Adderall Generics Thread (Page 2)


Hey guys.

Most of us are probably in the same boat--our Adderall doesn't work and it's horrible and we can't function well and it's bull**** and we all know that, but there are other threads/forums to vent frustration. We need a thread with the basics to help us all get going again or to know what to avoid (even though that seems like all of them these days, ha.)


4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that)

Generally speaking, chain pharmacies use the same manufacturer at all of their locations throughout the country and that will make it easier for us to either get a hold of that specific manufacturer's Adderall, OR to avoid it if it's a bad batch.

Replies to other posts are allowed, but please try to stay on topic so that the thousands of people viewing this thread can easily keep track when they are going in for their monthly prescription.

Thanks so much!

114 Replies (6 Pages)

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4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that) : PRINCETON, MN
5. SIDE EFFECTS/SYMPTOMS. GOOD? BAD? These Impax seem to be the best form to use for me as I have has several bad side effects from all others, only now shopko pharmacy has closed and I am having to use yet another pharmacy and another brand. In the past I have gotten the Sandoz brand and these have not worked at all for me.

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Re: CW8308 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message


2. XR OR IR? HOW MANY MG? COLOR/SHAPE/IMPRINT? (if possible) : XR/30MG caps/orange football shaped with #3061 imprinted on these
3. ***PHARMACY NAME*** AND MONTH/YEAR OF SCRIPT: Fairview Pharmacy 2-23-18
4. YOUR LOCATION (if you are comfortable with that) Princeton,MN
5. SIDE EFFECTS/SYMPTOMS. GOOD? BAD? Bad side effects/headaches/spaced out/tired all the time/unable to concentrate/loss of pleasure in pretty much anything lately/head feels heavy a lot of days/I hate this brand as I have tried this in the past and it is horrible. It makes me feel tired and does me no good. I also take my Wellbutrin later in the morning and this does not help at all while on this medicine either. I have requested at this time that I only get the IMPAX brand again like before and hopefully this does work for me again. I have also tried the Strattera with out any effects at all and this did not work for me. I also have been on this Adderall script for many years and up until about February last year when I switched to another pharmacy I had zero issues at all on this medication. I agree that something needs to be done about this Adderall and the people that have been on it for a long time and the new medicine claiming to work out there that is only a knock off and does not even work.

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I was diagnosed late in life so have only been on them 4 years. From what I'm reading this has been going on longer than that. My last 2 scripts were really bad (see msg #19) so things must be getting worse. Here is info on my recent script:

- Mfr: Sandoz - deep orange round tabs imprint 404
- IR Generic Adderall "Amphetamine Salts 30mg tabs
- Pharm: CVS 3/18
- North of Philly
- Slightly more effective than Teva but still took 2-3 times more (not good)
- Catatonic inertia (will post more later); this is my 2nd post in life so I'm very upset

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Hi, this is Erin (post # 9). I’ve posted a few times and I wanted to post an encouraging update because I’ve found this forum incredibly helpful. Hearing all of your stories showed me that I wasn’t crazy and that my experience hasn’t been unique. Knowing that made it easier for me to advocate for myself without feeling like a “junkie”. Thank you all! I finally found a local independent pharmacy that will ONLY carry Sandoz, the version of the generic that has been most effective in my experience. The pharmacist will only stock Sandoz IR because it’s the only one that the people he helps have reported that works. Again, thank you all! Knowing that I had a right to look for the manufacturer that I needed and that it was a legitimate thing to do made all the difference. I know it’s hard to do the leg work, but if you know a version of the generic has been effective for you, call every pharmacy and ask what they carry. It takes time but if you find one that is carrying your generic, it’s not a crapshoot. Also, if you have a good relationship with your prescribing physician, they can request specific generic manufacturers on your actual script. You will have trouble the first month. But a local pharmacy, if they know you’ll be back in 30 days, should be able to work with you moving forward. Please don’t give up and hopefully I’ve offered some information that will help some of you find what you need.

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Re: BendBack (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear what happened with your sudden change in meds. I was on Strattera about 13 years ago. It made me feel horrible and I ended up in the emergency room because it caused a panic attack! Thankfully, the doc took me off of it, but didn't prescribe anything to replace or substitute it. I later found a different doc, who prescribed adderall (regular), to me. Until about 10 months ago, I didn't know there were different generics. I had always received the same pill, every month, for 4 years. It was Corepharma, but they don't make them anymore. My pharmacy began carrying Aurobindo, which was junk. I switched pharmacies several times, trying to find a generic comparable to Coreparma. I've found none. I hope your doc can put you on something that works for you.

