Adderall Backorder (Page 61)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1962 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: JR (# 1149) Expand Referenced Message

JR, do you think that means that 30mg generic IRs will also become available in New Jersey this week @ Walgreens?

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Three pharmacies told me in person that the DEA was not allowing them to take new patients. They had a dispensing limit. My doctor reported Camber to the FDA and they began harassing him. I am switching to Focalin temporarily to continue searching for a pharmacy that has decent generic Adderall. Typical Florida bs.

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Re: ZR (# 1201) Expand Referenced Message

I believe so. I saw the ABC DC in Bethlehem (which fills the Philly/South NJ area) had received the warehouse transfer on 7/2, and when I called Walgreens today they finally gave me an estimated date of tomorrow for my script to be filled.

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Re: Stacy (# 1193) Expand Referenced Message

I had been prescribed 120 mg of the generic Adderall by 6 different prescribers for a period of 20 years. Since the dosage is somewhat higher than most people require, my prescribers submitted a waiver to my insurance company on a yearly basis and my insurance paid for it without incident. Then in 2019, I turned 70. Apparently drugs like amphetamine salts aren't tested on senior citizens, so I feel like I've been kicked to the curb. I've had 5 prescribers in one year through no fault of my own [Staffing turnover at the psych office!] and was issued everything from 60 mg a day down to as low as 20 mg a day by people who think you can just cut back and function just the same.

I've been in hell since then with no end in sight. I have no health problems that would prohibit me from taking amphetamines like diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. In fact, I have the opposite problem -- low blood pressure! And after 20 years on 120 mg a day, they don't even keep me awake. In fact, I take at least one nap a day, and still fall asleep as soon as I turn on the TV. The low dosages I've been on lately don't help my ADD and now I just feel like a slug who can't get out of its own way . . . which really sucks. Let's hope this backorder bs is short lived. Take care.

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Re: Cyr (# 1202) Expand Referenced Message

Best of luck finding a decent generic Adderall. 98% of people who take Adderall will sat that TEVA outweighs all others. It's not even that good compared to 2 to 3 years ago. A "true' Adderall will work, really work. My head was clear, I could focus on any tasks and my mood was at an overall high. My depression was practically nonexistent. It's sad that these manufacturers are permitted to make garbage. I have also found the same problems with pain pills. Have has 2 major back surgeries and most recently a thumb fusion. I was prescribed 5 mg of oxycodone IR. Didn't do a thing. Like taking a placebo. I'm thinking of going back on Vyvanse cause this is nothing but a headache and hassle anymore. Damn shame!

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Re: Jeno712003 (# 1192) Expand Referenced Message

Are you saying you are getting TEVA brand filled? If yes, what area are you from and what dosage? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Jeno712003 (# 1188) Expand Referenced Message

Aurobindo should be taken off the market as far as I'm concerned. Made me sick as well. I seem to have a high sensitivity to the 'fillers' they are putting in these pills. Most believe the FDA is doing their job. I say if they are then why are they allowing such garbage be made and sold to us consumers who need decent medication to function in our daily lives. SMDH!!

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Re: Sassy Lady (# 1207) Expand Referenced Message

110%. The FDA is slacking on their jobs.

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Re: Sassy Lady (# 1205) Expand Referenced Message

Oh, I know. I took the brand name for 17-18 years. And saw the deterioration of those as the mfr. changed. Went to Barr generic which became Teva. Then had Lannett throughout 2021. Was adequate, though far from ideal. It looks like the DEA and FDA just say too bad.

