Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 2)
UpdatedIs narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?
Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?
Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?
Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.
Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.
The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.
While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.
In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.
What will you do?
Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.
I live in Pennsylvania and I have had the same pain management doctor for approximately 15 years and he has used the same things that your doctors use. I had to sign a contract to begin seeing him, have to use the same pharmacy unless there is an issue and still I have to call and notify him of the problem before going to a new pharmacy. He is a good pain management doctor who doesn't just hand out narcotics left and right. For years quite a few people that I knew in passing would complain about their doctor and it turned out to be my doctor but in each case he was doing his job and doing it well. He isn't a doctor to be liked, he is there to make sure everyone gets the meds they need and offers other solutions such as the stimulator that they put in your back, shots and surgery so he is definitely NOT a pill mill. I will find out how my insurance company deals with me and a med that I have been on for at least 7 or 8 years. I am a little nervous but know that he will have my back and makes sure that I have the medicine that I need. It's the pharmaceutical companies pushing all this nonsense on people who take medication as prescribed and without it will lose quality of life among a lot of other things. I will check back again tomorrow to let everyone know how I make out at the pharmacy. Hang in there everyone, we are the genuine people who have a pain management doctor and have had one for years.
This is horrible. There have been many people sign against the government DEA's grip on meds. I've been suffering bad since this started. Truth is there had to be more than a few overdoses for them to act in such a way. It's all control. They do like they always do, make you think they're helping while taking full control of all of your freedoms and rights. The people of our country are so blind that they are gonna sit back and allow it to happen. Truth, it's my life. If I want to risk it by taking medications that actually work then, I do believe I should have say so. I would rather be gone than alive while watching my business go under, the repo men taking my vehicles, etc. cigarettes kill slowly. But, the best they can do is put a warning on the pack. Alcohol, same. The difference is the people that run this country love alcohol and tobacco. When they are in life changing pain then something might get done. Our government can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. They take my tax dollars with no problems. Why won't they give me tax breaks because I can't produce as much as I used to, that would equal it out. Shame on me, take tax dollars. Nobody is gonna help cause nobody cares. Just as we all knew, except those that call themselves educated, there is an all time high of illicit drug use due to the fact people can't get the help they need from the places safest to get it. Medication will always be abused. There's nothing they can do about that. They can kill the honest people though. We sit back and hurt to keep from taking part in illegal activities. Shame on them all. The parties that take part in this will never have my support. I will research and find where each politician stands before the next elections. I will stand up and do my part.
Damn right, I live in the UK and we are going through the same problem regarding opiate pain killers, most ppl are lucky if they get an opiode that is as addictive yet but not anywhere as effective. My life isn't about getting up in the morning and being optimistic about how well I am going to do. Instead its about controlling my pain management. I'm about to see my pain doctor and can't wait to see what they say. In the states there was more of an epidemic of pills than the UK regarding opiates as we went through a benzodiazepine problem. People who blame it on drug addicts etc don't know what they're talking about; until you understand someone else's story don't throw stones if you live in a glass house, an addict is an addict. Yes some ppl abuse the system maybe some steal, let's just try and change the system by emailing your senators with petitions with over 10,000 online or offline signatures. It's the ppl who are really in charge, we just need find a way of getting as much publicity as possible. I've heard some horrific stories about rapid medication reduction. I can guarantee it's mainly a financial reason, hence generic meds are taking over extortionate companies. That's why they will do what they can to keep us addicted (controlling the masses) to their drugs. God help the pain doctor if they don't recognize my pain you will hear about it on medschat.
I am one of the honest to goodness debilitating chronic pain sufferers who took my medication directly as prescribed and in accordance with my opioid contract. I live at a level 10 on the pain scale and after 10 years of prescribing narcotics for my severe plan, my doctor pulled it from me with no warning or good reason...except this big pharma cap. I am now off my pain meds for 6 months and am bedridden with 24/7 pain. And my doctor created a fake back story that I was a drug addict to take me off...lie after lie in my medical records to protect her own ass. What a load of scrap! Whatever happened to the Hippocratic oath of first do no harm doctors! We are human beings suffering tremendously and you feel it is your duty to take away the only thing that allows for some quality of life. Last time I checked the US was a free country. Now asking for help with debilitating chronic pain makes you weak and an addict....what a joke. I would like my EX doctor to try and live one week with my pain...she wouldn't make it!