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Medication: Adderall (Amphet/dextro combo) 20mg tablet
Manufacturer: Teva
Who carries it: Walmart, Central Ohio
Effects: Medication peaks at about 60 minutes after administration. It has a rapid decline, and it's therapeutic effects begin to wear off after about 2 hours.

Once the therapeutic effects have worn off, fatigue, depression and sore back muscles occur. This happens approx 4-6 hours after administration of medication. The next morning is difficult, consisting of hopelessness, foggy brain, depression, no motivation etc., unless medication is taken immediately upon awakening. The cycle repeats and continues. I used to be on Corepharma, however since it's discontinuation, I have not found a comparable generic.

These pharmacies carry Aurobindo: Kroger and CVS in Central Ohio + Walmart in Central Ohio has also carried Mylan. Some of these pharmacies are not consistent in which manufacturers they keep in stock.

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I think I'm literally the only one that likes the U31. I think they are much better than the 974s. Call me crazy and I guess I am but the 974s lost most of their effects after 2 days. Got U31s after and they are stronger than the 974s.

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Just got a script of Mylan 20mg from CVS in Central Ohio. It doesn't "punch me in the face" like other brands can do. Seems to be "smoother" sailing and consistent so far. But I'll report back after a few days or so, to update you on it's effectiveness.

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Erin (# 9)

Hi Erin!

For the Sandoz IR, you should try the Kroger/Ralph's/etc. chain, if you haven't already. I'm not in OR, but they were able to get it in my state, even though it is not currently their "contracted/preferred" brand. Also, don't ever take what 1 pharmacist in a chain store tells you as law...they are completely different in knowledge, attitude, & customer service (...well, actually almost everything!) from store to store. It DEFINITELY pays off to be extra nice & become good friends with whatever pharmacist you can find that is actually happy to help you. I trust my good ones more than I do most of my Dr's, and they have truly been life-savers on more than 1 occasion in helping me with my med's.

Wish you luck! ;)

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Truman (#19) --

FYI, the pills you are describing aren't actually made by Teva...

(*All of the following are in reference to 30mg Adderall-like IR products)

light orange round stamp U31 = Aurolife Pharmaceuticals (Aurobindo)
yellow round stamp MP447 = Sun Pharmaceutical Industries, Inc.

Teva is currently putting their name on two Adderall-like IR 30mg products that are both made up of the exact same ingredients: dextroamphetamine saccharate, amphetamine aspartate, dextroamphetamine sulfate, and amphetamine sulfate. Both are a single-entity amphetamine product combining the neutral sulfate salts of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, with the dextro isomer of amphetamine saccharate and d, l-amphetamine aspartate.

One is being sold as their "generic" and one is being sold as the only "BRAND NAME Adderall IR" currently on the market. However, whether there are actually any differences whatsoever in regards to any of the ingredients, either active &/or inactive, or the formulation and any of it's related methods, remains to be seen...

"Brand Name Adderall IR" = Peach, Round, dp 3 | 0

"Generic for Adderall = Mixed Salts of a Single Entity Amphetamine Product, aka. D-Amphetamine Salt Combo. aka. Amphetamine Salts, etc." = Orange, Elliptical/Oval, b 974 3 | 0

I have personally gone though several of the documents they have submitted to the FDA related to both of these products, and have not yet found one difference between the make-up of the two, except for of course, the pill's identifying markers and the package labeling.

{*Sorry I'm just too exhausted to go into the details about how they got the "brand name" & the shell game they are playing with manufacturer's names & labeling...will have to save that for another time!}

So to be fair, I will refrain from stating at this time that they are in fact the exact same product, until I can finish going over ALL of their documents & records, or until I can try them out myself concurrently. (I had previously been on their generic for approx. 8+ years, but over the past 1-2 years, their efficacy has dropped to a level so low, I just could not take it anymore.)

But unfortunately, I really have not experienced ANYTHING in this category, that is currently available on the market, to be anywhere even near to decent. :(

I have felt much of what you described over the last couple of months, since it seems like everybody out there has tinkered with their formulas, and all to a hugely negative effect. Today was my 1st day on the Sandoz 30mg IR and I literally have not gotten out of bed (for more than 5 minutes at a time) in approx. 26 hours...and I was not even sleeping the whole time, because that would actually be more normal for me, but just sitting here kinda zoning... It's horrific and really feels like zero quality of life.

