Arthri D For Joint Pain Relief (Page 3)
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Has anyone taken Arthri-D for joint pain relief?
To ALL of you living with chronic pain, PLEASE be careful before taking medication or supplements from ANY resource! I post this message as a person who also suffers from chronic pain (injured in a head on auto accident 13 years ago) so I am very familiar with what all of you are dealing with daily. Until I lost my little brother Feb of this year, I trusted the Dr's who specialize in Pain Management. My brother died at age 34, he broke his back in 2006 & had to have 2 steel rods surgically implanted in order to support his broken parts. To make a long story short, Dr's pumped him full of medication to treat his pain symptoms, when they became less effective, anti depressants were the answer....but those only made him depressed, which led him to alcohol, then Detox! My brother had the biggest heart in the whole world & nothing pains me more than seeing him broken. 24 hours after his discharge from the hospital, we found him dead in his bedroom. Cause of death: Combination of medication (detox withdrawal, the hospital sent him home with) and Health Disorder (Sleep Apnea) which he was diagnosed with while in Detox. They managed to send him home with the Medication & the breathing mask but they forgot to deliver his oxygen! He suffocated in his sleep because of it & we found out AFTER the fact that the withdrawal medication should NOT have been prescribed to a person WITH sleep apnea. Although my heart knows he is now at peace, I am devastated that this had to happen & his 8 year old son will never get to know how TRULY wonderful his father was. My compassion goes out to all of you, please do not give up on yourselves. Take control of your circumstances & never let yourselves become desperate, God Bless.
true with osteoarthritis but not with rhuematoid which involves the synovial fluid. I didn't see the info. show but I have fibro, and a failed back surgery with scar tissue which has turned to arthritis. I'm hoping for pain relief but really don't have expectations of a cure. I've been on it for 8 days now and so far am still having lots of pain issues. I'm hoping to get off the hydroc and use only this. I just started some counseling to deal with emotional issues in case that is causing the pain. I've tried this before but will try again. I had blood test which shows I have the RA factor (common in rh. arthritis) but can not see a rh. doctor until end of August. I figure this will give me enough time to see if this works. If you haven't looked up the ingredients properties I would suggest you do so. The jury is still out for me
I ordered it after watching the TV ad. I didn't receive it and kept calling but they said it could take 4-6 weeks since I live in Canada and it might need to be inspected at the border. After charging back, eventually they sent it. It's at the post office now (2 months later) and I am not going to pick it up.
could not find anything on this product.but i did find one called instaflex at gnc which works great so for 3 cap. a day,now i am not leaping.
I'm interested in the information. What is your email?
Sorry I posted that wrong, I meant with Jim Shriner..
Tammy, who is the inventor of this product?
We know it's not Jim Shriner.
You can view more comments and information with the inventor of this product on facebook.
Judy.. I'm happy you're excited.. I'm all for breaking the pain cycle.. But, I have a question.. The gentleman that told you about it, has been taking it for 3 years.. why?? I saw the infomercial.. it claimed that there's 2 things about this Arthri-d.. 1) pain relief.. tells the brain there's no more pain.. 2) regeneration of the cartillage.. If there's regeneration of the cartillage, there should be no more friction in the joint, if there's no more friction in the joint, there should be no more inflammation, if there's no more inflammation, there should be no more pain.. Therefore, why is he still taking it??
Waiting for blood work to be sure but I have gout. Using ointment now it is a little helpful. What kind of pain relefe could I expect from your med's? Sometime my pain is unbarable and I have to stay off my feet for hours.
I just received my free trial offer with a shipping cost of $11.99. It came with bill stating this. It had information and very detailed instructions on how to return the product w/ a 30 day money back trial. A toll free/ and direct line were given. I looked up all ingredients listed and am very excited to see if this works. This is a perfect time as I've been in a severe pain cycle. I found out about the product from a neighbor who I just bought wood from. He's a professional wood cutter. I asked him if he had any pain issues because of his job. He shared that he had broken his back when he was 16. The doctor said he would never walk again. Untrue but the injury caused him problems in his 50's. He has been taking it for 3 yrs. and feels it a miracle. He said the VA told him about it. So I feel like it is worth a try. The drug my doctor wanted to put me on was a $149. patient co-pay. If this Arthi D works it will be considerably cheaper in comparison to all the supplements I take now. Keep you posted
I work for the company that answers incoming order calls for Arthri-D. I am posting this to inform you that the people who take orders know little if nothing at all about the product. The agents you are calling make a VERY small commission off of each order that is placed and NOTHING if just the free bottle is sent. I cannot sell the product because I am concerned that I would be taking someones social security or disablity money for a product that only claims results. It concerns me that there is a monthly replenishment that is difficult to cancel as well.
As with any info mercial the first offer that is given to you is generally the mid price, from there a yes gets you an "upsell" to a lower price per bottle with a larger quantity purchase. A "no" will get you a smaller quantity at a higher price per bottle. According to the information we are given there is a 30 day money back gaurantee and the bottle does not need to be returned. (i suppose that is if you only buy one bottle)
I have a hard time agreeing with surgery since that is generally just the physician making money by cutting you up and suppliments are just a way for someone else to make money.
Thanks to a few of you (Henri) my initial assumptions were correct. It is, as most health products are, dependant on the user. You must believe in the product to make it work.
