Adderall Backorder (Page 60)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1962 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: Rcma (# 1162) Expand Referenced Message

It's hard for me to believe that there could be generic Adderall priced lower than Camber and Mallinkrodt which are respectively worthless and almost worthless, not to mention dangerous. Look for my post about how Camber caused my blood pressure to drop dangerously low. I came close to passing out in the grocery store yesterday. UHCMedicare PBM is OptumRx. I am lying in bed typing this on my phone for fear of standing too quickly or moving too quickly. Drinking coffee to perhaps raise my BP. This is a shameful practice!

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Re: Cyr (# 1178) Expand Referenced Message

I get my script from my PCP but I’m wondering how easy it is to get adderall prescribed on those online startups that advertise on social media?

I’m all for making it easy for people to get the medical help they need but if any and every body can get a prescription then it affects us who genuinely need the meds.

It’s so unfair ??

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Re: DeeCaffeinated (# 1182) Expand Referenced Message

I actually use an online service to get my prescription. I have no insurance and have severe adult ADHD and GAD. It's worked great until now with every pharmacy being out of stock. Not to mention it's extremely difficult to contact my doctor through these online services. But I imagine a lot of the people getting the meds I need to function do not really need them. Which will make it more difficult for me to use this service. I've now been 2 days without and Walgreens isn't sure when they'll get more. I've been trying to contact my doctor so she'll change the dosage to 15, 10 or 5's because apparently they have them in stock. No luck so far.

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Re: Cyr (# 1180) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens in NJ is also out of stock of adderall. The pharmacist told me she has ordered it for the last three weeks and the only thing that came in was 10 mg

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Re: DeeCaffeinated (# 1182) Expand Referenced Message

I believe the DEA has cracked down on those online prescribers that arose during the pandemic. Here is some info from a month or so ago:

"As a result of the rise in Adderall prescriptions, major pharmacies in the U.S. have started refusing to fill certain prescriptions from telehealth providers. According to The Wall Street Journal, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens have all recently blocked or delayed stimulant prescriptions from telehealth providers treating ADHD online, including Cerebral and Done.”

Attached is an article in reference to this issue.

[1] FDA and DEA Warn Online Pharmacies Illegally Selling Adderall to Consumers

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Re: Ava (# 1183) Expand Referenced Message

What my pharmacy has received is not worth the copay. I find it worthless. Distributed by Camber.

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Re: sasto (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

Then Maybe if the FDA got off their asses and regulated these manufacturers who produce poison that is toxic and ineffective then everyone wouldn’t want Teva. This is the FDA fault. We need to start voting on who works for the FDA. I am ashamed of them. No one should be paying for medicine that makes it worse, makes you sick, does opposite of what it should because the manufacturer is under achieving and has bad practice and ethics. They pump out toxins and stop the effective ones? WTF! Let’s start a peaceful protest to start electing the FDA employees and watch how fast they get off their asses and do something with these company’s!

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Re: Diane B Madrid (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in the same situation with the same dosage. I used to go to Costco after my 'mom and pop shop' stopped getting it and would even hold it for me monthly - without a script. I flipped. I found some at Costco and used my goodrx and it was under $40... I want to say $30. Try that one if there is one near you. On top of that, I don't know what to do about the lack of Teva, either go off (no way!) try Ritalin (which I've done with no great effect) or try the alternative brands, which I don't want to do due to an allergic reaction to Aurobindo. I can't afford to play games with my body and mind as no one on this chat can do and are struggling with. I wish you the best of luck. I wish us ALL luck.

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Re: DeeCaffeinated (# 1182) Expand Referenced Message

Careful, I personally wouldn't try it. Not worth the risk. The 'manufacturers' or whoever created the batch could be putting anything in them - including a street form of speed or nothing at all regarding ADHD.

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Re: Denise (# 1172) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 90 IRs a day. Through a Psychiatrist.

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First, does anyone have a particularly hard(er) time trying to obtaining Teva generic? I absolutely (like all of us) need this specific one. I took Aurobindo as an alternative when the pharmacy pulled a fast one on me. Dead to the world and had to contact my Psychiatrist for help. He said it was prob an allergic reaction and to stop immediately. Oddly enough, he wrote a script for Teva and it got through 89 days after writing the Aurobindo... so he was able to fix the prob. Just sayin' b/c if anyone else has a bad reaction, maybe your Psychiatrist has the willingness to write a new one even after a day of writing the original one. It went through and all was well until the decrease in supply...

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Re: Tx (# 1167) Expand Referenced Message

I had that happen as well! Missing script! I asked my Psychiatrist's office when they sent it and they were down to the minute of when it was e-scribed. Pharmacy's fault, clearly. PS- They dug it up after a phone call saying they didn't have it and a follow up call to Psy. for the specifics. THEN they found it with no additional script. It was in a special place for me and they held for me even without a script. Unorganized. Luckily, they knew me and now save me 90 a month knowing I will indeed come for them. This is a start. Pray they will carry Teva for a while now. Just a suggestion...

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Re: Denise (# 1172) Expand Referenced Message

Been on it for ages - since I was a kid. And I know people who are on 120mg a day. Doctor can override the maximum recommended dose. (Guessing keyword is recommended) wish i could post a photo.

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Yes, I'm now going about 45-50 mins away from my house to get my prescription! It's crazy! And that took me MONTHS! Idk what's up, but it's not ok. You can't just abruptly stop someones meds! Totally messes with your head. I did read that a couple of medication manufacturers had either gone outta business (????) or were bought out, and bc of jacked up prices on gas and everything else in this country right now, the companies are seeing enough money coming in bc I guess they would have to stay in a certain pricing bracket. It all comes down to money. As usual. Always the culprit... lol.. smh

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Yes!!! I called Teva's customer service and the woman I spoke with said no. She said maybe the problem lies with the labeler/distributor. I don't know what to believe. Everyone is looking for TEVA brand. It's really the only decent (and I use that term loosely. Adderall isn't what it was 2 or 3 years ago). I'm so disgusted by all of this that I'm thinking of going back on Vyvanse or nothing at all.

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Re: Stacy (# 1193) Expand Referenced Message

A friend of mine was on 80 mg of Dextroamphetamine for many, many years. Doctors can write a prescription for any amount they choose. But if the patient insurance company has maximum limits. The doctor has to fill out paperwork explaining why the patient needs to exceed the maximum daily dosage.

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First month in four I filled my normal 30mg XR plus 30mg IR combination without issue! Got Sandoz IR, too, which I actually prefer over Teva.

Good luck out there, my Friends!

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Re: tim (# 1197) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Tim!! That is great news. Did the pharmacy say anything about it continuing to be an issue? I’m in NJ and literally every one of the 50+ pharmacies I’ve tried, some chains/others local, we’re all out as of Friday. Tried again calling around this morning and both places I tried were still out and rude about it.

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Re: DeeCaffeinated (# 1175) Expand Referenced Message

It’s fascinating how rude they all are.

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Re: Terry (# 1170) Expand Referenced Message

A lot of them seem to get shipments on Tuesdays and Fridays. But this now my 3rd week without being able to get my script filled in NJ. I don’t think many of us are going to have luck this week, I’ve been trying all morning again today with no luck.

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