Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 4)


White round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.

250 Replies (13 Pages)

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How much would it cost to fill a prescription for 100 Alko 1?

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Re: Claire (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

No it has nike sign an tn with a split on other side hun

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I'm in southern Ireland, and the alko-1 aka " nikey TNs " are fu***n savage good in my the trays of 10 / blisters of 10 , they don't all contain exactly 1mg of alprazolam....for example..if you had a tray of 10 alko-1's nike TN....3 or possibly 4 out of them 10 could have 2mg or 2.5mg of alprazolam in them and the rest might only have between 0.25mg and 1mg alprazolam in the summer of 2018 I was taking them every few days....I was SERIOUSLY whaked out of my head..the alko-1's in Ireland and 100% hot summers day I took 2½ at about 1pm and at about 3pm I took 2 and I was in a f**in bad way..there is no morphine, or fentanyl , or blood thinners in the alko-1's that I ever got..meaning the ones from India because I'm on methadone and my U/A always only came back as alprazolam and methadone positive....if they're the Indian alko-1 nike TNS you can bet they are proper 100% clean alprazolam....all the alko-1's in America are cut wit fentanyl due to the manufacturers who would supply that part of the world....they're 100% legit if the writing on the back of the blister pack says made in India along wit the capital of India on them ..Delhi I think???

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What is the listed dosage for ALKO?

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Re: Irish jay (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

There not the real deal. Take 10 and u are ok if I was to do that With Pfizer or kylasol I’d be wrecked for hours and hours!! Get them for pennies over in India and there full o chalk maybe half a MT at the most.

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Re: Woody (# 64) Expand Referenced Message
Most people take .25-.50. So 1/2 or 1/4 of a pill. It can really knock you out.

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I just got two slips of these alko 1 with the Nike tick and the TN I'm in Cork in Ireland an they chill me to the bone I'm 5ft 7 weigh about 175 pounds a full slip chills me out don't know what is in um but my doc cancel my script and these just as good for a small guy I have a tolorence like a bull is any 1struglin and can't get a script msg me I don't deal but I would help anyone out and get onto one of my guys hope I was helpful

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Re: Adam (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

They are the real deal; as good as pfizers.

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Re: Boo (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

No because the timeframe u sent that comment . Back in April 19. That was the batch that went off in 20 or 21. They’re the fakes . N dangerous too. That batch u had has 0.3mg alprazolam, 20mg caffeine, 2.5mg morphine!!! & a anti fungal agent

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Re: Irish jay (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

Wats the craic I’m north Dublin yea I set u wide pal. They DO contact morphine and other dirty thing AND THEY DON’T . If you got a batch anywhere from Feb2016-March 2019 (they had a white box on the card saying scheduled F bla Blaa or watever .. the ones wit the red boxes on the tray (manufactured between April-August 2019 they’re 100% alpraz 0.75 as ive had them tested by wedinos. Last years n batch year before had 0.2 alpraz caffeine paracetomol morphine & an anti fungal agent in it. NOTE: if the cards you have says they where manufactured in AUGUST 2019 then they’re the real deal 100% Xanax .

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The alko 1s that have a red box on the tray are real. Only prob is, mine didn’t come in strips stuck together, they came in slim trays in a pink box saying Alko 1 by Neu Tech. That’s why they’re imprinted T | N and a tick / swoosh sign / logo on the other side for anybody wondering. Yes they’re batches with morphine and mixed with other dirty chemicals but if your card says manufactured in MAY 2019 or manufactured in AUGUST 2019 then you’re batch is more than likely the ones I got tested by wedinos as 100% alprazolam; (remember: only IF it says April May June July or August on the strip they’re more than likely legit Xanax like mine). BTW: everyone just send your pills to wedinos for sampling and testing and they’ll tell you exactly what you’re taking / exactly what’s in them. Also mine don’t say made in India which I find strange. Also trays are a lot slimmer. No specks on pills but hey maybe someone just scratched India off it if that’s even possible lol.

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Mate, they are not Alprazolam 1mg. It’s full of chalk and if you need to take double what a real Xanax would do they're full of crap from India. I was taking 10 compared to Pfizer 2mg bars where 3 would put me into a great journey. U know the score man.

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Re: Stretchdub92 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Your wrong dude alko-1 are mixed with crap and there is barely any if atol Alprozolam in the pill u will get a effect but not a Xanax effect your taking crap when it’s from India and all the online people know. That’s why they’ll never admit it’s not the real deal. 5 years ago alko-1 would be real but now why are they so cheap when Alprozolam is expensive and like golf dust in America so u think I’m the Indians are giving you the real product your dreaming man. You will get some effects but it’s not a Xanax effect. Trust me.

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Re: Ace (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I’m prescribed the exact tabs in Dublin and I’ve always found them to be Xanax quality.

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Re: Robbie (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Be careful. I got conned by a pharmacy from exporters India. They ask for wire transfer then more money for a refundable restriction custom stamp but it was a scam and no getting money back. Have you had any success?

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Re: Gavaldo (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

That’s funny because I can get 1500 ksalol alpraz 1mg by galenika for 400€. So whatever site is charging you 1.70 pp is ripping u off. Galenika is even cheaper than alko-1 by Neu Tech! Considering you’re paying the price above mentioned for 1500 pills! Where as the Neu Tech Alko-1s are 300-450 for 1000 . It’s a fact that the new batches of alko-1s do contain alpraz. The first wave of them had morphine a lot of people think that galenika could be another benzo (RC) maybe similar to alpraz bud not alpraz as it gives u a horrible “come down”.

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Re: Gavaldo (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

Listen pal unless you’ve spent money getting them tested by wedinos you don’t kno sh. I’m speaking from experience . First wave of alkos was alpraz then people made dangerous copies with opioids etc. now since July - August & December. The 3 batches of alko- 1s tested JUST alprazolam. Maybe u can’t get the real deal but some of us can go get them tested and if dodgy then change your source !

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Re: Gavaldo (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

Looks like u got stung wit duds. I’m also from Ireland . So like the comments underneath that say people got tested for alpraz in system plus wedinos tested accurate for alpraz (new batches) as mentioned, again. You’re wrong, there are bad ones, and u clearly got them. Speak for urself . Not everyone else . Read the rest of the comments

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Re: Gavaldo (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

Yes pal you clearly got duds. Speak for yourself, not everyone else. Agree with stretchdub, Alko, Kb, Irish watever his name is and the rest as I’m also based in north Dublin. Got these tested by 2 sources (wedinos & an ecstasy data site) that allows only alprazolam benzodiazepine pills. The Alko’s with the red box on the card all seem to be 100% alprazolam with no more even minor substances among testing whereas 2016-early’19. I’ve seen many laced with Morphine, low dose alprazolam, caffiene & paracetomol and I’ve also came across ones with a toxic “rat poison” ingredient and chalk. Very surprised at the quality of these alprazolam alko brand pills at the moment as I feel ksalol alprazolam was inaccurately dosed and leave terrible “withdrawal” like symptoms the next day even from 1. Alpz-1 by neuron vision where also a good brand. Some very decent bars 2mg around at the minute too, also tested, so guess I’m lucky to have gotten batch with real alprazolam you could say.

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Re: Dubsmoe (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Glenelka are more expensive than alko-1 from India full off chalk white pills that you need to take double the amount to get any effect from and I can assure you my name is Gavaldo also but I can assure you alko-1 are just weak quality and to say glenelka from Serbia are cheaper is just pure bull.

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