Big Pharma's Lockdown On Legitimate Chronic Pain Patients (Page 10)


Is narcotic pain medicine becoming a thing of the past?

Why are doctors across America phasing out the practice of prescribing effective pain medication?

Will big pharmaceutical companies ever truly understand what it's like to face the other side of the coin?

Lately there's been a musty scent in the air surrounding the use of prescribed narcotic pain medication. Many doctors appear to be running scared as the DEA scours through fields of medical records, inspecting prescribing pads like a mouse scavenges for food in a dimly lit cellar.

Should the day come when doctors recommend Ibuprofen to a feeble man who's been involved in a terrible car accident (breaking several bones / requiring extensive surgery), is this doctor at risk of malpractice when there are more effective options available that they choose not to pick, out of fear? Fear of what? Doing the right thing? No, I don't think this is the reason... Somewhere along the line, in the not too distant past, doctors were loosely prescribing narcotic pain medication as if it would never go out of style. Nowadays, the harsh penalty of potentially losing their license for writing any unknown number of opiate prescriptions over so many calendar days or some other form of strict criteria, has been enough to prevent many physicians from taking even subtle "risks" with patients who are expressing obvious signs of pain and discomfort.

The unfortunately unique problem with pain is that it's not a physical object and in order for others to detect it, they'd have to rely solely on the backbone of our body language using their intuition - something that's gone missing in western practice. If more doctors took the time and really got to know their patients front to back, then they will be their own best judge of deciding what the right thing to do is, regardless of what the DEA thinks about their decision or what their drug representative wants out of the deal. Sadly, until patients are put before profits, the foundation of America's healthcare system remains in jeopardy like an iceberg affected by global warming.

While I believe that the vast majority of human beings in their right mind would choose to do the right thing, we must all work together to become the change we wish to see within every aspect of our lives; and knowing that by doing so, it will shine light on those crossing our path that need it most.

In the meantime, some patients may have to find another way to manage their pain without putting their life or health at risk. Others are turning to natural alternatives such as kratom, cannabis, turmeric and/or implementing various lifestyle changes into their daily regime... But the key is to never give up hope.

What will you do?

Warm regards to all who face life's challenges head on.

1547 Replies (78 Pages)

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Re: Poohsy (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

Please post a link to the Ohio Law that says a doctor cannot prescribe a Schedule II medication.

Some doctors tell their patients new laws prevent them from prescribing Schedule II meds. In reality, there are no new laws preventing doctors from prescribing these meds.

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BL (# 180) --

There is a huge difference between not willing and not able! I live in Ohio and my pain management doctor has personally decided to stop prescribing Schedule 2 narcotics because Ohio law has made it impossible for a one physician practice to adhere to all the “guidelines”. I am very upset, as this doctor actually cared about her individual patients! Unfortunately the practice I was referred to cares only about doing the all the injections and physical therapy that insurance will pay for, which I have been through many times without improvement over the last 15 years. They only treat pain, NARCOTICS, where she treated the whole person even if that meant muscle relaxants, antidepressants etc. Plus they have reduced even those to a level that is barely enough to keep me functioning, let alone without considerable pain. God bless all those who are victims of this “Opioid Epidemic” that are not at fault!??

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BL (# 180) --

Finally got an actual human being (using term vvveeerrryyy loosely) from Attorney General office on the phone today here in Massachusetts. They passed the buck for me to contact yet another entity, at least got a phone # for that one. No word back from Senator Elizabeth Warren's office, from a message left last Friday. Posted another to this site last week, haven't seen it yet. I'll change the wording a little, just want to share my misery with someone other than my wife. Had my most recent procedure on the 10th of last month. Between surgeon, my primary care, and my dear sweet condescending "pain specialist". Pain specialist being the term for one causing more pain mentally as well as physically. The problem with emails are that nobody can hear the actual misery in a person's demeanor. Turns out there is an actual bill being created here, political rep from another county of course, to address the pain management issue.

Oh, before I forget, the AG office asked if I wanted to file a complaint against my doctors. Yeah, good one, like I'm not screwed enough having to depend on these hypocritical docs without fear of retaliation when they get word of me trying something like that. I've got revision surgery coming up next month to "fix" my titanium implant in what's left of my shoulder. Next one, after recovery from this, is getting my other shoulder repaired because of the "guarding" of my messed up right one. Bonus though, I can screw in a lightbulb left handed now.
I was a carpenter since starting out on side jobs when my dad was laid off from no union work, since the age of 12. Yeah 12, back in the 70's he got away with it. I'm 1st generation American. My parents gave me a work ethic. I still love to work with my hands when I'm able to and chores are light enough. I also used to work on cars, a hobby when growing up, and helping out friends with their autos. Yeah, a bike wreck was my fault. I had successfully recovered from previous injuries, without abusing my meds by the way. I feel like a pathetic excuse for a HUSBAND and FATHER for not being able to provide a better life for them.

Anyway... As I am right handed I can only post so much at a time due to discomfort. I've done a lot of research on the chronic pain issue over the past few years and could go on for quite awhile with statistics. My best to the rest of you out there.

