have to be the exact same ingredient, as long as the company can show the active substance they are using is BioEquivelent to the original active ingredient used. So while this happens rarely, in some cases, you could get something entirely different in your generic med, even though it will be labeled as the same thing and you won't know the difference.
If a medical professional admits this, they can lose their license to practice, like I said, the FDA's reasoning is it will scare too many people away from taking needed meds.
Anyway, for anyone who doubts this, here is an article that contains links to the relevant laws, so there is proof, I am not just ranting and making this up, there is a reason you have had problems and noticed such a difference.
Are Generic Medications the same as their Name Brand Counterparts click here to read!
I had the same thing happen with my birth control when a generic became available. I was taking Desogen and they swore up and down when I asked about the new generic, that is was identical, the only difference would be in the inactive ingredients, that was before I learned what I now know, so I believed them and accepted the generic prescription.
Needless to say, it was awful! Instead of bleeding for one week, I bled all the time, even though I never missed any pills or took them late. I talked to my doctor and she suggested we do the brand medically necessary, I wasn't sure why that should make a difference, but she said maybe there was an inactive ingredient that just disagreed with my body chemistry, so I agreed and went back to the name brand. WOW! Within a week of being back on the name brand, not more problems.
Then later, after more fiascos with generics, I learned the reality of the situation.
I am sure you can all imagine what can happen with that 40% deviation window if a company has poor quality control, that is why Able Labs was shut down last year and they were never able to recover, they had to sell out their proprietary patents, they weren't testing regular to make sure their meds stayed in that 40% window of differential and some drugs were differing in amounts by as much as 75% to 80%, very dangerous.
The active ingredient/generic med in Wellbutrin is called Bupropion, Budeprion is just a trade name used by one of the generic manufacturers. When the drug is available for generic production, the company does not necessarily have to call it by the active ingredient/generic name, they can name it something else if they wish, and that is the case here.
Same med, just their own name for it.
Here's the monograph info on it:
Bupropion Info Click Here
My links will open in an other window, so you can remain at this page, while checking them out at the same time.
On a further note, since this is the same med, that would also explain why you are having trouble finding it listed sometimes under the name Budeprion, the usage information, side effects, and etc. would all be exactly the same as it is for Wellbutrin or the active ingredient Bupropion, so it isn't necessary for them to list it seperately. The name is different, the active substance isn't, so they information doesn't change.
Wow, a friend emailed me this forum after I wrote to her of my symptoms. This most recent refill was generic budeprion xl 300 mg, and its not the same was Wellbutrin xl 300 mg. I have been shaky, ticked off, unable to focus, unable to complete a sentence, etc etc etc. So I called my dr after 2 weeks of this getting worse by the day. My doc take the same med and he was given the generic, had the same symptoms and went back to name brand. So he is cutting me back to half dosage for the next month, until my scheduled 6 month check-up. Now here is the kicker.....doc says there is no generic wellbutrin xl 300 mg! So my doc is calling the pharmacy that filled my meds to find out just what they gave me. Im such a mess right now. Last time I use that pharmacy and take generics. Im ticked offf ,scared, feel like Im falling apart......I hope I get better fast, my birthday is tomorrow
Hmm, not sure where your doctor heard that, but then again, I would imagine it is impossible for them to keep up with all new drugs, especially the generic versions that come out on the market, but there is indeed a sustained release of the 300mgs tablets available.
I am finishing up 3 weeks of WB 150 mg XL and will be starting on Budeprion XL 300 mg within the next few days. I googled Budeprion and found this website. After reading some of the testimonials on here, I am worried that the new medication will do more harm than good. I am very interested in people's responses to taking Budeprion XL 300 mg; both positive and negative experiences.
I am taking budeprion xl and it seems that it does not do anything for me. Will like to hear some comments about this medication.
I am having unusual symptoms after switching from 300mg Wellbutrin XL to 300mg Budeprion XL. I have been taking the generic for approx 60 days and after this time can say with certainty, there is something wrong with this generic. My face and neck have a painful rash with red blisters. I am tired and have severe headaches. I have started to withdraw again. I am calling my doctor today!
Well first of all the inactive ingredients do not need to be identical at all to the name brands, they are allowed to be entirely different, which can affect how it works for you and your reactions to it.
