Addiction To Pain Med (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy son has a very severe drug addiction to pain med. He has turned to one of the strongest on the street and is now using needles. He has really hit bottom and wants to quit. Someone told him about Suboxone and said that it would help him to break his addiction. Is it a safe drug to use to quit, or does it only replace one addiction for another? Can a family practitioner prescribe the drug if it is safe?
12 Replies
I can truly tell you I know how you feel. I live in NC & my ex-husband in FL. My son was living here with me about a little less then 4 years ago after he finished his second year & high school he decided he wanted to go stay with his dad in FL for about a year then come back & graduate with his class. The problem was I had no clue of the danger that was ahead of him. He did go & said he was having a great time as he had many relatives there & few here, it was about five months after he left that a couple weeks went by & I did not hear from him, after several times calling his fathers I got no answer so I called his paternal grandmother & we talked for 2 hours as she poured her heart out about what was going on with my son. He quit school & was doing drugs all this while living with his father & him knowing it, he would go to sleep & let my son stay out all night (this was a way to get back at me for divorcing him & getting remarried 6 years later. It sounds crazy that a father would use his own son but it is the honest truth he is that mean & hateful & he himself is also an addict with pain meds the strongest there is yet I didn't know it at the time or I would have went to the ends of the earth to protest our joint custody. When I finally spoke to his father he said he is not worried at all & it is just a faze, well that was bull because in 2008 he became a father to a girl who he hardly knew, is still on drugs & is not speaking to me as I am trying to get custody of my 7 month old granddaughter who has been in fostercare since her birth mother who he is still with abandoned the baby after she was only 3 weeks old,I also didn't find out the baby was in fostercare since a few months ago. I like you am worried sick he is going to over dose as he & the babies mother are doing pills & Lord knows what else & want the baby even though they continue to use drugs. I suggest rehab as being the best option if your son is still a minor, if not maybe he will go as they can help monitor his dosage & help with other issues. Didn't mean to write so much but as 1 mother to another I know the pain it must be causing you & I will keep you in my prayers. God bless & I hope you can get him help asap !
I have taken Suboxone for almost 3 years now. It has saved my life. I do consitter it a wonder drug. I never used the needle, but I did have a nasty Oxycottin addiction. I would recomend Suboxone to anyone who has a opiate addiction. They have nothing to loose but the addiction. A normal family doctor can not perscribe Suboxone. He has to be a addictionoligist. Some family doctors can though. If you go on the website for Suboxone you can search for doctors in your area. The makers of Suboxone also have a program where you can receive Suboxone for free it's expensive!
I have been on suboxone for about a year now. My advise to anyone with a heroin or other opiate addiction. GET ON SUBOXONE. It is an amazing drug. It is safe and you definitly are not killing yourself taking it, as u are taking the others. You may have to be on it a year or two, maybe 3, but it is not forever, and you will be living a normal life again in no time.
If you need to find out if there is a doctor in your area who can provide Suboxone treatment, you can visit Click Here
Another place to find help with Suboxone is . Any Dr. can prescribe suboxone if they take a special course and get certified. Yes, you are substituting a legal, controlled opitate which you may eventually be gradually weaned off of in a safe enviorment for an illegal drug an all the risks associated with it. Yes, giving it all up and going cold turkey would be the best of all possible worlds, but the failure rate for that is >75%, while the failure for Suboxone is about 10%. Much safer.
Many people are in the grip of drug and alcohol and its is absolutely painful watching your cared ones playing with their valuable lives, but there are certain substance abuse centers who are taking pains to save your dear ones.
Shelly Smith
Im a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister and a young mother. I struggled with opiate addiction for over two years....i cannot fathom what I have put my family through. Seeing a mother on here who has to feel what my mother and family was feeling hurts my heart so bad. I can say that with the support of my family and it took me hitting ROCK BOTTOM to address my problem. I can say that with tge help of suboxone I have.been clean, NO RELAPSE AT ALL, for over three months. I dont care if it sounds weak but I know I wouldnt be where im at if it wasnt for.the sub program. Ask a suboxone docter, tell them what your using, how long and any other conditions that could be a factor in his substance abuse. I can tell you that opiate addiction is diagnosable as a MEDICAL DISEASE because if how much it alters your physiological and brain chemistry. It should be treated as such. The chance of relapse after quitting without suboxone treatment is at least 85%. Get him in ASAP, if hes scared of withdrawls he doesnt need to be. I had a 300+ daily habit and got high fridat and started my suboxone saturday. Ive been transformed back to my old, sober self since. Good luck :)
I'm so sorry that your family going through this! It is encouraging that he wants to quit, it will increase his probability of success. Suboxone is definitely an option. Hope it helps!
Why can't all of us peeps in this world help the other peeps? I don't know why most people think a prescription or an addiction is crutch or illness. I believe this: "My friend is stuck, I'm going to help him get better and he'll need to be alone because we would do that for anyone".
It is now 2019. I am curious to know if your son is doing okay. I cried while reading this and some of these posts because my nephew overdosed and passed away at 25 years old. He was on suboxone for two years. He had to go to rehab for that as well because it’s the legal way of keeping you high while doctors profit so much from it and ask for ridiculous money. No I would not recommend it I don’t care how long your on it after awhile it stops working and fries your brain. I believe it is good in an inpatient program short term. Otherwise no. Worse than getting off heroin and besides you can still take street drugs interjecting with each. People also snort this as well. The strips are a joke. If one needs to stay clean find an inpatient no sign outs and one must have a strong will to want to quit. I never ever blame an addict because once they get in that bubble, they cannot get out. It is not their fault. Everyone experiments but some just stay on it. May God help all of the addicted. I pray for them every day.
man oh man you do not have a small problem to ask such a complex question! There is correct and acceptable.
I personally do not like methadone AT ALL! The detox from h only lasts 5-7 days. The real problem is that his brain will say "I feel better now" - this is often called the pink cloud.
Al-anon? I wish I could just kill the dealer - yes that does work quite well...
Re: Dr. Lurker (# 5)
why do doctors need "special training" to prescribe the subutex formulation thing, yet prescribing opiate drugs can be done by any doctor? We have miss placed our values. Kill the junk dealer.
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