Henri, I have seen your dilligence in doing additional research on the products listed and the benefits you have found as well. Has your wife been as interested in them? I know a women who suffered from and was diagnosed with Fiber Mialgia (however it is spelled). She had gotten to a point where she was in a wheelchair and deemed disabled. She recieved a blessing and miraculously recovered within a few days. She believed that this was all she needed and has been "fixed" for about 5 years after close to 20 years of the problem. Medications and herbal suppliments are a way to make you feel better if you believe they do. However there are real issues that cannot be fixed by this method so suppliments do not fully work for them.
My gramma, age 86, has physical signs (crooked fingers) of arthritis yet very little discomfort because she does not allow it to inhibit her. She goes on a couple of cruises a year, belly dances, and attends other senior trips to keep her active and healthy.
Someone else mentioned excersize and stretching. I cannot agree with them more. Unhappiness also leads to feelings of pain so does anxiety. This said it would not matter the product you were taking if you did not believe it would help. There are literally thousands of natural herbs that promote a healthier being and body... if you think they do.
Needless to say I do not believe in taking from those who do not have it to take just to give to someone who wants their money.
Believe in yourself and believe in what you do for yourself.
It sounds good but I do not like the price. It think its to high for a senior citizen on a soc. sec income. but i still
might try it. I am waiting for the some friends of mine to let me me know if it works they have lot more money that ime.
Thanks, Scott, I'll try that if Jeanne Myers wants to communicate with me regarding her mother.
Cece, they probably look for the at symbol in you email address. Try it without. As far as arthid goes, I'm going to tough it out for awhile more as I have a 3 month supply but I've had some really bad knee pain lately so as it stands if it doesn't improve over the next month I'll be going back to my old supplement. Will post whatever I decide. Good luck!
I left my email address on my post. Why did you edit that out?
My aunt has hip pain caused by arthritis, so I was researching Arthri D and found this thread. It has been quite interesting reading all of the responses. Scott, please keep us informed, you're all we have right now, it seems. I will check into the other products that were mentioned also. I agree with those who say that each product will probably work differently in each person.
Ann, you go girl! Almost 69 and rightfully active! That's how it's suppose to be - did we not learn anything from Jack LaLanne? Stay active folks, it was fun when we were children, why stop?
Angie B. Have you had that back pain medically checked out? When I was in my 30's I was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Physical therapy was a Godsend. The traction that they used on me was the best thing. Having the right P.T. also makes a difference. You need to find out what is causing your pain and resolve that if possible. Then it's a lifetime of taking care of your back so you don't have to suffer badly in the future. P.T. teaches back care when you go in for treatment - that's one sign you've found a good location. But you really need to know the cause. You are young enough that you could possibly reverse the damage. If your pain is caused from inflammation, which is a big cause for pain and disease in our bodies, that can easily be helped.
Jeanne Myers, I'm 55 and am a full-time caregiver for my 89 year old mom who had a stroke 6 years ago.
I took her out of the nursing home when I stopped teaching and had her live with me. I modified her meds and put her on a whole list of supplements. She is doing great considering what she's been through. If you would like to email me we could talk more - there are some great natural supplements that your mom would benefit greatly from, especially since she's only 81. I didn't get charge of my mom's care until she was 86 and you can't reverse every bit of damage that they've done at that late age. I also have my dad on the supplements and he's 92 and doing quite well. There is one critical supplement that your mom really needs. It has helped both of my parents tremendously and both of their doctors are quite surprised by the results. Please write me if you want, I would be more than happy to share what I've learned over the years. We're like a test lab here. We've tried a lot of products and have found some great results, and just the fact that they are so stabilized at their age, tells me a lot.
You are so right when you said that our nation is over medicating itself. After all, pharmaceuticals is where the money is at. You can't patent a natural substance unless you change its molecular structure in some way.
The drug companies really don't want us to be well, but they'll be more than happy to treat our symptoms.
Anyway, thanks for the info. on Arthri D. It certainly has been a mixed bag of comments on that product. I do agree with buying the supplements that are in the Arthri D separately, but of course it's always easier when someone puts them all together for you in one capsule.
ArthriD3 ingredients - on their site under "ingredietns"
It has NAG, Chondroitin, Turmeric, Boswellia, Ashwaghanda, Yucca, Bromalain, PrimeRose Oil, Green Lipid mussel, and Hyaluronic acid - all excellent ingredients, but there is no amount beside each ingredient (just "custom blend"). I have used many of these ingredients for Osteo Arthritis, with much relief, but because there is no amount listed beside each ingredient, I will not purchase this product. It makes me suspicious when a company does not want to divulge all the information required to make an educated decision. For inflammation I would highly recommend Serrapeptase and Boswellia and White Willow for pain....these are the best products - all available on I have dealt with arthritis for about 10 years and these products give lots of relief.
God Bless you all - You know God has provided everything on this earth for our health - to keep us healthy - check out the bible herbs......Our God Heals!
You can see more comments and reviews on facebook
Thank you Henri for your honest input and review of this product. I am a single mom of two children and due to my medical problems fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, cervical dystonia, essential tremors and a herniated buldging disc in my back I had to stop working in 09 and was deemed disabled in march of this year. My arthritis is in my back and shoulders I have had one shoulder operated on this far and have yet to do the other. Since december I have been almost completely bedridden at the age of 37. I have been on pain medicine for a few years which is short acting, but helps me to shower and do small things. I have tried several joint supplements with no results. Recently I tried a supplement online called Flexcin cm 8 and I am almost completely pain free and can finally sit stand and walk again after three weeks. I agree with Henri that everyone is different and you may have to try several products before you find the one that works for you, but don't give up hope. I never thought I would be writing this but I thank God for His mercy and leading me to a product that finally works for me. God bless you all
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