I'm going to write a little more about the Johny Knoxville documentary "The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia" being the catalyst for stopping doctors from prescribing opioids. It was shown on Showtime in 2010 and a yr later it was outlawed from being shown on tv. You can watch parts of it on YouTube or buy it on the internet but it's hard to get. Ask yourself when did this crack down start & it's 2010. This documentary was shown to Congressmen & Senators and they said this has to stop. Headlines stated opioids are a big problem in America which in turn kids heard about this and wanted to try these opioids with deadly results. I'm not saying this 2010 documentary was the only reason but ppl got to see illegal drug abuse on tv in their homes. I'm just making a point but if a Congressman etc get sick or hurt they will get this pain medication as long as they want it. You watch the documentary and you make your own mind up. Ppl will turn to alcohol or street drugs if pain med is stopped and you bet that will be a field day for police & courts. Who wins if this happens? The prison system does because it's big business in my state. Prisons make billions putting ppl in prisons. That's why the Attorney General is wanting this plus putting marijuana smokers in this debacle too. We are going to have prisons outnumbering churches as the biggest money makers. States like mine without a lottery need something to make money on because my state is broke. So this isn't about young ppl dying etc this is about money. What about alcohol, why not outlaw it? Alcohol causes more deaths and broken families as opioids do. If you don't believe me then why would my state outlaw Kratom? This has never been a problem such as car wrecks or overdoses and it's an alternative to opioids so why would it be a problem with it? But doctors are a problem too, prescribing opioids to ppl without a good reason should be jailed along with the abusers. Also don't go from one extreme to another, like giving ppl way too much pain meds to nothing, that's crazy. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure this out. Doctors, use moderation when prescribing opioids and make sure your patients have a MRI etc to make sure they truly need this medication and don't over write opioids and there shouldn't be a problem.
That's the problem, Dee. It doesn't take any effort to take pain medI cation away from us. They don't have to do anything .
I know exactly how you feel. If I had followed my first instinct I would have kept driving to MDA every 3 months. My sweet little Dr asked if I wanted her to try & find me someone closer. I thought that would be great. Well she found me a Nightmare. I told myself to do as always & it should be ok. Well it worked for awhile then all of a sudden he started bringing up things we had talked about in 2016. I would tell him we had already addressed that & he would reply if its not in my notes we didn't talk about it...I went into shock. I said to myself he is calling me a liar without using the word. When I got home I told my husband about it & I think he is going to try & take me off my meds & sure enough when I went for my next 3 month checkup, he came up with something else, he wouldn't even look at me. It's been about 6 weeks & the last 3 days I have been in bed. I feel like my heart is going to stop. 13 yr Cancer Survivor & just like that James D. took my quality of life away for no real reason. I believe in God & I trust he will see me through this & pray the Dr that did this to me & my family never know this pain. God Bless You All!!!
I am truly sorry that we live in a world where there is in truth an opiod addiction, however not all patients are looking for a high, they need the meds daily to control their pain in order to have "quality of life". The situation is this: those people who truly do not need the meds are ruining it for those who do and now because of this epidemic the DEA and other government agencies are closing ranks to get this problem under control. My opinion is that they are going about it ass backwards. They are starting with the patients when they should start with the physicians who prescribed the drugs to begin with. If you listen to the news and other media outlets "we" the patients are abusing our medications and while tragic "we" have to be stopped. The truth and realization is this some people are addicted but those of us with chronic pain, nerve damage, cancer, brain tumors, etc are the ones being targeted. What will end up happening is pain clinics across America will take patients who have been on stablize drug therapy and reduce their meds to quickly which can cause a host of other medical reactions like a domino effect., i.e, heart attacks, strokes, organ failures and damage. The power to be's really don't care just as long as they meet their quota. We must pray diligently that doctors will be willing to stand up and stand alone in that "they" have the medical degree and "they" know which of their patients is and is not in need of drug therapy. The power of pray as a community can go far in healing.
