Benzodiazpine Withdrawals (Page 2)
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I do want to warn everyone that is taking Benzodiazepines. Xanax, Clonazepam, Klonipin, Ativan, Valium, etc.. THIS IS A PSYCHOTIC DRUG! ONLY TO BE USED FOR 2-4 WEEKS. I was put on them for yrs. I had terrible anxiety... the more anxiety I had, the more the doctor was upping my dose! It was the Clonazepam causing it. I went to a detox, they cold turkey'd me ~ TAPER SLOWLY. You will have the worst withdrawals and they are not like an opioid withdrawal! it takes weeks to over a year to go through the withdrawals. Trust Me I was a victim of such. READ UP ON THEM. See sites like then join a benzo group. They should be treated like an opioid. They can be worse than them.

44 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: BuffaloBill (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Gosh so you know how horrid these drugs are. It took me 18 months of the most horrific unrecognizable symptoms one could ever go through. Yes some ppl do commit suicide Thank God you did not go there. I only knew what happened to me when I joined FB 2 yrs ago. My Doctors had no clue what was going on with me. I fired my psych doctor as soon as I knew what the Hell he did to me. I begged him to get me off of this stuff, thus, went to a detox, only to find out later, they have no clue how to safely take one off. They treat it like an opioid withdrawal, which is so not what we go through. Thank you for your testimony.

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Re: Bella (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

So true I'm a baby boomer, we new what we wanted and usually enjoyed it,I'm old enough to be my drs granfather he thinks he can play god with my pain ,yet if it wasn't for computers he would be lost , sometimes I wonder if he knows anything about pain relief..thanks

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Re: Gigi (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I went to detox. They do not know how to deal with benzo withdrawals, they in fact rapidly withdraw you, thus cold turkey you, and send you on your way. Benzo withdrawals are by NO MEANS the SAME as opioid withdrawal. For over a yr. I had symptoms the doctors could not even relate to. They are not schooled in benzo withdrawals. Thus, neither are detox centers. I am glad you were able to stop without problems, but for those who have fatigue, anxiety, night sweats, tinnitus, suicidal thoughts, insomnia that won't go away for months, and I can list so many more that happen within a month of getting cold turkey'd off of benzos. Heightened anx. is one of many symptoms, yet the doctor feeds them more of what is causing the anxiety to begin with. Over 5,000 ppl that I know of are so ill, that some, like Chris Connell take their lives. Stevie Nicks, suffered for over 3 years when she got off. Read her story. Thank you.

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Re: Lydia J (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

You go ahead and think whatever, do what is good for YOU, and BY ALL MEANS; Do NOT JUDGE anyone else for what they need to do for them... I took Klonopin for years ( daily) , and then stopped- I did NOT have any withdrawals ( shocked but true) - now if it would have Xanax or Valium I'd have had to go to detox.

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Re: Bella (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks Bella... We and I include myself when saying this are quick to judge medication often labelling one bad without exception...... Its about using your medication responsibly and doing your homework by researching all medications pros and cons along with honest conversation with the doctor. In this case I see no harm for you taking 1mg Xanax at bedtime you are obviously following your doctor's orders and know what works for you.....thanks again.??

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Re: Bella (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Lydia sounds like her Anxiety issues have not been resolved. It shows how she keeps repeating herself in this forum. Anyway doctors including mine in the 90's & 2000 prescribed Benzo's with Anti-Depressants to help take the edge off getting used to the Anti-Depressant over the 6-8 week adjustment period. This means I was on Klonopin .5 - 1mg. for more than 8 weeks. not being told then that it could become addictive. He even told me when I asked, "Are these addictive?" "No" he said, "You're on a very low dose".15 years later I tried to get off Klonopin & ended up suicidal and admitted to rehab. I felt I was on my way only to give in to going back on Benzo's & Anti-Depressants. It stabilized me for the last 2 years & am now living a normal life at age 65. Had I known back then I would become addicted, I would have looked for alternatives. Too late now. Those few months of withdrawal were horrible & I never want to go through it again. Again everyone is different. Some will have no problem getting off Benzo's. I wish the doctors would have been more responsible back then.