Anyway, just hoping this info. helps you on your journey... I don't want anybody else to have to go through the same hellish learning curve I had to! Good luck! ;)

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Re: MauMaMa (# 30) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks MauMaMa for all that. I actually got the brand name Adderall last month which was not covered. I paid $435 for 60 pills which I can't afford but needed to see the difference. Huge difference - I am functioning without feeling a heart attack coming on, rather calm. Will keep searching for a decent generic.

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Re: Comments Submitted (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

Mylan is where it's at right now. After two years of searching for Sandoz I finally found it, and it is now by far the worst generic I've tried, including Aurobindo. The new Sandoz pills have zero effect and even taking a higher dose did nothing but give me anxiety. Teva used to be good, but something changed in their formula 6 months ago. I've filled Mylan on and off over the last few years and they've been good every time.

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Re: Alex (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Which Sam’s club in Denver are you gett By the Mylan from?

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Re: GenericHeadaches (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

What geographic region or state are you in and mg? I am from northeast, Pitt specifically and am willing to try anything that won’t give me massive anxiety. I have had horrible side effects to auro and actually I remember I got quiet a lot of anxiety with a prescription from Sandoz last November. Just not sure what to do next.

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Re: BendBack (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with you 100%. CorePharma is the only one that works for me. Unfortunately my pharmacy informed me they are no longer available because CorePharma sold out to Impax and they are not manufacturing generic adderall tablets.

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Re: MauMaMa (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Hey # 29 maumama-I found a small local pharmacy that has been so great. They only ever carry Sandoz and teva / Barr. I’m so happy to find A pharmacy that is local and cares about the people they help. Side note, my GP, Who I also love, referred me by to an ADHD specialist. The specialist suggested specific genetic testing that can help with dosing, DO NOT DO this with out checking that it is being processed properly through your insurance. I think that ultimately it is a great idea, but it is still somewhat experimental and needs to be processed properly. There is ever increasing knowledge about brain chemistry that might help all of us, but I didn’t dot “I’s” and cross “t’s” and $4,500 later, I just hope I advanced science. Just be aware this seems to be increasingly suggested, and not fully explained and not coded properly. I am unprepared for this expense, because I was told it would never be more than $1000 by the specialist. Despite the fact that I can’t afford it, I still think that researchers will hopefully use this data from genetic testing to advance formulations and dosing. However, my fingers are crossed, and don’t make my mistake, read the fine print!

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Re: Tryingtofunction (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

I am in Maryland, and currently on 20mg. From what I've read, the majority of CVS' should carry Mylan. The only time I noticed my CVS had a different brand was when a patient specifically requested them to order a bunch of Teva, and never picked up their prescription. Or at least that's what the Pharmacist told me lol.

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Prescribed 20mg to be taken twice a day

Last fill: Cheyenne, WY Osco pharmacy about a week ago. Received aurobindo (round peach U31 is the imprint I think)
Effects: feels speedy gives me a headache and makes me feel a bit agitated. Have had these before and there is something very off about them. As for treating my adhd, (hyperactive type) they make it worse honestly. Less able to focus...more restless than usual. I generally do not have the urge to take more than my prescribed dose and sometimes I don’t even take my second dose

Prior fill: Walgreens in Denver, CO
Received teva...the orange footballs. To me, these don’t have any adverse side effects and feel like the adderall I am used to. However, they seem very weak and wear off relatively fast. By 2:00 pm I have usually taken both pills and no longer feel any effects, but in order to not run out of my prescription I just deal with it :(

Prior to that fill, I filled at king Soopers and received the same aurobindo ones discussed above

And prior to that I filled at CVS and also got the aurobindo ones. Seems that it is the dominant generic brand available

I am thinking of asking my pdoc to increase my dosage and only filling at Walgreens since the teva ones seem okay other than being weak and having a shorter duration :/

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Re: The Dude (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

I was also wondering this as I live in Denver as well and have only had the option of aurobindo and teva/Barr which neither is effectively treating my ADHD!

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Re: T (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Teva brand sucks but cant find Sandoz. Better quality and works like it should. I am near Charlotte NC.

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