Re: Dee (# 20)
Real drug dealers on the street shoot back. Its easier and safer for them to go after law abiding citizens to make it look like they are doing something when in actuality they just make it worse for everyone pushing real patients into the black market receiving unsafe drugs, causing even more od's and the horse drugs used in black market are not equal to fda opioids, but like I said those drug dealers shoot back.
Re: Willette (# 27)
I am terribly sorry that this big "Opioid Epidemic" mess has affected you. As a pain sufferer of over 20 years, I can only imagine what you are going through. As my bf recently said, if they take people's meds that they have been taking for years, people will go to the streets to find something to ease their pain and that is the worst thing that could happen. Please take it easy on yourself and watch out for any effects on your heart. If you feel your heart acting differently please go to the ER to get checked out. We can't just sit in silence going through withdrawal and by going to the ER there will at the very least be documentation that you are/were suffering greatly and that the withdrawal method they are using is not by any means safe. I hope you feel better real soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
The problem seems to rest only on the people that want these medications so they can get a 'high'. I have no idea how much that would be. The word 'pain' in itself a loaded word and using it only causes more. We should be talking about discomfort and extreme discomfort and it will help our brains. Those are not the only drugs being targeted because many psychiatric drugs for Clinical Depression and Anxiety are also becoming more and more difficult to buy because addicts have found a way to use them too go feel 'high' or come off of methamphetamine or coke, die....if you will, Michael Jackson. If our collective governments could find those people that abuse any drug, then we should all be free. On TV news I saw recently some 'stuff' coming in from China and the workers had to wear hazmat suits to inspect and destroy it. It was supposedly some type of opiate that is not real, just chemicals and just a touch on the skin would cause death. It's not Big Pharma's fault nor our governments' fault. It is the fault of the abusers who eventually die one way or another. Alcohol is generally slower as it ruins the liver and then one dies, that is, if one is not drinking and driving and then all can be dead in an instant. Hopefully, our Docs will stick with us through the thick and the thin. Apparently, the government in the US believes that marijuana is a gateway drug for more powerful drugs. I definitely am not seeing that happen in the States where it is legal for medical use. They have changed it so much that it does not have the strange side effects it once had and only relieves the 'discomfort' people are having. Hopefully, someday it will be available for all. Be well~
I'm a long term chronic pain patient as well and experienced the 'taper' and massive reductions and resulting agony and lessening of life. The news station 'lasvegasnow' is starting an investigation and asking for chronic pain patients stories and input.
As for me, (Retired Anesthesiologist) , I'm just sitting back waiting for the best 'patient torture event'' opportunity to drag a mal-practioner into court ...
My revulsion at this state of affairs began when I sustained a " Five (5!) contiguous rib fractures - a med emergency" and refused ICU care , feeling that an infection there would be very risky. My 'rarely-attending Attending ?Physician announced to me that he "only gave narcotics to a patient dying of cancer "......
Yeah, that was a quote ...
I contained my vomit-reflex .. perhaps I should not have ....
Re: Tobin (# 33)
Well, I am a 2 time Cancer Survivor by the grace of God! Throat cancer & lung cancer. Was told by my Dr at MDA I would probably be on pain meds the rest of my life due to all the damage the radiation had did. Still ended up having my voice box removed because after 6 weeks of radiation I still felt pain the same as before I started radiation but the Dr told me it was the radiation but my gut told me it was the cancer so I stop going for the treatments & went back to the Dr that sent me in the first place. I had to beg & cry for him to do another biopsy, well they did one & said the cancer had jumped down a fraction.... In reality, I feel they missed it from the start!!! So I had had so much radiation they had to remove my voice box. Now I have a hole in my neck where I breathe to survive. The surgeon told me they had to remove so much burned tissue & the right side of my thyroid. My neck hurt every day all day. I really think I messed up when I left MDA too move closer to home. The first day I meet the new Dr something deep inside me told me to "Leave Now", but I didn't listen too that inner voice. Now the last couple of months I have been in so much pain. Don't like going to the ER or looking for new Dr's. I am lost, in so much pain can't think rt & stay pretty much in the bed all day. I have a family & grandkids I can't give a mother or granny attention they deserve. I pray all day!!!! This Dr just hit me out of no where, he wouldn't even look at me. Had given me orders to have an MRI of my neck & upper chest, the radiologist needed to call him for something he wasn't sure about & he did not even honor that. Went to my Heart Dr last week, he said I have some blockage so I am having an Ultra sound 9-5-17 to see how much. Scard too death!!!
