Alprazolam Dava Xanax Vs Greenstone Alprazolam


I have been taking 1 mg of alprazolam blue tablet with g3721 from greenstone. Yesterday I was given a green tablet from dava with s902 on them. Will I notice a difference? Thanks!

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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Hello, Maci! How are you?

In theory, they are the same and both contain Alprazolam, but there can be slight fluctuations in the amount of the active ingredient in generic medications, as permitted by the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, so you may notice a difference, but the only way to find out is by trying it.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have to switch from xanax to alprazolam because my insurance company will not pay for it and it is very expensive to pay out of pocket! Will I suffer any withdrawal effects switching from name brand to generic? I will be using the greenstone generic.

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Dawn, it will be the same. I've been getting xanax prescribed for 2 years, then i had to switch to the generics one and they're the same. Actually they work much better. Try to get the sandoz generic alprazolam or the dava generic ones. Those work best. Activas generic and greenstone are pretty good too but i recommend sandoz or dava generic.

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Re: Dawn (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Just call pharmacies an ask which generic brand of alprazolam do yall carry.

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All generic Xanax sold in licensed pharmacies are required to be within tight tolerances, so as long they came from a pharmacy alprazolam (Xanax) made by greenstone/dava will do about the same as any others.

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All generics ARE NOT the same. They used to be, but they have changed. I took the brand for years, then switched to generic & never felt a difference. I was recently on Sandoz for a long time, then my pharmacy switched to an Indian company called Aurobindo & they actually made me ill. I then found a pharmacy that prescribed Greenstone which I had taken before. They do not have the same % of Alprazalom as the last time I took them. I did research & there are so many foreign companies selling this drug & I'm afraid other drugs that are not effective & might be harmful, it worries me. It all boils down to money. I can't find a pharmacy in my area that prescribes Sandoz because it is too expensive. I'm going back on the brand when I get my refill which is ridiculous because they cost so much. I had to actually change my insurance because of it so the brand would be covered.

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hello, I have called Walgreens and a non chain pharmacy, neither would give me the name of the manufacturer.

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Re: Nikki (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I would call them back & ask them why? You have every right to know what drug you are putting in your body. Tell them you had a bad reaction like I did. Maybe that's why they told me. If you're looking for Greenstone, Krogers has it.

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I think Dava is very good. Took it at certain times of the day and could count on time it took to work, eased anxiousness, aggravation from pain. Do not like what I have now, when I first started taking it I was sleepy, stayed home, now not much of anything. Can’t schedule my meds this way to plan my day. Don’t want to drive. Yuck.

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Re: Nikki (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Nikki, everyone's body chemistry is different, so what's better for you may not work as well as another brand for some people. I normally get Greenstone (the best generic alprazolam, IMO [white, G3722 imprint], followed closely by Sandoz. I got my refill of alprazolam today and 86 of the 120 2mg pills were the Green, 3 sectioned Dava brand that has the imprint S 90 3. I had to take 3 to get close to the same effect as my preferred brands. Personally, I would like a more sedating version, as my chronic pain and panic disorder are both debilitating. Since the fake opioid "crisis" is causing me to be very under-medicated for my chronic pain

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Re: Nikki (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Yes they don't want you to know I guess !!! I'm not taking any pill or any thing else from outside the US!!!

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I personally prefer the greens

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Re: Dawn (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The Greenstone Generic is what's known as an "Authorized Generic", meaning it's formula is IDENTICAL to the brand name drug, it just comes in a generic bottle. This is because Greenstone Llc. is the subsidiary of Pfizer, the producers of Xanax, and as such are "Authorized" by Pfizer to make their Generic Identical to the Brand-Named drug at SIGNIFICANTLY LESS COST.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

False, the 10% thing is an urban myth. Many lifesaving medications are made generically too, chemo meds, antibiotics, aids meds, etc.... if that was true people would be dieing. Waxman act is about pricing. What you hear is not always true. Thank you

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Re: Xan (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

What is it about the Dava ones you prefer? One of the main reasons I take my Xanax is for insomnia and sleep anxiety; NEITHER of which the Dava brand really used to help me with. As a matter of fact, when I was given the opportunity to side-by-side compare the drowsiness between the Dava and the Sandoz, and the Sandoz were EXPONENTIALLY more sedating ??. That being said, Greenstone is still the best, and always will be as the only Authorized Generic.