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Re: Bella (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks Bella... We and I include myself when saying this are quick to judge medication often labelling one bad without exception...... Its about using your medication responsibly and doing your homework by researching all medications pros and cons along with honest conversation with the doctor. In this case I see no harm for you taking 1mg Xanax at bedtime you are obviously following your doctor's orders and know what works for you.....thanks again.??

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Re: Lydia (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t need to Google anything I am comfortable. I’m good. I don’t care. Why does this bother you so much? IDGAF. CNN is fake news. And I’m done answering you apparently you’re paranoid and should not be on anything.

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Re: Bella (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I was prescribed them for anxiety. It caused more anxiety. I was cold turkey'd off of them, (didn't matter, tapering to fast is bad as well). I suffered, tinnitus, agoraphobia, night sweats, cold sweats, heightened anxiety, tremors, insomnia, balance problems, derealization, depersonalization, overstimulation, depression, I can go on and on, it lasted 18 months, only 2 windows the whole time. My Dr did all kinds of tests before I found out what was going on.

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Re: Bella (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

sorry you feel that way, google benzodiazepines, just trying to warn you. Also Lisa Ling from This is Life did a big expo on them. Is she Fake too? don't say I didn't warn you Bella

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Re: Lydia (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Having chronic anxiety before I sleep or any other part of the day is why they are prescribed. You don’t know me. I am in my 60’s. I have no worries. Rest of my life I don’t care. It’s people like you that put scare tactics in others that should not comment. Either say how they were to you and that’s that.

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Re: Lydia J (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Not true. You are Fake News just like the CNN you watch.

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Re: Bella (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Did you watch This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN Oct. 6th, 2019? Very good reporting, once you are prescribed them, you cannot get off of them, Its a horrible medication, and its not to be used for sleep. That is off Label scribing

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Re: Bella (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry they are not that controlled. there are so many different fillers that can cause malabsorption.

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Re: Gigi (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

any mind-altering medication that affects your Gaba. I believe is a psychotic medication. There are benzos listed in that group. Most Anxiety can be controlled through different tools, not medication, we have to learn not to pop a pill every time we get anxious.

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Re: House Jr (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

By all accounts, the drug supply in the United States is among the safest and most controlled in the world. But it's under a growing threat from organized and white-collar criminals pushing stolen, out-of-date, adulterated or fake medications. They make their way into pharmacies, nursing homes, hospitals and doctors' offices. At best, they are suspect because they are sold outside of the regulated supply chains. At worst, they may be medically worthless or even toxic.

And don’t insult me by saying I would ever get a drug from the black market. I am a senior and prescribed these pills for years and I have no problem. They creep into pharmacies and hospitals as well. Nobody is safe from anything.

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Re: Bella (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

NO Pharma company is cutting your meds with wood... I can assure you that!! Now, if you buy off the black market... all bets are off.

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Re: Lydia J (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have never missed a day and I’m fine. Never increased nothing. I guess I just do one sometimes 11/2 for bed. I’m senior and had some PTSD in recent years. But because I’m of age over 60, I don’t care it’s part of my life. But I heard something I don’t no is true or not. That Big Pharma is adding filler to them... I heard wood... I s*** you not. Idk.

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Re: Lydia J (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

No they are NOT listed as an anti psychotic, do not know where ya got that info, but you are wrong. Benzo's are not the same as Anti Psychotics. I am 100% positive on this because I went to Nursing School and learned the difference. Maybe you meant it can cause a psychotic episode; not really sure what you mean.

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Re: Bella (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I had taken it, I also am older. So are you writing, that when you do not take your medication, you do not start having withdrawals? Serious withdrawals? I understand we all have withdrawals, but these last for months to years.

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