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BL (# 180) --

You can google it ..... i am from ohio and moved for warmer climate but ohio did change law about 2 years ago er can only do either 2-3 days a non pain management doctor can only do a week to 10 days with out filing a bunch of paperwork ... its not that they cant it is that they have so many hoops to jump thru that it is too time consuming and not worth that trouble

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Claude (# 181) --

Speaking of the level under which my insurance made the decision too change my pain meds from a level 2 too a level 3 last year. The level 2 started off costing me 6 $, along with my ins. Upon time for renewal for 2017 it went from 9 dollars too 40 dollars & they gave me some junk that would last maybe 2 hours. It is a mess on how they can do the things they do & get away with it. I wished a million times I would have stayed at MDA,all my troubles started when I got tired of driving 2- 2 1/2hrs & was offered too see a Dr closer to my home. The worst mistake I have made yet! Its more too it butI just get so emotional when I replay the worst choice yet.

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BL (# 180) --

my apologies in Springfield they will not or choose not to.

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Red (# 183) --

Do you have muscular dystrophy? My husband has Becker muscular dystrophy and takes pain meds

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Re: Maria (# 187) Expand Referenced Message

No I am a 2 time Cancer survivor. The radiation to my neck did so much damage until my neck is hard as a brick. They did over 33 treatments before I stopped going because the pain wasn't going away. I begged them too do another biopsy just too find out they had missed the cancer altogether so they sent me too Houston too have a total removal of my Voice Box! I had no choice because the radiation they did had done so much damage,& after the 13 plus hour surgery they tell me they had too remove much more tissue than they thought they would have to. How much tissue do we have in the neck area without anything being done? I was left in pretty bad shape. I just Thank God each morning for another day. This is a never ending story but I will stop here!

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Poohsy, Roro, Really agitated right shoulder Oxycontin guy, Claude,

You can't go by what the media reports new laws say. And as I mentioned in my previous reply, some doctors aren't honest with their patients. It is always best to look up new laws and read them for yourself. I posted a link below to the only thing I could find regarding opioid limits under Ohio Laws.

Insurance companies use Prior Authorization paperwork as a way to deter doctors from prescribing some medications. So the paperwork can't always be blamed on the government.

Really agitated right shoulder Oxycontin guy, there are many ways a man can provide for his family. The things that have the most impact and influence cannot be bought. Don't put yourself down.

I also have problems typing due to problems with my hands. I can talk much longer than I can type. LOL.

For Prescribers - New Limits on Prescription Opioids for Acute Pain

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Re: Red (# 188) Expand Referenced Message

I just got a notification on the forum and seen your post ! Gosh I am so sorry you been through so much !! My moma & sisters all had stage 4 mestatic at age 35 and 46 . The radiation has done a number on my Momas heart and stomach plus she's got celiac and some kind of thyroid problem .She tries to keep going and they say that's why I got lupus that I possibly inherited something but I'm still learning about it . Anyways you are a fighter !!! And I . hope you and the others have a wonderful " pain free " Thanksgiving!!

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Ktb (# 189) --

Thank You for your concern,sometimes I feel the radiation is worse than the cancer,but deep down I know its not its just a ever changing thing. Yes I have been very blessed & I Thank our Lord Everyday!! I will keep "ALL OF US"in my daily prayers. Happy Thanksgiving too you & your family also!!

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Yes, people will kill themselves when hurting and getting cut off their pain meds. I read today that someone got cut off and said f*** it, left a note, and killed himself. I hope the doc felt good about this...

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Re: BL (# 189) Expand Referenced Message

A couple of parts of that Ohio law you posted would totally crack me up with the hilarity of it, with the exception that it does nothing but seem to put the Esq. name right there on the top for all to see, what a hack, and put even more restrictions on the frustratingly smaller pool of genuinely caring doctors that we have trying to help us chronic pain SUFFERERS. Would he be running for a more prominent position in politics by any chance??
Normally I try & stay away from this topic. We all know because of a small amount of greedy b******ds with medical diplomas on their walls was one of the original factors in the cause of our misfortunes as well as a contributing factor to all the heartache & rage caused to so many families in this country because of the opioid epidemic.

Those families and my fellow apoplectic (needed an alternative adjective for rage, seems to me 4 syllables might focus the "pain management professionals" more on my words than my tattoos). I do get very agitated (yep, another multi syllable word for anger/rage) when some of these docs are not satisfied with your "excuse" (I'm Sorry "REASON") and they ask you "what do you think you should be prescribed?" It's basically the old "bait & switch" maneuver. Then they'll make sure to add that to their notes that you fit into the "drug seeking individual" category. They don't seem to like it too much when we individuals do our own exhaustive research.
Got to stop now. Hitting too many of the wrong keys now & my phone's spell check feature keeps kicking in. My best to the rest of you out there.

