Accutane Long Term Side Effects (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have a son that took accutane 60 mg a day for six months in a row three years ago. Now after many trips to doctors over strange medical problems, it seems accuatne is the culprit medication that has caused servere joint and muscle pain, severe dry lips, redness in face, eye infections of own immune system attacking itself, systems of osteoarthritis in both shoulders, both wrist and right hand, blood in stool, possible hair loss, abnormal liver function test results in AST and ALT. My son went from being a high school football and track athlete while taking this medication three years ago to someone that is in constant pain just washing a car. After I have researched this drug extensively, I can't believe that the FDA allows this drug originally made for cancer patients to be marketed for teenagers with acne. All one has to do is look online what vitamin A overdose does to someone and then you have the results of what this medication has done to my son. This drug needs to be taken off them market ASAP and the drug companies that make it need to compensate all teenagers that they have possible ruined their future. Shame on them! What is going on here?
I have been prescribed Accutane on three different occasions. Twice when I was in my early 20's. While I was on Accutane my face would clear. They always had to decrease my dose because of my liver values coming back elevated. I am now 35 and last year my dermatologist insisted that I try it again. He recommended a maintenance dose. I would take it only once a week. My skin became so thin, headaches, hair falling just wasn't worth it. About a month after stopping Accutane the acne came back. Not only did it come back but about four times worse. On my face, chest, neck and back. I had never had acne on my neck, chest and back before. About 8 months later now my hair continues to be so extremely dry that it just break off, my skin is still very thin, acne is horrible, joint pain in wrists, and just within the last month I went to the ER with this excruciating pain on my left side under my ribs. They have tested me for everything and cannot locate a reason as to why I have the pain. I feel it is all due to Accutane still in my system. Does anyone know if it is possible for Accutane to remain in your system after stopping treatment? If so how do I go about cleansing my system of this nightmare? I am currently doing a colon/liver cleanse.
It does get rid of acne but you might be without teeth because you bone are decaying, And you could have a bag on your side, because your colon is ate up, I would rather have ACNE!
I took 2 rounds of accutane when I was around 21 years old. I had the chapped lips etc but really thought it was no big deal, as a few negative short term side effects were the price you had to pay to get clear skin for the rest of your life. I had always been an honor student, in high school and college. I was athletic as well, playing basketball, volleyball, track, competetive swimming. I loved life and had tons of friends, loved going to parties etc. I did have some aching in my legs, dry face, sensitive eyes, bouts of diarrhea, but ignored it. Looking back, I started withdrawing from others, more and more. I felt flat. I was bone tired and wanted to sleep.
I am now 46. My bones hurt all the time. One disk in my hip is totally dessicated. Three other disks have spurring and arthritis. My vitamin D levels are so low I have to take 4000 units a day. My skin is so dry, so itchy, as well as my eyes, and sinuses. I have headaches all the time, so I had a MRI of the brain. There is some sort of strange diffuse damage on both sides, but no one knows what. My hair is so thin and scraggly, my scalp is always itchy.
I'm now told I have low thyroid. My stomach is always feeling sick. I take all kinds of medicines - for thyroid, anti-depressants for the pain, narcotics for the pain. Even with all that, I still hurt all the time. No one knows why. I don't feel too great, obviously, so I've pretty much lost all my friends. Not feeling well and being so tired, I also am more easily angered. I lost my job and have not worked in 2 years. All I want to do is sleep.
I can't say for sure whether all of this is from taking accutane, but I would be surprised if there was no connection. Why would I have a dessicated disk in my hip otherwise? Everybody says I have changed. By the way, I still get pimples! For me, the best way to get clear skin is to take vitamins, such as zinc, selenium, all the B vitamins, vitamin C, a multivitamin without iodine, lay off the milk, mayo, carbs and sugar. I use proactive sometimes, but now I'm really loving the olay oil free products. I use retin-a every few days, a topical appication of milk of magnesia at times, a sulfur based mask.
My bones and joints hurt so much, particularly my neck, which causes nonstop headaches.