Also as I stated in my post above, the generics are allowed to differ in the name brand by as much as plus or minus 20% of the total dosage, so that can definitely affect you.
I would recommend asking your doctor to put name brand necessary on your prescription or calling around to various pharmacies to find a different generic that you can try.
I also experienced changes when I switched to generic buproprion. They were most noticeable the day I officially switch...then that entire month I was just off. I felt lost and displaced...I was shaky, had hand tremors, felt like I was getting tunnel vision sometimes, I would feel panicky in the afternoons. With the second refil, though, my symptoms subsided. However, the good news, is that for me this generic seems to be working better than the brand Wellbutrin. But that's just my experience. I was always slightly agitated while on Wellbutrin, and now I feel more euphoric and not as easy to anger...In fact, nothing phases me...I never get my feathers ruffled. So there definitely IS a difference, it's just that in my case it happens to be an improvement...so I will stick with the generic Budeprion.
I've taken every antidepressant and every anti anxitety drug on the market. The budeprion was by far the WORST. by the end of the 1st bottle, I was having shortness of breath, chest was tight, very earily ruffled, flet like I was going to melt down.
I also Have been taking Welbutrin XL and was just changed Budeprion XL
damn, you guys are scaring the crap out of me! i just started taking budeprion. i was supposed to start on wellbutrin but the pharmacy told me that cmsp doesn't cover it. so far i can feel a slight difference for the better. i am getting the typical side effects but they are the same as when i took wellbutrin 5 years ago for a short time. i can't stand these lobbyists that pay congress members to have the government lay off on these medicine laws. generics should be the same as brand name when it comes to the active ingrediant, not just 80% but 100%!
I don't want to say I'm glad anyone is having trouble with this generic, but I am glad to know that we may be able to correct our problems by switching back. My husband has been on welbutrin xl for at least a couple of years and was switched last month to budeprion, and it's all I can do not to pack up and move out. He is a complete Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde... the monster seems to come out each night about dark. He's moody, easily agitated, and he has yelled at me for the first time since I met him. I'm worried for him, but now I hope we can talkto his doc and get this resolved.
I just saw my psychiatrist today and ask him if there were a difference in wellbutrin and the generic. He said yes....the generic is not as smooth...and it has a tendancy to cause headaches because of that. Hey I got that from the horses mouth.....
I have also had mood swings that are out of control. I am switching back to Wellbutrin XL asap. I have also gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks.Anyone else have weight gain problems. I gained 25 lbs on Lexapro so switched have losted about 14 lbs but slowly gain it back I think it is the generic pills doing it Have had mean headaches.
I too have switched to the generic budeprionXl 300mg. It's only been 3 days, but am feeling different, moody, more emotional, and quick to snap. Is this possible only after 3 days?
Most Recent Replies:
i just starting taking bupropion hcl XL 300mg ((Started on 150 mg and was fine)) ive been on it for a little over a month ans i HATE it!! Ive been on everything for my depression but most gave me tremors.. anyways this bupropion makes me feel angry, i cant eat, all i want to do is sleep and gives me dry mouth like CRAZY! when i first started it i wieghed 110 lbs. (( Im a small woman,only 5 foot)) and now im 97lbs i lokk sickly and feel it too!!
I was switched from Wellbutrin to Bedeprion and it was awful, did not figure out it was the drug until I was put through several heart tests. I had a racing heart, feelings of uneasiness, anxiety, insomnia etc. The doctor said it was stress, which I know it was not. They wanted to run heart tests just to make sure and I ended up spending a few hundred dollars for the tests. I finally self diagnosed by reading up on the drug and bingo the side effects matched exactly! I immediately stopped taking it and have been fine since, no heart paplpitations etc.
I do not recoomend this drug in anyway. Wellbutrin worked great for me.
I am starting to take Budeprion for the first time. I have never been on any other medications. im not switching. Just starting. Is anyone else in the same boat? I'm trying to relieve my anxiety, not make it worse. What are the side effects? I mean I read the website that someone posted, but i found seizures, which i was assured would not happen and then nausea? Does this happen everyday? Am i going to feel nauseous for two weeks until it kicks in? Just worried. Curious. My psych wasnt the most pleasant today and I wanted to get the hell out of there.
