Blue Vs Green Clonazepam... Plz Help Me To Know The Better Of The Two? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hello all, I usually am given the GREEN #98 833 1mg clonazepam, but when I filled px today, she gave me the BLUE v2531 1mg clonazepam. Could someone please let me know which are known to be better?


107 Replies (6 Pages)

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I got the blue ones today, looks like they are Qualitest. I have taken Teva 1 mg for many years and work well with my anxiety and bipolar disease. I haven't tried the Qualitest yet, think that I took them before. Years ago, I remember you could get the brand you want. Today, you have to take the brand the pharmacy gives you.

Maybe they will go back to Teva, next month.

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Re: Sara (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

There's no difference between the two nor one stronger then the other. i was on methadone for 15 years an they decided to switch to methadose. And the only difference is your metabolites. It might be longer for one to work as opposed to the other working faster but lasting not as long throughout the day. It takes time for body to adjust. So if your looking for a better an faster high go for green. If you want something to last for panic attacks or what not, go with blue

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking the green 1 mg. Teva for 20 years.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I had both and the blue ones are less effective. Blue tabd don't seem to dissolve quickly, and take a couple hours to kick in. When they do kick in, they only work 40%.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I'm receiving Clonazepam 2 milligrams and they are a pale yellow color and now they are round?? They "were' long and had a line down the middle of the tablet.

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

There are .25 mg, .5 mg, 1 mg and 2 mg, but not 4 as you say in the united states.

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Re: Pinky (# 14) Expand Referenced Message


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Call your doctor and tell him/her to RX brand name KLONOPIN.
It is drywall.
I got 0 effect from that new GENERIC company.
Someone else ended up in the ER and their urine had 0 benzo's in it!!!
It was on the news as well.
My primary doctor changed me over in a nanosecond.
Good luck.

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Re: Sara (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I do the same here and it's true that the blues melt faster for sure!

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Re: Steven Pleasant (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Omg. Me as well. Evacuated to Alabama from FL due to hurricane Ian. Had to go to hospital to get refill prescription and they gave me green. They do not work for me. Blue as soon as taken u def tunge they calm me and make me normal. Green make me tired fast heartbeat and are not long lasting.

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Re: mikem (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on 1 mg kpins for 9 years and before that .25- to then .05 xanax but when I went to State for a while I came out and my new dr didn't wanna put me back on xanax, so he started me with 1mg kpins for 2 months. then 2 a day and then 3 within like less than 8 months... and I love them. My mother and sister are prescribed xanax like I was. My sister gets 4 bars a day and my mom gets 4 mgs a day of xanax. My younger sister gets either 30 to 60 mgs of kpin a day. I just like how they don't put me out like xanax always did and lasts longer. I'm just so mad I always get the green 1 mg kpins with TEVA on the front and back says 833. I just opened my script and I see nothing but blue. I've gotten them before but I think Teva is better. I think trying a new one. I feel it more, idk yet, but the blue 1mgs just have a C over a 1 and the back has nothing. I'm trying to see if anyone knows or their opinion of which is better?

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Re: CcRN (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

thats what I feel like qre your green ones tevas and the blue ones C1 's I have had both but the green ones now for like 4 years now I have blue ones out of no where I'm trying to ask what people prefer

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Re: Terry Sanders (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on the green Tevas for 9 years 1 mgs straight I just tonight realized I got the blue ones an honestly I was bs but they are doing the same thing an I also take them under the tongue an they don't have as much of q menthol taste like the green ones do? Idk it they feel better because I haven't taken them in so long but I was so mad at first but I actually really like them rn but like I said it was my first one I had 2 green ones left until I opened my new script up qn I saw all blue I was so mad but I like them

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Actually, you know that generic medications can vary up to 20% in strength from the original, up to 20% stronger or weaker than the name brand.

So one generic could be 20% stronger than the regular while another could be 20% weaker than the regular which would make them drastically different between each other.

But yes the different fillers can also affect people differently and that’s just a personal preference that people have to figure out amongst themselves.

But you know better than to act like every generic medication is almost the same as every other. You know for a fact they can vary in strength up to 20% weaker or stronger than the original name brand.

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Re: Cristina (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

JFC None of what you are complaining about has anything to do with the ACA.
Stop being such a bigot.

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Re: Pinky (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

There are exceptions to every situation. Some people try behavioral therapy and SSRIs, meditation, SSRIs, ect, with no improvement. t that point long term benzodiazepines, especially in low doses, can in fact and should be prescribed.

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Re: CR (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

wrong, different manufactures different inactive ingredients aka fillers. So while the active ingredient may be the same the rest of the what pill is made of is different. And can have an effect on how your body intakes it.

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Re: Steven Pleasant (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Omg. Me as well. I hate the green. I feel like I still have anxiety and they make me sleepy. And heart seems to be faster. The blue as long as I stick to my dose are perfect. I feel normal go about my day without anxiety. I stated in the green at first. Then they change me to the blue been in for five years. Today they gave me the green. I drove back to tell the pharmacy and they said they are out of the blue. I'm calling my Dr in tei days. I'm feeling medicated as I write this and just took the first green one about 40 mins ago. I hate them. I think everyone is different and some may be ok with the feeling but raising two grandkids I have so much to do. Just sharing.

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Re: Vampgirl (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

Agree 100%
The green do nothing for me. Nothing.

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Re: Minoguesque (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

1 mg is very common in the US.

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