I have never posted any comment on the internet. After reading the stories here, I just felt I had to. Again, I don't know if accutane played a role in my demise. My heart tells me that it did.
I am begging all of you not to take it. Please try going to an endocrinologist first - see if your homone levels need adjusting. Please try changing your diet first.
I will pray for you all.
Please pray for me too. Please pray that all who suffer will be given relief. God bless you all
Don't take a chance with this stuff. I took this stuff back in 2000 before IPLEDGE, or whatever it's called, and have been suffering since. I was told it would only give me dry skin and bloody noses. Doc didn’t mention it was originally used as a chemotherapy drug. I ended up taking it thinking nothing but good things would happen. And it started off great; it completely got rid of my acne. At that point I thought it was my “miracle drug”. Then, about 2-3 years later I started experiencing problems. Extreme fatigue, hair loss, joint pains, depression, and loss of sex drive are just a few of the side effects I started to suffer from. I was a very HAPPY person before I took this drug. I was energetic, loved to exercise, and had a lot of friends. All of that quickly changed. In the end, I deeply regret taking Accutane. I had a relatively minor case of acne that probably would have cleared up with some diet changes. I would gladly take back my acne in exchange for the problems this medicine has caused me. I would advise against using any form of Accutane. The bigger point I want to make though is that I, and many other people, didn’t get major side effects until years later. So, when you read a post of someone who is currently on Accutane or just got off it, take their opinion with a grain of salt. I would have claimed it as a “miracle drug” too, until a few years down the road.
I was given this drug while in the Army 1984 to 1986 at 40 mg twice a day. I went through hell during basic training. I did not know what this drug was and neither did the military doctors,I think. I went through fits of rage like a mad man. My kidney function deteriorated starting 1986. No docs understood why until 2012,when they discovered that the Accutane started a glumerlonephritis. My kidneys scared to the point that they could not be found on an ultrasound in 2000 and I went on dialysis and then a kidney transplant. The reason it took until 2012 to discover Accutane did this to me, is that I had to do the research and find a doctor that would put the pieces of the puzzle together. Most docs will not talk about Accutane due to lack of knowlege of it or they are receiving grants from the Hoffman Roche company and dont want to step on any toes. My anti-rejection meds are from the Roche company kind of ironic. I now suffer from neck, shoulder and back arthritis along with a very irritable bowel and permanent dry eyes. I believe the inhibiting of cell proliferation that Accutane is to do to cells in a cancer patient is to blame for my physical and mental problems. I never had cancer, only acne and Accutane was developed as a chemotherapy drug.
Oh man I don't know where to begin. I started Accutane back in my mid 20's for cystic acne. It worked great and did the trick, although I had to deal with the severe dryness, joint pain, and migraines at the time but I didn't really give it too much thought (youth! ahh to be so carefree now). Well now I am 47yrs old and I am totally disabled and no one knows why.
I lost my job about 4yrs ago due to repeated absences because of joint injuries, causing the need for bed rest, and severe depression. That totally devastated me as I thought I would retire from this job...such a slap in the face when you are an amazing worker but you still lose your job because of something not under your control. Well since then I have been severely depressed - I spend most my time bedridden as my joint pain is almost unbearable. I have been told I need 2 new knees (but they wont do the surgeries due to my age), I have a severe case of premature osteopenia (my bones are like those of a 70yr. old), I went through (unknowingly) premature menopause in my 30's so I haven't had children and I am no longer able to conceive (although with the severe dryness I was never able to have a decent sexual relationship due to the extreme pain I dealt with because of the total lack of moisture in my nether regions), I am almost totally blind at night that I no longer go out in the evenings, and with all of this I have severe depression and anxiety - I no longer leave the house because I am unable to even do groceries without losing my ability to walk..hence anxiety attacks because I know of the pain that is to occur. I haven't been able to walk through a mall in about 6yrs now. This totally kills me as I used to be very active - loved to dance, walked regularly, did lots of aerobics, had a great social life..yadda, yadda.
