Anyone Heard Of Methadone Clinics Watering Down Methadose? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Anyone heard of methadone clinics "watering down" the methadose? There have been people at my clinic complaining of getting sick in the evening all of a sudden.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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They add water to the diskette to make them harder to sell. But it's usually a corrupt medicating nurse that adds water in the place of methadone. I've been on methadone probably longer than anybody and I've seen just about everything that goes on at methadone clinics. On the whole, there are good honest people working at clinics but all it takes is one addicted nurse to really make methadone patients lives miserable.

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Don't believe it, every clinic has rumours like that. They are watched by a camera. Besides methadone is very cheap, they wouldn't be making any money by doing something like that. Same thing with the other urban myth about it getting into your bones.
Totally false. Methadone doesn't harm any of your bodies organs, bones, or teeth.

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Re: Joseph (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

So let me explain. When I was saying that they add water for preventative measures...I meant that they are adding to your correct dose. They aren't taking away from it. And yes a lot of the people that talk about it "being watered down" are full of s***. It is logged just like in a pharmacy. The state and about ten other organizations regulate it. Not to say that these clinics do what they are supposed to in every aspect ...but the meds for the most part are safely monitored and measured. I have been going to the clinic for 12 yrs altogether and I've seen one nurse that was stealing meds...but it was tablets not the liquid and she no longer works there.

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You said people complaining all of a sudden. I would have to ask approximately how many, how long have they been on their dose, and what if any other issues they might have in common. Such as alcohol, benzos, and any illicit drugs taken will weaken the dose.Once the methadone is dispensed the nurse will add a little water or some clinics have the patient add it themselves. If the clinic offers "Disc's" many people choose it for this reason. You're getting a more accurate dose this way. Also I've heard those dispensing units need calibrating every so often. That I think would be the problem vs. the clinic watering down.

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First of all I am dope addict like the rest of you that goes to a clinic, SO I CAN SAY THIS: Aint no one watering down anything. Methadone is DIRT CHEAP. That whole 473 ml. pint bottle they dispense out of cost them less than $10. What you on 8 ml,, 80 mg a day?? even 100 mg 10 ml, cost less than a quarter and they charge you what $14??

That is just a bunch of dope addicts complaining wanting more dope. I am ashamed to be one of these low lifes. I use to be in line with them everyday until I did what I had to to get a 14 day take home. Yes it took time, counseling sessions, groups and clean urines and now frequent trips for diversion checks,, buit i pay once a month and do what I am suippose tyo and now I dont have to stand there3 with these dope addicts and listen to their WAR STORIES and them complain in line. DO THE RIGHT THING AND QUIT COMPLAINING.

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I am on methadone and I have not done any other drugs sense I bend on methadone. I have had several broken bones and there are days I hurt. My dose had been tampered with. What can be done I want to stay off everything else if I quit methadone I will loose everything. Who can I call I call about this.

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Nickname, ive been on Methadone 38 years and out of the 38 I had my dose stolen off and on for at least 20 years from Junkie nurse's or Pharmacist.

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Google the methadone advice line. Good luck because when it comes to controlled substances nobody will put there hand up if there are problems.

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Don't let people tell you it's in your head. It's one thing if you are becoming tolerant but if one day your dose holds and the next it doesn't and others on your clinic are experiencing this someone in the staff could be diverting. Where there is smoke there is usually fire. Health professionals can be addicts too and even though methadone is cheap to buy for a nurse or anyone on staff selling it on the street it's liquid gold....Be careful bring your concerns to the director without other patients to back you up because the first thing that will happen is you will be accused of selling/diverting your methadone.

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I been on methadone 12 years n I assure u it does not take long at all for u to get so used to our dose that u need to go up... even10 mg helps but it don't take long at all I can assure u n that's not just my experience its several people I've spoke to at tube clinic I go to experience also

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I am originally from SF but recently got a house up in Redding. I get 27 takehomes a month but dread driving 5 hrs just so they can count the medicine I pay them for out of my own private pocket. I would have transfered to Aegis Chico but they refuse to give more than 6 takehomes at a time, plus they make you see a counselor every week for an hour even if you are private pay. Is there any way to get exempted from bottle count, ie because of employment or ill health? Finally, I have Blue Cross and would really like to find a private dr to handle my dosing needs anywhere between SF and Shasta

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Have you had any help my clinic has been shorting our doses for at least 4-6 years and I still can't figure out how to catch them or get around it in the mean time I'm sick and just want to get right.

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Have you had any luck I need help cannot continue sick like this

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When I went to bio Med in flint mi I had this problem I could go to one window get my dose and b sick by afternoon then next day get same dose diff window and worked all day my gf is having this problem with them right now

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Apparently Nick you got a medicating nurse taking some you and your girlfriends dose.

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have you considered going to a different clinic,ora facility not affiliated with the one your currently having these issues with??

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Hi Melissa
I get take homes in little clear bottles and I asked why do they put water in the dosage and they said it's the CA law that they have to put a certain amount of water in.
I got home with my TAKE homes and initially the liquid was dark pink and now 4 days later it's light pink?????
Does anyone know what that's all about and what the minimal amount of water they can put

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I get two weeks take homes and on a 100 milg they switched to bottles twice the size of the old bottles ordered by accident in in eight years I've never felt withdrawal until they changed the bottles I no it's nit in my head it don't even taste luke methadone I have all the withdrawal symptoms I was embarrassed to tell the nurse so to make me feel they r gonna make my take homes n front of me cause they pre pour them before I get there I don't like that I was approved for a months with of take homes three years ago in I refuse to take the month worth because there r some days I don't feel good n other days I do but we have a shade nurse that had to resign five years ago for being caught messing wit the medicine now there is all new staff n she is back I finally told someone she said she had fun pouring my doses they said it was unprofessional so I guess I'll c what happens next...

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Wow that opinion is bulls*** and arrogant. Can u explain why 2 different clinics in my state were caught watering the s*** down and the other ones director was caught stealing it? And furthermore, i dosed one day with a nurse FRANCIS poured up my dose with those crappy tubes, she thought i hadn't noticed but apparently she hadn't noticed she didn't have enough to dose me. All it pulled was air and bubbles and looked nowhere near my usual dose. SHE ACTUALLY PASSED IT TO ME THROUGH THE WINDOW. IS THAT PARANOIA OR WHAT? If you can please enlighten me. In Birmingham, Alabama. MANAGED BY COLONIAL GROUP MANAGEMENT. BIRMINGHAM METRO TREATMENT CENTER.

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Yeah same thing with consecrated care in Jonesboro Georgia; they are watering that s*** down. I left imy at new day now and I can tell the difference.

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