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Re: Davemp88 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Correct, Greenstone is Pfizer's generics division. Upjohn was the pharmaceutical company that developed Alprazolam and gave it the brand name of Xanax. All generics are the same, that 10% Waxman thing is an urban legend, nothing more. The Waxman act is mainly about pricing and guarantees that the US will always have cheap generics available. They're cheap for a reason. The brand name is the developer of the medication and has invested millions of dollars into it, clinical trials, double blind trials, it usually takes about 7 years for a new medication to reach the market. The pharmaceutical company has to recoup all the money they put into it, that is why they get a patent of 8 years. No other company can make it for them 8 years. Upon the expiration of the patent any pharmaceutical company can manufacture and market it. Since they didn't put millions of dollars into research and developing the medication generics can be sold much cheaper than the brand name.

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Re: Davemp88 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

All generics are identical, all have the same active ingredient. I really don't understand the public's fear of generics. There's no such thing as an "authorized". They are all authorized by the FDA.

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Re: Joseph (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

No, it’s not false. I’m educated in pharmacology and you are wrong.

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Re: Joseph (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

If you do your research, you’ll find that upjohn’s Xanax formula was ultimately obtained by Pfizer - which is Greenstone. Greenstone alprazolam is the exact same chemical formulation as Upjohn.

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Re: Joseph (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

They absolutely are not the same. An authorized generic is classified under the same NDA of it’s brand name. It has a totally different distinction than a generic drug. A generic drug has to prove bio equivalence whereas an authorized generic does not. Also, generic drugs have the same active ingredient but different manufacturers all have different fillers. Lastly, in order for a generic drug to meet bio equivalent requirements of the brand drug, the FDA allows for up to a 20% variation in the active ingredient from that of the original formula. Stop spreading misinformation. Do your research.

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Re: Sandy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Is that the same as Costco pharmacy?

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Re: Davemp88 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree. Only ones I take. Been on them for 5 yrs.

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Re: Tammy (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I just started researching different manufacturers of Alprazolam and am really worried about anything other than Greenstone. Do you know the best source of information about the differences in each manufacturer's pill -- possible side effects, etc? I've taken .5 mg for decades and a year ago cut back from 3 pills over a 24-hour period to one (and sometimes none). I'd like to get off it completely, but...

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Re: Brandon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I been on 2 mg 3 time a day and since they changed from greenstone I’ve notice I was getting wd I waited 3 months to be sure and yep I was not feeling good what can we do to get the ones that work ?

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Re: Dawn (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Greenstone will be on the same level as original Xanax, however I found greenstone to be more potent. Try it

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Re: Mike (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

I took Xanax like 20 years ago with no problems and have been on ativan for like 18 years and the only mfr that works for me is Watson and now Watson is gone. Thus, I recently switched to Xanax and I took a 1/4 of a (.5) and had a 3 hour panic attack. Isn’t this the polar opposite of what Xanax is supposed to do? Anyone else have a similar experience with Xanax?

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Re: Airsk8hed (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The FDA + / - tolerances are meaningless as they are not always practiced by industry due to the poor quality control at some generic manufacturers. Some pharmaceutical companies even intentionally manufacture to the low end of the allowed active ingredient range to make more money. Patients suffer. Several of my physician friends have shown me peer reviewed studies proving that most generics have poorer quality control. Aurobindo was caught hiding defective batches from FDC where the bad batches were distributed and could not be traced for recall. Buyer beware.

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Which pharmacies dispense Alprazolam from Greenstone?

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Re: I am 522 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

So you feel like the Green Dava/Par 2mg generic “S 90 3” tablets aren’t that sedating either?

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Re: Joseph (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

You are incorrect as Jay says. There ABSOLUTELY is a difference between regular generics and an Authorized Generic. As a matter of fact, speaking of the FDA, they have two different books to distinguish between Authorized Generics (Drugs with IDENTICAL chemical formula to its brand-named counter-part), and “The Orange Book,” for: Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations. #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourDrugs

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