So I am now on welfare, living with my 93yr. old mother because I cannot live by myself due to lack of monies and because I cannot always care for myself. So tell me, what have I to look forward to in life? I don't even have a family of my own to rely on. Once my mother is gone it will be a cardboard box for me. This is ridiculous! I have no life now. Physicians think all my pain is because I am crazy in the head but yet they cant deny my injuries and my wasted bones. How am I to support myself for the next 30yrs? Is this really worth the clear skin I achieved back in my 20's?? Seriously, if anyone is considering taking Accutane really think hard about it. I took it and thought I was fine...years later I can no longer walk, kneel, climb stairs, have intercourse, stand, sit, ....really exist in all truth. Do you think if I knew what I know now I would have risked my life for clear skin? Back then the drug was new and they weren't certain of the long term they know...take advantage of our experiences and learn from them. Don't make the same mistakes we did.
On another note, there must be some kind of legal route I can take here....this drug has ruined my life, my career....I have no reason to even exist any a waste of space and oxygen. I wish here in Canada we had such open legal rights as the USA does to go ahead and sue for some kind of compensation. I seriously don't know what to do. If anyone knows anything I can do please feel free to reach out to me...I am so lost here. {edited for privacy}
Hmm I have just had a lightbulb moment... was diagnosed with sjogrens 2 yr ago.... but I think I have been suffering with it a lot longer.... I took roaccutane for acne several years ago.. i am devastated to even think I could have done this to myself....
Adverse reactions to drugs are hugely unreported so using woefully inaccurate statistics to demonstrate the safety of a drug is a deceptive and dangerous tactic best left to the drug companies who invented it. I have never said accutane should be banned, I believe it has a place in treating very severe acne which is causing immense emotional distress/suicidal ideation. I draw the line at giving a chemo drug to children with mild/moderate acne who are so young there not even physiologically capable of making decisions that will effect the rest of there lives. I feel too many doctors are failing to make a real risk vs reward assement when prescribing accutane, here you have a drug that can destroy lives over a mostly adolescent and almost certainly a temporary ailment such as acne. I live in chronic pain and discomfort everyday because of relatively mild case of acne that I would have undoubtedly outgrown already. We can't save everyone from long term accutane sides but more can be done to minimise them by reserving accutane for the ones who really need it.
I took Accutane four times in the last five years. I had severe cystic acne on my face, and I can understand how painful it was. Accutane did help me in treating the acne. But I do not think it was a permanent solution. If it was, I would not have to take it three more times. And now I am regretting it.
Right now, I am at the worst health of my life. Last year December, because of back acne, I was put on Accutane by a doctor in India. He told to take it for about six months. during this time I came to US , my employer moved me from India to US.
In about May, I had consumed most of the medication that my doctor in India prescribed to me. To be safe, I went to a dermatologist here, and told them about my medication. They said we are going to start the course again. I was shocked to hear that but I don't know why I agreed. I wanted to get rid of acne forever.
Now after taking the dosage of 80mg for about three months, my bones started to hurt. they used to hurt even before, as I knew accutane caused bone pain and all. But this time pain was almost in every bone. I could not get up after sleeping on a couch. my shoulder would hurt a lot. my arms and worst my back. So I stopped taking the medication and after about two weeks most of the pain in the joints were gone. But back pain became worse. I used to get severe pain in the middle back.
So I started taking ibuprofen. It did help but was not a permanent solution. Long story short, I had to go to E.R. for back pain and they did the CT scan and X-ray. The doctor said , " Your bones look abnormal. You should visit oncologist. Get a bone marrow biopsy. I don't what caused it. May be Cancer or accutane." The word "Cancer" scared the s*** out of me. I almost panicked. Now, I have gone to a doctor and they did my BONE DENSITY SCAN, which came normal. Today I did my Nuclear Bone Scan, and I hope the results would be normal. I saw the images of the bone scan, they do show arthiritis and some of the points and upper back do look brighter, which is abnormality.
I know, I will have to fight myself through this. And my suggestion to people here is, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ACCUTANE if you have normal acne. You can change your lifestyle to fix it. For severe cystic acne, try anti-biotics. They do help. When nothing, not even topical reitnoids work, then think or talk about ACCUTANE. And do not take it for more than a single course, try some other option.