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Re: Sassy Lady (# 1206) Expand Referenced Message

I live just south of Grand Rapids, MI. I am indeed getting my Teva filled. My indie pharmacy finally ran out - manufacturing story. They use to put it on hold for me monthly w/out a script knowing I was coming and I needed only Teva. Last month they said my Adderall was ready, but it wasn't Teva. My next go to pharmacy (for higher priced meds) is Costco. They take goodrx which lowers the price drastically. You do not have to be a Costco member either. Download the app or go to the site and print out their coupon. I take 20 IRs three times daily. I hhope there's a Costco within driving distance. We travel about 20 miles for mine... monthly. Totally worth it. They hold for me too, even w/out a script. They also have the Northstar (???) brand as well. The catch is you hae to wait until their truck comes in with the shipment - after 4:00 pm daily. You can request that they order Teva and I've had luck so far. Good luck!

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Re: Sassy Lady (# 1205) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know the price difference of 'true' Adderall? Or at least is it much more, like sky high? If Teva runs out, I may have to turn to this... #backupplan

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Re: Merriam (# 1204) Expand Referenced Message

I haven't had a problem with Medicare approving Adderall and I am 75. But my psychiatrist maxes out at 60mg. I was doing fine on 50mg brand. Upped to 60mg when these worthless generics started hitting the stores. Sadly I cannot afford the copay for brand. I know the slug(ish) feeling. But I managed to get done what needed to get done. They have taken our lives away.

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Re: tim (# 1197) Expand Referenced Message

What do you like more about it? Please elaborate. Interested.

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Re: ZR (# 1198) Expand Referenced Message

They said that they've been receiving partial shipments sparratically but it's still on backorder for them.

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Re: Sassy Lady (# 1205) Expand Referenced Message

Like I said earlier, Sandoz seems good to me as well (I think I get slightly better results with it than Teva), so I'd recommend people try that if they find Sandoz but not Teva.

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Re: Jeno712003 (# 1213) Expand Referenced Message

It's just been smoother for me. Teva is a fine brand, but I just feel more alert with Sandoz in my experience. I also find the sweetness of Teva disgusting.

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Re: BlessedLady (# 1078) Expand Referenced Message

Maybe it's because I'm 73 and have been struggling to function on everything from 60 mg to as low as 20 mg a day after being on 120 mg for the 20 years following having a hysterectomy and both of my ovaries removed. I was so fidgety afterward I was afraid of losing my job, so I went to a counselor. Within a month I was taking 100 mg a day, and two or three years later someone else increased my dosage to 120 mg a day. I've been struggling to function on 1/6 or 1/2 my original dosage. I don't know why these doctors think that ADD just goes away as we age. And just we're retired doesn't mean we don't still want to be productive human beings. When I go without my pills for even a few days, my house looks like Germany after the war. Every dish I own winds up piled on my coffee table, and I spend most of my waking hours hunting for the stuff I've misplaced. My living space becomes full of stuff that's not quite done. I think that the aforementioned doctor may actually be practicing a form of agism. Or maybe he's just a dufus for thinking that retirees don't need to get things done! Take care.

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Re: Cyr (# 1212) Expand Referenced Message

Well I just spoke to a pharmacist at Costco who told me they were originally told that they wouldn’t be getting any 20 mg until OCTOBER but recently got word it’ll be mid-July. What the hell is going on??

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Re: Rcma (# 1100) Expand Referenced Message

My intention is not to criticize but to expand what you understand. I've been taking generic Adderall in the form of amphetamine salts for the past 23 years and I can assure you that the both quality and the accessibility have gone down the tubes the past few years. The "art" of having one's meds on hand has always been an exercise in coordination and cooperation. But changes in the system have taken most of the control out of our hands. Patients can no longer pick up and handle deliver their own prescriptions; they're at the mercy of their prescribers to manage that for them. Attempts to [seamlessly] medicate went out the window with my provider's latest mandate: No prescription will be issued before it's due. Add that to the fact that the prescriptions for Adderall and amphetamine salts can't be refilled, so patients start from square one every month. Worrying about refills is a constant in my life. And a revolving prescriber staff [5 in one year!] at the Psych I go to makes my daily dose a crap shoot from month to month.

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Walgreens usually gives me the Teva generic. Last few months they switched to a generic brand called Camber.

I take this for narcolepsy. I fell asleep right after taking it.

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