Benzodiazpine Withdrawals (Page 3)
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I do want to warn everyone that is taking Benzodiazepines. Xanax, Clonazepam, Klonipin, Ativan, Valium, etc.. THIS IS A PSYCHOTIC DRUG! ONLY TO BE USED FOR 2-4 WEEKS. I was put on them for yrs. I had terrible anxiety... the more anxiety I had, the more the doctor was upping my dose! It was the Clonazepam causing it. I went to a detox, they cold turkey'd me ~ TAPER SLOWLY. You will have the worst withdrawals and they are not like an opioid withdrawal! it takes weeks to over a year to go through the withdrawals. Trust Me I was a victim of such. READ UP ON THEM. See sites like then join a benzo group. They should be treated like an opioid. They can be worse than them.

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Re: Gigi (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

They are a Benzo. is listed as a psychotic medication,

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These are NOT Psychotic medications, these are anti anxiety medications! Anti Psychotics include such as: Thorazine, Haldol, Mellaril, ect... totally different.

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Been taking them for 20 years. 1 mg Xanax to sleep. I have nothing but good things to say about it. I’m also older and some people can’t handle it in today’s world. People freak out if it’s prescribed to them today because today doctors take you off everything once you get use to it. It’s sad. Years ago nobody cared because it wasn’t a problem. As for me I can never go off them and I’m just fine with that. Best of luck.

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They are treated like an opioid these days.
Read EVERYTHING the pharmacy gives you with the meds. None of what you wrote is hidden information . . . you should report your doctor for not properly tapering you off them. Benzo withdraws can kill you.
That being said, I have had a prescription for them since 1998 & only experienced slight withdrawals from switching types once. I take them as needed, which isn’t regularly.
Antidepressants and allergy medication and many meds will cause withdrawals when you stop taking them suddenly.

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