Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 3)


White round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.

250 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Pam (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

I just tried alko 1. They are bitter but I think maybe a little weaker than the pfizer, but good enough.

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Re: Boo (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there. Just one question, did you get them filled through a prescription?

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Re: MONKEY (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Monkey, how’s the best way to fill a prescription for these (or which pharmacy do you go to)???

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It seems to be legit but im not 100% because the alko 1 mg is made in india. Better safe than sorry.

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Re: KenShiro (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

I'm still having trouble finding a pharmacy that carries Alko 1 tablets. They helped me a lot.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve recieved the same tablets and they are not blood pressure tablets. The symbols are very different. They are Alprazolam 1mg

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Re: Kitty (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

yes but the question is if they have real alprazolam inside and 1 mg like they said or maybe they have other chemicals inside . i have 180 pills of that brand but i wont takr em until ill send a couple to be analyzed

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Re: KenShiro (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I take them !!!!!! Nah mate they all good the ones I've had

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Re: Claire (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. It’s alprazolam.

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Re: HateFakeDrugs (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

I diluted some of the alko-1 tablets into water, and put them onto a Xanax drug panel strip. It’s definitely alprazolam. The quality is there. I’ve had some good results with this medication

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Re: Ace (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

The alko-1 is good quality medication.

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Re: KenShiro (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I tested a tablet with a Xanax test strip. They are alprazolam. I don’t take a lot of benzodiazepines. They work.

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I think if people actually stopped and read people’s replies they’d know what it is. Someone blatantly told all of you “asking what this is for definate” someone or two people blatantly told you morphine and/or opiate showed up on drug panels & U/A's after taking what we call “nike tranex”. The other replies of people saying no relief etc. is because each tablet is not the exact same. Some say they’ve evaluated these tablets and they contain an anti-fungal agent, a touch of caffeine, morphine & 0.3-0.6mg alprazolam (or if not alpraz another dirty research chemical benzo). Last year's batch came back positive for the 4 I mentioned. This year's batch are updates; they've got a red box on the tray of pills now where the old ones haven’t. The new ones contain benzo Alrite (0.5mg max alpraz I THINK) but definitely contain morphine 100%.

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Re: Wayne (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

No they’re not. Go get a U/A after taking one. Morphine. 4 active dirty ingredients in them Nike pills.

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Re: KLJM26 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Ask on another thread. This is about Alko-1 only.

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Re: Boo (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. They are real alprazolam 1 mg.
Easy does it.

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Alko (# 53) --

The real generic pharma from europe rocks. The king is Ksalol from Serbia. Second is Frontin hungarian made pharma. Third but not least is Helex krka Croatia. Leave those counterfeit Indians pills where they have to be... in the garbage. Believe me, I try all brands of Alprazolam and after the real Xanax pfizer is the second best but almost identical is Ksalol that is better because it's cheaper.

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Re: Kb (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Bulls***, they're nowhere near as good as Glenelka or Pfizer. They're pennies to buy over there and nowhere near a 1mg.

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Re: Alko (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

There not real Xanax as there alprozolam alko-1 white pure chalk and nowhere near a 1mg and they have so much crap in them you get a bit but what else are we taking to get that small bit and double your amount you’d normally need because they’re so weak.

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Re: Gavaldo (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

So why is it alko-1 are £65 for 100 that’s 65p a tablet and Pfizer, klysol from gleneleka £1.70 a 1mg and I have alko just need to take more than the other makes and full of chalk. You enjoy if something is so cheap there’s a reason usually check the price at indianmart there pennies

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