Hi David, I think you put up a great post and very truthful. Though I'm not sure it's really the big pharma companies that want to do away with pain meds because it seems they would stand to lose a lot of money...just from my viewpoint. If you know more about it please let me know. But I have a link here from the American Pain Foundation and the leader from what I remember is a congress woman who has to lay down because of her pain during sessions. I can't find that link but this link has some of her background working with the governor of Massachusetts. Her name is Cindy Steinberg and I think there is a petition you can sign somewhere in there if you desire.
This next link is The American Chronic Pain Association and there are plenty of supportive things on their site that may interest you ( I think you are right. We all have to stick together.
Re: Peanutsmom07 (# 30)
Than You so much for your well wishes. As a matter of fact my heart have been acting a little crazy. I am having a Ultra Sound tomorrow. My Heart Dr said he wants to see how much blockage is in my rt Artery, same side the cancer was on.
I have never been one for the ER,they look at you like you are just looking for drugs. I just want this pain to go away. I want too get up & live life!!! I don't think 25-30 days is long enough time too wein someone off something they have been on for over 10 years. Sorry so long winded. Be Blessed!
Re: Poodle (# 31)
Government intervention. Just a reminder. These are the very same congressmen, ATF agents, DEA Agents and other "government" entities that condone, protect, and prosper from RJR, Phillip Morris, Koch Brothers and others. Tobacco, a legal product that they won't dare classify as a drug that killed over 480,000 Americans last year.
Of course, they conveniently classify cigarettes as a Freedom of Choice. A product, when used as directed, kills its users.
Compare the 480,000 with the 16,000 drunk driving deaths, the 14,000 prescription deaths and another approx. 20,000 illegal drug deaths and you should quickly come to the conclusion that all these agencies I just named cannot count; and their souls have been purchased by RJR, etc.
Re: Tobin (# 33)
He does not deserve to be a doctor. Please at least file a complaint against him with the state. Quote his statement. Then get online locally and post your complaint
Maybe if enough people don't allow him to diagnose them, he will get the hint.
He is likely what we guardians call a God Doctor.
The only difference between him and God is that he is here on earth.
It was my privilege to fire a couple of these arrogant fakes.
Re: Pamela (# 28)
I agree with you, Pamela. You sound like a very intelligent and compassionate person. It should be the doctors decision as to whether a patient does or does not need pain medication. I don't know what the real reason behind this pain medication control is but I agree that the powers that be has an agenda and it isn't beneficial to those with chronic pain. You are so right about prayer and I, for one am going to do just that. We should all have faith in the LORD. He knows who is really hurting. God bless you and all who suffer.
We don't have a problem with oxycontin in the UK. But we have a chronic problem with pregabalin which is for nerve pain, epilepsy and anxiety. I have to take the max dose of 600ml, Dihydrocodeine, and 80ml of methadone from a different clinic and believe me methadone is strong especially with my pregabalin but I am still not always free of my Fibromyalgia pain. I've mainly got it in my back but ppl with Fibromyalgia know that you can get it anywhere and I also have sore skin all over my body and if I itch myself it's pain time. I wish I or we in the UK, in general, would be prescribed oxycontin or oxycodone instead of how much I have to take. I can't wait to see my pain doctor and see if I can get an alternative to what I'm on. If you want to see how bad pregabalin is, go on youtube and see what it's doing to the UK, especially Northern Ireland. The withdrawal is like nothing I've ever known and I've known what it's like getting off opiates and benzodiazepines. Basically I'm in a world of s*** and what's going through my head isn't all roses. There might be an ocean between us but we have the same similar problems and bad endings. I wonder why they get paid so much for WHAT and how could you see someone in pain and say it's not up to me? I can just get you addicted. One day I'm going to snap and someone's going to pay. That's how I feel. When I'm in pain I can't lie down or sit up as I'm profusely perspiring. I can't think, I can't even talk sometimes. Anyway, I hope things improve for you guys out there. I live in my bedroom in the dark hoping my pain isn't as bad. Sorry for boring you folks, only you ppl understand.
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