Last thing, sorry. Please, those of you out there with as much free time on your hands, as those of not able to work anymore have. Go to your states .gov forward slash hash tag no smiley face clusterbomb website. I'm not one for typing/texting. As ignorant and uncaring as these people seem to be on the phone, some are, persevere. I've come to learn, as hard as it as it is, don't say anything like: I pay taxes so you can get paid to pay your taxes, they don't seem to care for it too much, go figure? Regards.

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Really agitated right shoulder Oxycontin guy who (# 193) --

1 last thing about the Ohio post. The most recent thing is people hurting their own pets to get the "doggie owners & puppy uppers". Old quote, from I forget, y'all know what I mean though. If you check that joke bill you'll notice several of the areas where veterinary clinics are basically exempt. How long till these clowns hear about that one? There was a special recently, think it was hbo. It focused on poor women who died. She had a legitimate health issue when it all started, forgot the exact time period, but after she got to liking them. Enough said. No animal abuse though, just another tale of misery & the agony that her family had to endure. One thing she did near the beginning was the doctor shopping. Husband had no idea about what was going on for quite awhile. A lot more to the story. I'm sure the more tech savvy people that check this site could find it easy enough. She would end up deliberately hurting herself to get more meds. Like I suggest, see if y'all can find it. Much better than me trying to describe it. My view is the family did this so others might avoid this outcome, maybe some closure as well. Just my opinion. Don't want to make assumptions.

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Re: BL (# 189) Expand Referenced Message

Well seeing as i looked it up when it changed and there were hb#s it would appear that the info was correct.

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Re: Tommy (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

This is a recent article from The FDA website. I do not know what to think.

Statement For Immediate Release / October 25, 2017

Remarks from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., as prepared for oral testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Hearing, Federal Efforts to Combat the Opioid Crisis: A Status Update on CARA and Other Initiatives


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Re: MacTurk (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. In Georgia and Alabama, they adopted a 90 mme suggested guideline for prescribing opiate meds.
90 mg. Morphine equivalent or just 90 mme. I've been on 2 meds a long acting and a fast acting and come Jan 01, 2018. All the patients have to lose all but a combined 90 mme. This sucks. Well, I'm sick of playing nice while folks that don't follow the rules go out and get those pills illegally and old then die...I used to be sorry that that happened, but not anymore, I'm just going to look out for me. If morphine worked then those other meds wouldn't be necessary. Then I find a letter to a CDC doc that has a man asking about this ban on pain meds, and the CDC told this gentleman that it's only a guideline and it doesn't restrict your doctor from writing your meds, it doesn't remove his professional opinion and is not a restriction.

Then I find another tid bit from the CDC saying from 90 to 200 mme and it's a doctor's prerogative to use his sole discretion in writing the rx. On a continued ongoing basis. Also, ask your physician about this GRADE system that is totally confusing. I read it until contradictions led me to believe that was put there to confuse any layman that reads it, and doctors know not to waste their time. So what is my post about? I've read page after page of horse s*** and I can't make heads nor tails of this. In the rest of the country a doc can write a 5 day supply and within 4 days of filling the original RX, pt's can just call their doc and don't even need to go into the office and the doc can call in the balance of the 30 day supply. Good luck everyone.

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Re: Tommy (# 197) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I live in Georgia and I hear so many say different things too but I will say it's the DEA that's running the drs because I couldn't take hydro or oxycodone and basically I could only tolerate morphine which isn't good at all in long-term pain and I had no more than 60 mg and now it's 45mg, which helps on bad days and the other stuff made me feel terrible (dilaudid) so I couldn't take that and they changed the tramadol which mostly helped me with energy and mood. My dr says he can only give one opiate now. It's really crazy! I sign all petitions and call everyone that's needed because I feel this goes further whether one takes opioids or not. It's against our rights and so many were lied to! There's not a true opioid crisis! It's an illicit drug and government crisis! Anyone with common sense knows you can get addicted or overdose on ANYTHING! I don't like this at all and I hate it so bad that some families have had overdoses but that's not to do with pain patients. It's other factors. I had two cousins, ages 28 and 24 die 1 year apart. My uncle's only boys. Good home, good jobs, bad choices! Both overdosed, but alcohol and other stuff was found. It wasn't high levels of anything chronic pain patients take, it was other stuff. Yes, I'm saddened and they weren't poor either. They were both healthy middle class men. I've never told this on a forum but I felt I needed too. The government is going about this wrong and they can gather up all pain medicine and that's not stopping people from choices they make. My uncle doesn't blame opiates and he absolutely hates the commercials. It's illicit drugs and lack of common sense killing people!

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Re: Tommy (# 197) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor told me that what the CDC put out is just a guideline but if doctors don’t follow it and a patient of theirs overdoses then the doctors can still be held responsible so doctors are too afraid to prescribe them

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Re: Sam (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

It’s means they don’t give a damn about chronic pain patients that need these meds, they only care about people that are overdosing and are addicted. And so they think that any and all pain meds are bad and anyone on them are addicts and at risk and who gives a flying f*** about those people needing the meds. No one wants to speak for them!

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