Please pray for me that everything turns out good.
Hi, I took this drug 20 plus years ago and nowhere on the literature did it say if you take there may be a risk of getting ulcerative colitis later on in your life, im 34 now, and had my bowel removed 3 years ago, with no chance yet of a reversal. It's only recently since the company roche had one legal case after another filed against them, that they removed the drug in the US and started to warn people of the more serious side effects. I for one believe this drug is dangerous otherwise why else would they now be getting patients to sign before taking it, I wish I had been given the the warnings now available to this generation. There should be a lawyer to take on cases such ad mine but as of yet I haven't found one. Please someone let me know if you know of one, as I feel I'm owed something from the company that turned a fit and healthier marathon runner / personal trainer into a former shadow of himself.
I am happy you decided not to start accutane. I know the acne problem is hard to deal with. There are many treatment options on the market to reduce acne. Keep googling and trying different options, do research, there are many topical products including natural oils. Use soaps that don't dry out your skin or add oil. I have used Neutrogena face soap with no scent for many years with good results, everyone is different try things. We who have taken accutane can not stop it's effects, but if we can stop someone else from taking a chemotherapy drug for acne, we have won.
Being seriously ill in every way possible from this medication for the past six years I am finally feeling a million times better. Some may not like how I got here but if it helps anyone this is how I did it. First I went on Citalopram which is an anti anxiety. I did this because the bodily stress I was under was causing me a lot of pain and this helped me start to heal in some ways. Then I stopped eating breads, cereals and anything with processed carbs. The only carbs I eat would be in some veggies after I cook them but no potatoes!! I started drinking lots of bone broth you can make it or buy it. And drinking raw goat milk. I go to the butcher and buy my meats lots of organ meats like liver and hearts are great for you. You can do chicken or turkey breasts and brats are great. It should only take a couple weeks to feel much better. I hope this helps! My email is {edited for privacy}.
Re: Ferals mom (# 1905)
While taking Accutane and the whole first year I went acutely downhill after taking Accutane. The harmful Accutane sideeffects do not stop when you stop taking the prescription. I was super healthy before, just a little acne. It's super hard for me to understand why some folks have trouble understanding the correlation.
We are now 3 months off ISOTRETINOIN and my son is doing well on Abilify to control psychiatric problems. He will be on Abilify for at least a year while his brain heals and develops new pathways. I wouldnt say back to my normal son but pretty close. I am glad that there is some positve cases out there but it doesnt change the fact that this stuff is changing young peoples lives and even death. The facts are Accutane was taken off the market June 2009 due to law suits. It is a fact that kids have commited suicide and there are documented cases linking accutane to these deaths. It is a fact that kids and adults are on long term antidepressents and drugs for long term bowel disease. It is a fact in 2004 FDA named Accutane or ISOTRETINOIN one of the most dangerous drugs. It is a fact that the doctors in our country are dispensing this drug to kids with mild to moderate acne not to Severe nodular cases. I realize every drug has its side effect and unless it is happening to you it seems be not so important. The fact that I have to deal with is my son may always be on medications for this. It bothers me because it is my fault that he has missed 3 months of being 16 yrs old, he has missed social events and driving is out of the question right now. I trusted the medical comumnity to guide me and they failed. If I would have known these facts, I would NOT have put my son on Clarvaris/ISOTRETINOIN for his acne. My son was on his way to The Air Force Academy and had 4.0 GPA. Now his future is on hold. I survived acne so can you. A beautiful mind is not worth a pretty face.
