Bendectin And Birth Defects (Page 4)
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I took this drug in the 1970's while pregnant. Am looking for the side effects to the babies. Drug has been off the market for many years. Not sure on correct spelling. Used for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Thank you for any help you can send me. Sincerely, Dana.

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Hi Saint Biscuit. You can't be a retard because you have not been backward in coming forward. You might like to have a read of the *Dunning-Kruger effect* at your leisure. When you were a kid you may've been a victim of the "Tall Poppy Syndrome", because your giftedness made other kids feel inferior. Some folk just don't recognize genius because they're bereft of even a modicum of nous. One thing I can tell you about genius is that it likes company, believe me! All the very best to you for 2017 & way beyond from Perth, Western Australia...the City of Light.

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Look, just because all of you 'feel' there's a connection doesn't mean you can 'prove' there is one. You might 'feel' it messed up your kid, but then there are hundreds of others who 'feel' it did not mess up their kids and their kids turned out perfectly normal.

I am the son of a mother who popped this Bendectin stuff like candy because she couldn't handle the nausea. On the outside, I look like a completely normal human being yet I am completely warped on the inside. Ever since I was a little kid, other kids have hated me. My friendships and relationships throughout life have all fallen apart when people realize I'm sort of retarded/depressed... whatever. I can pass myself off as human for a while, but then eventually the normal people sniff me out as a retard hiding in the skin of a normal person.

I've never been able to learn or absorb things. I had to guess and cheat just to get through high school. I listen to violently aggressive death metal because its really the only kind of music that makes sense to me. I've given up talking to people. I just work and try to find the occasional good book to disappear into.

Over the past few years, my nerves have deteriorated. It began to hurt watching tv or reading a book. Now I can no longer physically read books or watch tv. So, I spend most of my life just sitting in darkness thinking or listening to audiobooks waiting for cancer or some other salvation to really end me. I wouldn't mind being hated by everyone in the world if I could at least just sit on a couch and whittle the hours watching movies or playing video games but I'm not even granted that one wish.

I'm not sure what love is because people do not love retards like me; they hate them and wish to weed them out of the gene pool. I am just normal enough to realize this. And to know that I got dealt a bad card most likely because of this drug.

But there's what you feel and what you can prove and you can't prove any of this. You just have to suffer. That's your lot in life. With all that I've said here, I've seen plenty of people who have worse lives than I do. So I don't know that I even have a right to sit here and complain.

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i took this drug in the 70s for all 4 of my pregnancies..,all were mother befor me took thalidimide...

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My 37 year old daughter has a midline defect -- tongue tie. Each of her children has it as well. it's not as dramatic a problem as some of the folks on this list serve, but it has been a problem nonetheless -- jaw and tooth development, speech, etc. I'm wondering if there are others out there whose mother took bendectin who have this problem.

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My mother took this drug when she was pregnant with me. I was born with all kinds of health problems. I was born with my left hand stuck together and missing fingers on my left and right hand. I was born with messed up toes and i was born without any hip joints. The doctors said that i would never be able to walk and my mother and my father would have to carry me room to room since i had no hip joints. My mother and father prayed for me and in 6 weeks God put hip joints inside of my body where there was nothing, but my health and my hands are the same. In fact my health is getting so much worse i can't even eat any kind of meat or wheat. My body never lets me take any kind of medicine at all. It just stays in my body until it's too much and when i was 28 years old the doctors found out that i had thyroid cancer, so they had to take 90% of my thyroid out and now my body won't even let me take any kind of thyroid medicine. I'm 35 now and all my life due to this drug i have been in pain. The doctor that found my thyroid cancer said that it was a slow growing cancer that i had to of had since i was a little girl. I know that drug is what messes up thyroids too and i know how sick and in pain i have been all my life and how alone i have felt all my life due to this drug. I'm a mother of three almost 4 babies and i hate that they have to take care of me so much when i'm supposed to take care of them and i'm so scared of dying and them having to be without a mom at all and my loving caring husband having to be without a loving wife. I'm trying to stay alive. It seems that is what i have been doing and what i will be doing for the rest of my life, not enjoying my life but just trying everyday as hard as i can to just stay alive.

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see my post may 2016 regarding my children. my son john has the brain anomaly holoprosencephaly.

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My friend and I both took it in the 70's my daughter died of a brain bleed in 2008 and her daughter currently has a brain aneurysm. If I had it to do over...I would never take this medicine.

