Aspavor Side Effects


aspavor side effects and drug information

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Atorvastatin is the active ingredient in Aspavor, which is used for lowering blood cholesterol.

There is a substantial list of side effects associated with Atorvastatin; many of which occur in only 1-10 percent of patients.

Headache is the most common side effect.Other rare side effects include:

Weakness, Insomnia and dizziness. Chest pain and peripheral edema.
Rash, Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea.
Urinary tract infection, Arthralgia, myalgia, back pain, arthritis sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, rhinitis Infection, flu-like syndrome, allergic reaction. Elevation of alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) has been described in a few cases.

To learn more about Atorvastatin and other side effects, please follow the link below...

If you have any more questions or concerns regarding Aspavor, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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Would a patient be likely to suddenly start experiencing headaches when changing from Lipitor to Aspavor?

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since taking aspavor 10 mg and bio cardio asprin i have experienced cold painfull feet and would like to know if this dose would have this effect

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Hi is aspavor 60mg can effect my sex life? What can I do?

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Hi, can Aspavor 10mg cause weight loss?

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I used lipitor and changed to aspavor a year ago. Is it possible that it affects my short term memory?

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Hi. My dr changed my Aspavor from 20mg to 40mg and since taking the stronger tablet I'm experiencing backache but it feels more like kidney infection. Is this possible?

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If you can remember when you switched over, I don't think you have a problem...

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I have been taking Aspavor 20mg together with Amlate 5 in place of Caduet (because of cost)for some time now and have found that I have hair loss as well as receding of my hair on forehead. To day it was mentioned to me that Aspavor could cause this. I have also read that insomina is also a side affect. I do not sleep very well and only go to bed very late and am awake early. I have bee using hair enhances to stimulate the growth.

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I am a male and 55 years of age, started taking Aspavor 8 months ago.4 months ago I started to get hot flushes at night but now my whole body feels hot, even my legs, could this be from Aspavor, the heat stays the whole day

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Hi I started taking Aspavor last night and I experienced heart pulputations can this be from Aspavor?

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Hello ek wil net graag uitvind ekt my vooskrif na apteek gevat wat ginekeloog gegee het en hul het gese hul gee nie meer daai pille nie en gee toe vir my aspavor om my te help om te menustereer maar daar was nog niks so sal aspavor help daarvoor?

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I've started yesterday morning no palpitations but ppl differ check side effects

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Hi, since starting with Aspavor 10mg one week ago I experience severe bitterness in my mouth, painful legs, burning feet, restless legs, severe lower backpain, painful joints and depression. I have been using Crestor before-during that time I have also experienced the restless legs, painful leg muscles, lower backpain and my legs and feet are always feeling rather cold to the touch...the colder the more painful they are.

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My cholesterol was 8.9. My doc put me on Aspovar 80mg. Subsequently my cholesterol has come down to 2.8 however i have been experiencing gout like pain in my right elbow ever since taking the Aspovar. My left index finger has as of this morning also started experiencing pain.

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Will taking niasin with aspavor 20mg not solve the problem of having painful legs en arms?

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I'm on Aspavor 10mg and recently started taking Disprin Cardio Care as well..because at night I get chest pain and almost like a panic attack and when taking the disprin it calms I take it various times of the day when its I allowed to take it more than once per day?

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Aspavor is for cholesterol. I heard it can cause liver decease?

Aspavor is beslis nie vir menstrueer nie, gaan sien 'n ander ginokoloog.

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Aspavor is for cholesterol. I heard it can cause liver decease?

Aspavor is beslis nie vir menstrueer nie, gaan sien 'n ander ginokoloog.

Aspavor has so many side effects, should not be used at all.

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Re: renee (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there

Go onto Rychol Extra strength. 2 tablets in the morning 2 at night. Take two table spoons of apple cider vinegar at night before your meals. Take grape seed extract, and flaxseed .after 6 weeks go get your cholesterol tested again. I think you will be amazed at the results. Also try cut down on animal fats. Is red meat, and dairy

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Does Aspavor contain any blood thinners, Disprin (aspirin) or Equitrim?

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Re: Ladybug (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Not in my case. Cannot control weight gain!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I am on Aspavor 80mg for about 4 years. I usually wake up with headaches. Sometimes the headaches go away on its own. The pain is in the neck and base of skull. I do have two stents. One in 2004 and another in 2012. The worrying pain is in my calf muscles. It's so severe I cannot sit on my legs on the floor. I cannot bend my left leg full at the knees. Can Aspavor 80mg cause these type of pains?

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I am 67 years old and have ED. I have been on this medication aspavor and aspirin for cardiac health. Can you help?

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Can Aspavor cause hallucinations? I am asking for someone using this horror medication who now has terrible "visits". Levelheaded person without psychological issues. Thank you.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Jamer ek gebruik exforge en aspavor en wil weet kan dit jou humeur gee kort van draad en oom jou intercourse lewe in teveer.

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Is it possible that Aspavor 40mg can affect my memory? I have started losing and misplacing things and cannot focus on my work.

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I am using Aspavor since August 2017. I have a itching scalp and ears No other irritation on skin. I changed my hair shampoo, but it doesn't help. Could this be from the medicine?

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Hello there, I've been taking Aspavor 40 now since 2006 and my bad cholesterol did not drop down as low as it should be. My doctor now prescribed Aspavor 80. I already got terrible headaches from Aspavor 40. Will this increase the headaches? I do eat very healthy. What can I do?

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