Actifed Cold And Allergy Availability (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I always found Actifed to be the only cold medicine that worked for me. Now I cant find it at any of my local drug stores even behind the counter. Is it still available? Even the pharmacist I talked to thought it was on the shelf and then realized they quit carrying it.

121 Replies (7 Pages)

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Please! Be sure to let us know what you find out!

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Two of my Walgreens stores have said it is discontinued. They told us that most of their branded products are made by national companies so perhaps their supplier stopped making it?

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Speaking of Actifed - my husband's favorite allergy med, what ever happened to the Contac 12 hour capsules - my favorite. I was so disappointed when it was discontinued.

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so, is Actifed permanently discontinued? WHY??? I bought some in Italy just a few months ago.

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Actifed (or "Multi-action Actifed") is available in the UK...and in Italy you report. I think we can conclude that it is available generally in the EU.

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Walgreen's website says Wal-act is no longer available. Any other suggestions for those of us in the US without the means of shopping in Italy for our meds? (although it is tempting)

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This is awesome news. Can you please share the generic, or brand names I should look for.

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This is awesome news Bruce (#75) that this product can now be found in Canada. Can you please share the generic, or brand names I should look for.

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They took actifed off the market in 2010 I suffer terribly from allergies like can't even function and literally only actifed worked for me I've called actifed canada and actifed USA both saying discontinued in 2010.... I've bought about 14 different combinations this year and just had a pharmacist do research and found two separate medications with the same ingredients as actifed ( they don't work as well for me but Ido get some relief) 1. You need an antihistamine - he gave me CHLOR-TRIPLON 2. You need a decongestant - he have me a behind the counter -EXTRA STRENGTH PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE...... I am completely frustrated with my own dilemma so I'm hoping I have helped you!

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Jayne are you in canada or the states? I may need to go get a prescription for the ACTIFED if possible. I just ordered some off the internet from the uk... I read people had luck with that. Hopefully it's not a scam haha! We'll see what happens only 12 pills and could only order one package! GRR!

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Ashley: See my post #38. Your mail order from the UK will work...but the cost per pill is outrageous. Also, you will be bombarded with advertizing for all sorts of additional products until you succeed in unsubscribing. Ever considered flying to London and loading up (one box at a time)? It would not be much more expensive...:-)

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I am in Western Canada. I am not certain if you can just get the Actifed on prescription because I was given Co-Actifed, but as I say, they were 40 dollars for 28 tabs.

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A month of trying different meds & research and here is what I found:

(Beware Canada brand names do not always carry same ingredient list as same brand names in other contries: ie Brand X in USA and Canada may contain different ingredient list. )

I live in Canada so I checked the DIN (drug id no) of some old stock of Actifed to ensure combination of drugs used in Actifed.

Actifed in Canada = DIN 02238302= Triprolidine hydrochloride 2.5 mg and Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 60 mg.

Extra Strength Tylenol Allergy is composed of Chlorpheiramine maleate. (2 mg) + other ingredients. "Chlorphenamine is part of a series of antihistamines ..... (its) derivatives and others .... dipheniramine (also known as triprolidine with the trade name Actifed)..."

I have been trying different meds in combination to try to mimic Actifed.. and low and behold.. Extra Strength Tylenol Allergy + Aerious or ENTREX (Guardian brand) . ENTREX & Areius contain Pseudoephedine (120 mg) . So I dug some more and then I found that triprolidine (a.k.a dipheniramine) derivative = Chlorphenamine. (Case solved for me).

Co-Actifed is available in Canada by prescription and contains Actifed 's ingredients + Codeine (more codeine than Tylenol-2's).

3) Target (Canada) pharmacy

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I'm truly missing the Actifed too!!! Is it possible to get it from a pharmacy in the UK?

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No Actifed at Walmart!! The ONLY place I've seen it is at the Walgreen stores, behind the pharmacy counter.

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The same formulation is now called aprodine by major pharmaceuticals . It is by prescription only, but is about 10$ for 100 tablets.

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Even expired mid 2000s actifed works better than anything else out there for me.. Found some in a drawer two years ago.. but now down to my last one.. am suffering in the middle of the night in Brussels and fly back to Canada tomorrow.. Is there anything in Canada at this point (2015) that hits the actifed formula and effectiveness? I would like to think I haven't lost this relief forever unless I order online or drive to the states.

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You can go to the States to a Walgreen and get the behind the counter WalAct which is the same and works just as well. We try to go to the States twice a year to get four boxes of it.

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Thanks for this 'heads up' on Wal-Act. The product is kept behind the counter & you need to provide an ID & to sign for it. But it doesn't require a prescription & it works well. 48 pills for c $7.

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Aprodine which contains the exact same ingredients as Actifed is still readily available.

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