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Ginger root is great for nausea. It has no side effect. Just slice off a piece and make it into tea. The price is right and it tastes great.

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My daughter was born in 1979 and I took bendectine when I was pregnant with her. She also has had digestive issues and we just learned that she has a tongue tie, which is linked to cleft palate.

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I took Bendectin as well in 1973 during my pregnancy... fortunately, my son did not have any physical issues but he was diagnosed with learning disabilities in First Grade and was in "special" classes through 12th grade. He has always been taken advantage of by his friends because he's quiet, tender-hearted and sincere. He has NEVER been able to keep a job for long, lost his drivers license twice before age 21 and had to drop out of college because he couldn't pass the required no-credit English or Math classes; additionally his room mates were smoking marijuana around the clock. He doesn't know how to do a check book, I still have to manage his money and contribute heavily to his monthly expenses. Did I say he is 42 and bi-racial? I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on schooling, tutoring, rent, car payments, old utility bills, insurance, a 3rd DUI and clothing! Right now he is a security guard having completed training... did I say he is a whiner, he is particular, he is neat and totally organized? His life has been forever difficult, he gets depressed and often wonders why he is even on this planet. My only child... your child... if we only knew!!! I stand with all the mothers and the children effected by this horrible drug.

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I also took benedictine during my first pregnancy in 1982. But in 1985 with my second pregnancy I was told it was out-lawed. My oldest daughter has had digestive health problems since kindergarten and several surgeries.

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Due to a laundry list of mental issues, some of which I blame on bendectin. I have a really hard time being able to read long posts. What I was able to read was enlightening. My mom took bendectin in 1980. As a result I ended up with hemihyperplasia, three fingers on my right hand, and tarsal coalition, not to mention the mental issues that I have suffered with for the 35 years of my life. All of which have hindered my ability to work. Not that anything can be done about the long- term effects these medications, but I do feel that I need to lend my voice as one of the victims. Unfortunately I have to deal with my many problems one problem at a time. It is good to know that there are others out there that understand my pain and suffering. Vicki and I have chatted a couple of times over the last couple of years. I just wish there was more people here in the states that I could talk to about this. Thank you for listening and be well.

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Karen, that's great news in your post #628 about your daughter and I hope everything goes well for her in life. You've not said whether you took Bendectin when you were pregnant with her and/or anything else you may have in mind about this particular drug. The best we can do is to remain ever vigilant where we can concerning many things and to let other people know of that which we may find in our travels. We are so fortunate to have the internet and of course this forum called -- Thanks for taking the time to post your concerns regarding your daughter. All the best to you and yours from Perth, Western Australia.

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My daughter, born in 1972, has ADHD/ADD. She repeated Kindergarten and also First Grade. She graduated with a Special Diploma just six months before turning 21. I have always wondered why she was different than my other daughter. Then I was on the Nerflix watching a movie about Thalidomide and that got me wondering. My daughter works as a school bus attendant for special kids. She thinks she may need her medication again since she has trouble concentrating and remembering things. I hope we get some answers.

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my oldest died at age 48 cervical cancer. my oldest son died at 47 undetected heart condition. my youngest son 38 has lobar holoprosencephaly. my wife took this drug for all four children. tthe drug title is mis spelled. the name is bendectin.

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I took this drug for all 3 of my pregnancies. My oldest daughter is now 41 and she was unable to have children. She now has breast cancer. My middle daughter does not seem to have been affected by the drug. My third daughter most likely has some kind of ADD.

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I took this drug for all 3 of my pregnancies. My oldest daughter is now 21 and she was unable to have children. She now has breast cancer. My middle daughter does not seem to have been affected by the drug. My third daughter most likely has some kind of ADD.

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Here's a link for an interesting article in The Atlantic:

A Mother's Immune System, A Child's Autism.

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To Pam #621. Click on this following link for: Bendectin, Parts #1 & #2, and Bendectin Judicial Opinion. There's also Environmental Fact Sheets etc.

Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc., is located in Orlando FL.

In the middle of Page 6 in Part #1, it reads: "One FDA medical officer, Dr. Frances Da Costa testified in 1980 that if she had seen the Staples memorandum when she was reviewing Bendictin in 1968, she would have recommended that marketing be stopped until further testing could be completed."

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My mom to this drug and u suffered multiple birth defects

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