I was on Budeprion and seemed to do well. Without notice, I was switched to Bupropion, and told, when asked, that it was the same thing. I also take 10 mg Lexipro at night. Now that I've read other comments, I can see why I was inexplainably more depressed and often on the verge of tears! The Bupropion wasn't working for me. When I moved to another state, the insurance I switched to paid for Budiprion, and I felt better. I have changed doctors, and she has perscribed Welbutrin, which is being paid for. If they will pay, and it works, I'm not saying anything!
Started with Budeprion and have never taken Wellbutrin. I don't feel any better and I'm easily agitated. Feel tired throughout the day and have had sinus problems since I started the medicine.
I am disabled and have SSI/Medicare and all that - they WILL NOT cover Wellbutrin anymore. I wanted to try it because it's one of the very few anti-depressants I've not yet tried. My favorite was Lexapro, but my ins. will only pay for 20mgs per day per month and my therapeutic dose is 30mgs/day. I'd have to buy the other 10 pills for like 50$ or more out of pocket (which are empty except for lint) so I'm forced to take what I can get. THAT is sad esp. when I REALLY need the help from a decent med.
I've been on it for about 4 days now and I find myself irritable and snappy and mean - but this could just be my PMDD. :( I'll write again after mother nature stops by and all this typical monthly behavior has passed. (sorry to the gents who have read - I tried to phrase it as gently and quietly as I could :-/ )
Budeprion XL 300mg has had several problems and consumer complaints. There is a class action lawsuit about it: www.budeprionxlclaims.com
I have asthma and it got so bad after I started buproprion. I kept trying to tell my health care provider that it had to do with the buproprion but she didnt believe it. After reading the posts here Im glad to hear that it wasnt in my head. I started seeing a new Dr and he has me on a little mix of things which has really worked for me but when I just picked up my new prescription the pharmacy gave me budeprion,im hoping there is no change because it has taken me years to find something that has helped my depression.
I've never been on Wellbutrin. I went straight to Budeprion XL 300mg (made by Teva). It was ok but after talking with my psychiatrist, she added Fluoxetine 20mg (made by Sandoz). Things had been going pretty well for me. Not flying off the handle at any little thing, really starting to enjoy life and my kids. Yes, there are typical life problems but I can deal with them calmly and rationally. I was even slowly losing a little weight and able to manage my appetite. My latest refill was with a different generic. My budeprion by Teva was replaced with Bupropn HCL 300mg XL (made by Watson). I thought ok, what's one generic versus another generic? Well, they're not the same. I was getting a little edgy, sleeping more but feeling less rested, easy to set off and slowly gaining weight. I first blamed it on the stress of the holidays (xmas and new year). Then I received an alert from a Wellbutrin blog and it hit me! The Watson generic wasn't working for me like the Teva generic was. The Target I go to switched brands so now I have to find a place that stocks the Teva generic. If I can't, maybe I'll check out the brand name Wellbutrin. I might have to spend more money but the welfare and safety of my kids/family will be worth it. I can't go back to the old days of major depression and hope that Wellbutrin will work for me like it has for so many others. Wish me the best......
My daughter was switched by her pharmacist from Wellbutrin XL 150 to Budeprion XL 150 made by Teva Pharmaceuticals. The pharmacist assured her that the drug was exactly like what she had been taking. Within a few days my daughter became very angry, depressed, and had suicidal thoughts. We immediately switched her back to the brand name drug and haven't had any problems since. We reported the incident to the FDA. Within about three months, the Teva Pharmaceuticals company called me to ask me a few questions. They said the FDA had referred the complaint to them. I had saved the bottle of pills and told them I would make it available to them for testing. Several months later, a letter came from Teva stating that they had concluded their investigation, that a return sample was not available and therefore could not be examined. Based upon their investigation, they could find no cause for the lack of effect. They cc'd the FDA. I called the Teva representative, leaving them a message that their letter was not accurate because I still have the pills and am willing to send them for testing. No one returned my call. I then wrote a letter to the FDA stating that I had the pills available for testing and that theTeva letter contained an inaccurate statement. It has been 8 months and I have not received any response from the FDA. I guess no one cares that this generic version of this drug does not work.
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