I took accutane as an adult in my 30's. I had horrible acne since puberty on my back and although it was not on my face all too frequently, it would appear from time to time as a huge bump. I also had strange white spots around my shoulders. Since my father had excellent medical insurance, they had given me Prednisone which I discovered later was probably causing the white spots on my back and shoulders as well as on a couple of my teeth. As an adult I discovered that Doctors won free trips and cars by prescribing medication presumably my fathers great medical insurance was a cash cow for the dermatologist. Despite administration of this medication, it really did not work long term although it did have some positive effects temporarily...only enough to keep the cash cow going. Its a crime what they do to teenagers. Having taken the wonder drug accutane as an adult after battling acne for years - huge eruptions on my back mostly - I was game. It did cure my acne and the side effects - I haven't had any, HOWEVER, I could be sterile. Yes, have your teenage sons checked for sterility as that is one of the side effects. Some years after my accutane regime, a close friend's teenage nephew and son were starting to get acne. She took her son off non-organic Milk and the acne was greatly reduced and eventually eliminated. Won't that be easy...if the stuff they pass off as Milk in this country caused acne? Ingesting Low Fat 2% Milk / Non Fat Milk is probably the reason for many health before putting your teenagers on accutane, try removing processed Milk and milk products from the diet. Only use Organic Whole Milk - forget about low fat, non fat products - fat doesn't make you fat and the lack of good fats in the diet malnurishes the brain and probably adversely changes the body chemistry. I have heard that it takes about 2 weeks to clear up the acne. If that doesn't work you can always try ProActive which seems to work, however, if its only the diet and no one on this blog has mentioned changing their diet, then its certainly worth trying before taking drugs that could have dangerous long term side effects. Homogenized processed Milk wasn't meant to be ingested or even healthy...same goes for cheeses and other processed milk products.
If you like cheese, try eating whole milk organic cheese from cows that are grass fed and don't over do it. Never buy reduced or fat-removed products - fats are essential to our health and all these buzz-word marketing of products is destroying the healthy of society.
i was prescribed accutane when i was 14. i wish there had been this many resources on the internet then. i did try to research it by myself and found out it had not been tested on children. the drug scared me from the start... the pill package alone, with that silhouette of the pregnant lady and the international symbol for no around her. i told my doctor that it hadn't been tested on kids and he told me i was practically an adult anyway. at 14?!! come on! i had bad acne, but it wasn't cystic acne. anyway, i took it. i always had to have chapstick with me or my lips would crack and bleed. of course i was overly sensitive to the sun. i was on the water polo team at the time and we were at a camp all day, i had slathered spf 55 all over me till i was bone white and STILL came home with sun burn blisters on my forehead. accutane made me severly depressed too. i cut myself daily, attempted suicide 3 times. stopped eating regularly. i went on anti-depressants because i thought i was going crazy. paxil, lexapro, something else. those only made it worse. i failed more than half my classes. i had no idea that it was the accutane at the time, i thought it was me. i barely graduated high school, when i had always been an 'A' student. i was completely gone. i started abusing xanax after high school while i was at college. i dropped in and out of school. i still cut myself then. i had been off accutane for years, but i was still depressed. when i was 20 i read an article about a kid who killed himself on accutane and it clicked. i still resent the f*** outta my doctor for even suggesting it in the first place, but at least i found out the truth eventually. i hit rock bottom and had sort of personal moment. i stopped all pills and started using cannibus to calm the residual anxiety, nausea, appetite problems i still have. last spring i graduated college, high distinction. i have a full-time job and i am happy. and happy to live. oh and guess what? I STILL HAVE ACNE. granted its not bad, but still.
so please please please teenagers... ANYONE... DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!!!!! and please don't give it to your children... not everyone can fight their way through. it almost killed me, don't let it kill you.
We are now 7mo off the Clarvaris now. My 16 yr old son is still suffering depression, talking to himself and his imaginary friends. We are now on our 7th combination of mood stimulating drugs and antipsychoitics, 3rd psychiatrist, a neurologist, a psychotherapist and are now on a waiting list to go to the psych dept at Childrens hospital in Denver. I have yet to have a doctor tell me what exactly they are treating. They just keep experimently with the drugs. There is not a doctor in the world that will say that my sons mental issues are related to the 10 days on the accutane. I have no doubt in my mind that the accutane caused this. My A student is struggling in school accemically and socially. My son is now in classes in special needs classes at school and cant even push a pencil or hold his focus long enough to do simple math. Yes, to most this drug is a miracle drug, but this drug has ruined my son's life. Unfortunately, my son is in the 10% that have problems and is the 1% that suffered severe psychotic effects. Be careful.
