Alcohol And Gabapentin (Page 8)
UpdatedDoes anyone drink beer or other alcohol while taking this? I start on it tonight, increasing every 5 days to 900 mg total a day. I'm curious as to how much alcohol can be tolerated and if there are any reasons to avoid it completely. I like my Budweiser. Thanks for any input.
Coming from someone who takes 1600mg a day and has for over 4 years I agree with this. Mixing alcohol with gabapentin can lead to overdose (greatly intensifies the effects of the medication) and even death. Without writing a book I'll just say, when I was only on 300mg in the morning, 800mg at night, I decided to have a drink once. And it massively f***ed me up. I woke up in the hospital in restraints. They accused me of trying to kill myself. Ha! Not in a million years. Suicide isn't an option. A shot of fireball whiskey along side my medication sent me into convulsions. Obviously folks called 911 and doctors saw high levels of gabapentin. I've never touched a drop since. Either find a different medication or go dry. Completely dry. I never was a drinker. I had like one shot of booze a month. Max. I hated the burn. Well now I'm just the party pooper. Oh well! I'd rather live than have fun at one single party.
Alcohol isn't for anxiety. Or any mental ailments of that type. It has two main uses. Nerve pain. And anticonvulsant. No one has ever prescibed gabapentin for "social anxiety" and that along is why the gabapentin didn't fix it. You don't take ibuprofen for social anxiety do you? Or dilantin, keppra or trileptal? Nope. I sure hope not. If a doctor gave you gabapentin to help with social anxiety, I'd suggest finding a new doctor. Yes gabapentin has been used for certain kinda of mental illnesses (induced by brain damage not lack of self confidence!)
I don't think wine counts... Lol. Sweetie wine is like 2-5% proof. This means like whiskey. Vodka. Tequila. Etc. Wine wont get anybody drunk. It hardly affects the mental state. You'd have to drink a gallon to get a real buzz. Lol
Get help... You're gonna end up dead running like that.
just started taking Gaba and I drink a lot of beer will I be okay
Moderate alcohol consumption won't affect most people when they also take gabapentin. I take 2700mg a day. No problems at all. I'm almost 71. I consume beer and sometimes wine. If you are not much of a drinker then lay off the stuff. I have several doctors. They know I drink. Just don't go to extremes. Also don't use alcohol when you first start gabapentin as it can have strong sedative effect. Within a few days this will cease as your body builds up a good tolerance to gabapentin quickly. CHEERS!
I totally agree with you. I've been on Gabapentin for 5 years now following a spinal cord injury which rendered me Paraplegic. My daily dose is 3600mg and if I have alcohol alongside (which I do regularly 2 - 3 bottles of wine weekly) I find that my pain becomes intolerable.
I'm a small female, under 50kg and apart from the pain have suffered no other negative symptoms. Why don't I give up the wine? Because it's my only pleasure.
I have recently stopped taking 300mg of gabapentin at night only from nerve pain on my scalp due to shingles. How soon can I start drinking wine with meals again?
I was on 400 mg of it 3x daily. Made my pain/anxiety/depression noticeably less, however, alcohol will affect you 100% on this drug. I would have two glasses of wine, completely black out to where I wouldn't remember hours of time. With this prescription and a muscle relaxer I was prescribed.. a glass of wine anything.. months were a blur on this drug and at one point... I swore I was possessed. I felt evil and would forget everything. Never... ever had this happen.
It may not be the gabapentin. Pain alone can cause depression. Try lowering your dose and only take it at night.
I m on 2700mg gabapentin a day i also have a drink now and again last week had a bottle of wine and I am still alive!
Hey man I've done the alcohol with this drug, and in high doses just 2 beers will mess me up. Uncontrollable reactions, falling down, can't control coorordination! Be very careful, doesn't take much alcohol to intense the side affects. Be careful my friend!
I'm have been taking gaba to reduce the pain caused by a cut nerve during chest surgery. Have been on it for 6 weeks, 900 mgs per day, and it really helps with the pain, feel a little fuzzy though. I liked to have 2 or 3 beers after work, rarely drink more than that. Had 3 beers the other night before eating which I really enjoyed but I had a lousy nights sleep and felt crappy the next day, like I had a hand over after 3 beers. This is the 2nd time I've done this and same effect. So for me I'm thinking that the gaba increases the effect of the alcohol by about a factor of 2. I'm going to limit myself to one beer while on this drug - im 65 and hate hang overs.
Yes there is an answer...STOP TAKING THIS POISON NOW! It KILLED my sweet 49 year old sister. STOP!!! Check out Dr. ROBERT MORSE on YOUTUBE. Get behind real healing people. Stop the CRAZY train. Doctors know NOTHING about nutrition. They study it for 5 mins. in med school. Invest in yourself. The art of detoxification IS the answer. My sister just died a week ago tonight from this bulls***. She just HAD TO MIX IT WITH STUPID ALCOHOL. Seriously PEOPLE WTF??? She never woke up. She rolled the dice and her number didn't come up. GROW A PAIR & STOP IT!
I have MS & take 600mg of gabapentin everyday. I drink with it & nothing happens. I don't drink a lot, but @ times of a party I do. It doesn't do anything to me. Also I take a shot once a week (avonex) nothing happens.
The fact is that some people can drink a bit with some medicine, just be sensible. With cronic pain we sometimes get down and want to have a drink to relax. I am now also on Tramadol and have a glass of wine sometimes as I said before be sensible!!
In the last 24 hours I've taken 6300 mg of gabapentin along with 2.25 mg of alprazolam (generic xanax for those who don't know) and I've drank two 16 oz beers and I have had no unexpected side effects.
I started taking gabapentin and was on four oxycodone tens I love it took my script for oxycodone back to my doctor and quit ,yes it was hard but feel fantastic a month and half later , I've had a six pack Corona and no side effects other than normal after a six pack ,just be careful take it slow
Hi I'm on 300mg and been on them 2 weeks have had a few drinks can't say I've noticed anything different in myself
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