Alprazolam Dava Xanax Vs Greenstone Alprazolam (Page 2)


I have been taking 1 mg of alprazolam blue tablet with g3721 from greenstone. Yesterday I was given a green tablet from dava with s902 on them. Will I notice a difference? Thanks!

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Jay (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

The blind leading the blind. SMH

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Re: Jay (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

UpJohn Pharmaceutics merged with Pharmacia AB to form: “Pharmacia & Upjohn”, which was owned by Pfizer between 2015-2020, and was known for producing the Brand Name Xanax 2mg Tablets. They now go by Viatris; still a subsidiary of Pfizer.

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Re: Joseph (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

You are incorrect as Jay says. There ABSOLUTELY is a difference between regular generics and an Authorized Generic. As a matter of fact, speaking of the FDA, they have two different books to distinguish between Authorized Generics (Drugs with IDENTICAL chemical formula to its brand-named counter-part), and “The Orange Book,” for: Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations. #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourDrugs

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Re: I am 522 (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

So you feel like the Green Dava/Par 2mg generic “S 90 3” tablets aren’t that sedating either?

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Which pharmacies dispense Alprazolam from Greenstone?

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Re: Airsk8hed (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The FDA + / - tolerances are meaningless as they are not always practiced by industry due to the poor quality control at some generic manufacturers. Some pharmaceutical companies even intentionally manufacture to the low end of the allowed active ingredient range to make more money. Patients suffer. Several of my physician friends have shown me peer reviewed studies proving that most generics have poorer quality control. Aurobindo was caught hiding defective batches from FDC where the bad batches were distributed and could not be traced for recall. Buyer beware.

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Re: Mike (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

I took Xanax like 20 years ago with no problems and have been on ativan for like 18 years and the only mfr that works for me is Watson and now Watson is gone. Thus, I recently switched to Xanax and I took a 1/4 of a (.5) and had a 3 hour panic attack. Isn’t this the polar opposite of what Xanax is supposed to do? Anyone else have a similar experience with Xanax?

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Re: Dawn (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Greenstone will be on the same level as original Xanax, however I found greenstone to be more potent. Try it

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Re: Brandon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I been on 2 mg 3 time a day and since they changed from greenstone I’ve notice I was getting wd I waited 3 months to be sure and yep I was not feeling good what can we do to get the ones that work ?

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Re: Tammy (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I just started researching different manufacturers of Alprazolam and am really worried about anything other than Greenstone. Do you know the best source of information about the differences in each manufacturer's pill -- possible side effects, etc? I've taken .5 mg for decades and a year ago cut back from 3 pills over a 24-hour period to one (and sometimes none). I'd like to get off it completely, but...

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Re: Davemp88 (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree. Only ones I take. Been on them for 5 yrs.

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Re: Sandy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Is that the same as Costco pharmacy?

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