Ronny, Douglas, and everyone else here, you should go to my link below and download my Accutane research report and read through it, this is the draft I'm sending in to be copyrighted. I haven't posted here at this discussion board that much so I'm going to share more details about my personal story and the research I've conducted.
One thing that all of you need to understand is Accutane cannot be categorized into the same list as most if not all other drugs because its mechanism of action is highly different to most drugs. Accutane aims to alter your DNA/gene expression. There is a huge difference between most drugs and Accutane, most drugs out there don't aim to alter your DNA/protein transcription. Accutane is a really toxic drug that causes side effects in 100% of everyone who takes it. Everybody gets dry/chapped/fissuring lips while on it which is a clear sign of vitamin A toxicity.
Not a lot of people know the full story behind Accutane and everything that's happened with it, my goal is to change that. I'm in the process of building a case to identify exactly the type of damage Accutane causes to the human body at the cellular level and when I do, the damage will be identifiable in everybody that has taken Accutane. Some of my ideas about Accutane and vitamin A are exclusive and cutting edge, nobody else in the world has ever discussed this topic as in-depth as I have in my report. Accutane can be beneficial for the very small minority of people with severe cystic acne, but it was never supposed to be handed out "off-label" to millions of people with mild to moderate acne.
I've created a comprehensive research report about Accutane's history and pharmacology. Long story short, I took Accutane 12 years ago and have suffered from chronic latent side effects ever since. My symptoms resemble severe Sjogren's Syndrome; dehydration, dry eyes, dry skin, dry nasal passage, and many other problems including Type 1 Diabetes, systemic autoimmune disorder, and interstitial cystitis (diagnosed 2007) which isn't surprising because Accutane probably degrades and dries out the mucosal barrier lining the bladder and urethra. I've discovered some dietary changes and supplements that have definitely improved my symptoms, but I haven't found anything that's cured me 100 %. It's a long story, I can get into more detail about it another time (the supplement I've discovered which has given me by far the best benefit is called Dioxychlor, it's similar to another product called Miracle Mineral Solution these supplements help the immune system's stem cells)
One thing that needs to be pointed out is that Accutane causes Sjogren's Syndrome in virtually everybody who takes it. Some people the effect only lasts while they're on the drug, for others like me it can be permanent. Sjogren's Syndrome always happens to elderly women over the age of 50 and it never happens to young males who are in their twenties like me, unless they've been exposed to Accutane that is. Go here to this Wikipedia article to read more about Sjogren's Syndrome, the symptoms are exactly identical to the side effects of Accutane. One of the major defining characteristics of severe vitamin A toxicity is severe systemic dryness of the entire body. This is also the major symptom of Sjogren's Syndrome.
See Sjogren's syndrome Details.
The Wikipedia article on Accutane has recently been updated to include my hypothesis about Accutane's true mechanism of action, it says,
"New studies have linked retinoids and other similar chemotherapy agents to telomere shortening, causing many to believe that telomere shortening is Accutane's mechanism of action. Telomere shortening leads to an increase in the rate of cell death within the body, which could possibly explain why Accutane causes side-effects such as premature epiphyseal closure, depression, and others."
As a result of what happened to me, I've devoted a considerable amount of time investigating Accutane and Hoffmann-La Roche over the past several years. Here's my link to download my research report.
My research provides insight into why the side effects of Accutane can persist for a really long time after people stop taking it. Hoffmann-La Roche explicitly states in the Physician's Desk Reference that they don't know how Accutane works or how it causes an incredibly long list of side effects, but I believe that they do know. I also believe that through my research I have discovered Accutane's true mechanism of action that Roche has been keeping secret from the public. My research dossier exposes the truth about Accutane, presents the scientific evidence, and is going to enlighten everybody about this drug's history and pharmacology and the latent long-term effects it has on the body which will lead to more independent research being conducted to elucidate the cause of the side effects.
