Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 2)


White round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.

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Hi, I'm taking these tablets the last few days, seem ok, a little bit spacey and pupils larger, not sure is it me changing benzodiazepines, anyone else find this? Cheers

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Can anyone confirm that these truly are alprazolam?

I bought them, and they taste kind of like alprazolam but weaker, and slightly different. They don't feel as relaxing as other xanax for 1mg.

There's far to little on the net about these, I've no idea if their real.

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Re: Claire (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

If I have any doubts about the meds I get I take a U/A. I had xanax bars that were laced with an opiate. I knew it was from the bars because I don't take opiates anymore and I am on Methadone that blocked the bars from doing anything to me. The pharmacy I got them from kept calling me, I finally picked up and went nuts on them. Taking pics of all the bad tablets.

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Re: cajun (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Alko 1mg that I got prescribed where legit, but stay away from xanax bars 2 mg. One I got was totally counterfeit with no taste. The 2nd one had a taste like alprazolam but did nothing to me. I am on Methadone so it blocks opiates and I took a drug panel to see if I can find out what was in it and it was opiates. So be careful.

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Re: KLJM26 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to get back to you so late but, no, I've never heard of those. I've taken clonazepam before but, I didn't like them. I like the alko tabs better. I don't think the clonazepam are as good as the alko. I only take 1/4 a tablet, to help me rest. Sorry, I couldn't help you with the other.

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Re: Jim (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to get back to you so late but, no, I've never heard of those. I've taken clonazepam before but, I didn't like them. I like the alko tabs better. I don't think the clonazepam are as good as the alko. I only take 1/4 a tablet, to help me rest. Sorry, I couldn't help you with the other.

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Hey, I have the same pills. Having been getting them for a while, as there is now a shortage of proper Xanax. We have been ripped off by a British pharmacy who imports these tablets from India. Some of them are even dirty with black marks on & you can see it in the blister pack. The Nike style swoosh worried me a bit as this is a known characteristic of illicit drugs. After doing hours of research, they have half the amount of Allrazolam in them, and are mixed with one of a number of other drugs, which I’m hoping isn’t heroin/morphine. Just tell people the next day you had a bad night’s sleep straight away to set the scene.

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If you want to know if alprazolam is legitimate and not pressed drop a pill in a clear glass of sprite it will drop to the bottom it should start fizzing up really fast if they’re legit alprazolam! and Btw: alko-1 are 1mg alprazolam as simple as that they’re just from India and low-quality but it is alprazolam!!!

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Re: Jim (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

If you’re on methadone and you’re taking alprazolam at the same time methadone does not block the effects of alprazolam it increases it if anything! Other opiates will block methadone but not alprazolam it’s the total opposite unless you’re getting some crazy kind of methadone no offense Bud.

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Re: Brybs (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

A swoosh which looks like the Nike symbol and on the opposite side an n t separated with a centre line made by alko 1 there Indian but yes ok

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Re: Tomooooo (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

I'm still taking the Alko 1 tabs and they work just fine for me. But, I'm having trouble finding them now. I really need the help they give me. Can someone help me find which pharmacy dispenses this brand?

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Re: KLJM26 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I'm just really finding it hard to locate an honest pharmacy.

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It always seems when I get 1 mg alprazolam blister packs, I never have an issue with them. They were legit. I filled a prescription for 34 Pinix blister packs and they are legit. It seems like the 2mg bars are the ones to stay the f*** away from because they can use a presser and you never know what you're gonna get.

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I got some Alko-1 tablets today and they do not seem to work AT ALL. Anyone else had this problem? Please share your experiences. So far I am really disappointed!!

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Re: aido97 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I am on Subutex so I get tested every 10-20 days. I've been taking Alko one for at least 6 months. I've already failed lab work. I don't have a script for Xanax, but I was on them legitimately for 3 years in the past. I still struggle to maintain a normal life due to the anxiety but my doc treats me like I'm a criminal for taking it along with the Zubsolv. Its my damn life. He's not my caretaker. If I want to take a Xanax by God I'm going to take one. Yet he threatens to kick me out of his office every time. I thought doctors were here to help us, not dictate what we can and cannot take? Bunch of quacks and the government stepping in to control opioids is the biggest joke since Nixon being called out during impeachment process... We need to vote for prescription medication to be put back into our doctor's hands, not these idiots in Congress. Including Trump!!!!

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Re: HateFakeDrugs (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

They are real and I know this because I failed a urine screen. They are weak, but if you take right right dosage you'll get relief...

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Re: Anxiety is my life (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

They work! Like I said in a previous post, they are real. I have now failed TWO U/A's because of them.

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Re: Pam (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

I received some yesterday and think they're ok. Can anybody confirm they're the real deal?

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Re: Brybs (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

This is NOT the same chemical compound as other Benzodiazepines like Xanax, Diazepam, Etc. I believe it's a very weak drug. These manufacturers from India will lie to you all day to get you to buy their stuff and if you try to import anything. Controlled the meds from India have a nearly 95% seizure rate. These are cheap call centers in Mumbai and they always use ridiculous fake American Pseudonyms instead of their real names like Jon Jones, Michael Miller, etc. Really you're probably talking to a liar in India who if he ships you anything will either be garbage or seized at the border. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Only fill from a supplier who others in the US can vouch for.

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Mate they're definitely xanax.

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