I've delved deep into this scandal and it's impossible to find any genuine good news about Accutane, yet dermatologists are always hyping it up as being a miracle drug which is total bs. The problem with Accutane is that it cannot distinguish the good cells (stem cells in the skin, all throughout the digestive tract, bones, eyes, etc.) from the bad cells (cancer). It simply targets all of the rapidly growing/dividing cells in the body, which is why people get so many side effects. This is how Accutane works, it was originally developed by Roche to be a chemotherapy drug to reduce stem cell growth and proliferation all across the body. The amount of dietary retinoic acid (from vitamin A) that gets into the bloodstream is tightly controlled by the liver, because too much or too little retinoic acid has dangerous consequences (blindness, vitamin A toxicity, etc.). When people take Accutane they're bombarding their body with about 400 times the amount of retinoic acid that it normally handles.
Roche has distorted the information behind vitamin A for the past 50 years, they've delayed and put off research that should've been conducted a long long time ago, they knew about the toxicity of vitamin A all the way back in the 1950's and 60's but that didn't matter. They went on to exploit and destroy the lives of thousands of teenagers and young adults by needlessly exposing them to one of the most toxic drugs ever created by the pharmaceutical industry. A drug supposed to be used only for chemotherapy that accelerates the aging process by reducing stem cell growth/proliferation and obliterating the water-holding molecule Hyaluronic Acid in the connective tissue down to levels of someone who is 90 year old, drying out the entire body before its time.
I would encourage all of you to download my report, read through it, and tell me your feedback. Forward it around to anybody you know who you think would be interested in reading it. When you forward my report to people tell them that if they don't have time to read all 65 pages then they should read pages 1-15, 45-60, and my conclusion, these are the most important parts that everyone should read. Send me an email to my address that's listed at the beginning of my report or send me a private message at the Roaccutane Action Group Forum (my name at this forum is TheInsider) and I'll tell you some diet and supplement recommendations.
Dr Steve you freely admit that accutane does cause severe long term sides in some people who take it,how do we get other derms and the rest of medical community to recognise this aswell?? Roche can't get away with ruining so many lives over mild and moderate acne. They can't give people back there health or loved ones that have committed suicide but we should get recognition and compensation for what accutane has done to our bodies. I barely get through work each day I'm so stiff and sore all over, my joints are continually degrading. I'm not the only one. I think it's pretty obvious you derms will never lose access to this drug so how about helping the ones who have been severely injured by it. Through my research it appears that most derms are using lower doses now trying to minimise long term side effects while still not publicly admitting that higher doses cause severe long term side effects .When will the lies and cover ups stop. When will the people hurt by this drug be vindicated and stop having to troll the net for answers on what accutane has done to them??
Fred my story is a lot like yours. I took accutane at ages 15, 17, and 20. I'm 30 now and look 16 but feel 50. Every side effect you can basically list I have. Stunted growth extremely dry skin, joint pain, eczema, foggy brain, no muscle, attitude change no motivation, cant gain any weight etc. i also noticed something wasnt right compared to my peers. Doctors and everyone else telling me there is nothing wrong and to just be patient. Well I got educated from research many years ago praying that something would cure us. Seems like this drug alters your dna and destroys cells with life long lasting side effects. I have taken every supplement and other plans of actions to help without avail. If the doctor had told me this was designed as chemo drug and the side effects would be with you for the rest of our lives, then no way would i have taken it. Both doctors and roche are to blame for ever giving this to a kid who hasnt developed. They should have to use the billions a year they made off it to research a way to reverse it, if even possible. Everyday above ground is still a blessing an many others have it worse, but you cant help but think how different your life might have been had you made better decisions in your younger years and that hurts every time. We need to have our voices heard and taken seriously.
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1 REPLYI am 41 yrs male.For the past one month occasionally one or two of my fingers move sideways without my control and then ...
1 REPLYMy father has been prescribed ecosprin 75 along with Dytor plus 10mg, prolomat XL and cardace 2.5 by a cardiologist. He ...
1 REPLYI was just prescribed this medication by my doctor, because of irregular periods. For the past 2 years I have had my per...
1 REPLYFolks, like everyone else who has started MULTAQ, I am having second thoughts about it's effectiveness. When I first...