Accutane And Infertility (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I took accutane almost 14 years ago as a teenager. I am now a 32 year old woman who has just been diagnosed with infertility that they believe is linked to autoimmune issues. I truly believe that accutane is the cause of this; from the research that I have done it seems that accutane has been linked to other thyroid-related diseases, but that they have not yet been able to prove a link between accutane and infertility. There are, however, actually more people like me out there than I originally thought. Being diagnosed with ovarian dysfunction has been a horrific, horrific blow. And while there was plenty of information about accutane and birth defects, no one ever mentioned a possibility of future infertility. I was a teenager! This is a tragedy and I believe something should be done about it. If you too have been affected diagnosed with infertility and have taken accutane, please email me. There are plenty of suits against accutance. If there are enough of us, we can come together to do the medical research and get the help we now need.

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So happy I came across this post. I took Accutane in my mid teens for painful, deep "zits." We tried to get pregnant for over a year, finally went on Clomid and my first pregnancy resulted in a Molar Pregnancy, which is rare, and resulting cancer FROM the pregnancy (even MORE rare). After waiting a year from finally being cancer free, I got pregnant and was blessed w/ a little boy. Been trying again for over a year and a half for a second on Clomid/Femara, and nothing has worked. I TRULY believe EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM I've had w/ pregnancies is bc of ACCUTANE!!! I am SOOOO PISSED!!!!

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Thought you ladies might find this interesting. When I am able to retrieve the full abstract I will. Hopefully more studies will be done.

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Are you sure it was infertility? Or was it a problem with children being born with disability of some type if conceived / carried while on the medication? That's been well known for a long time but I'm certainly not aware of any claim that it is related to infertility.... would love to see a scan of the documents you were given to read. Are you able to scan and post or quote verbatim?

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Istrongly believe aAccutane is caused f infertility n spontaneous miscarriages which ive had a my age having kids is no more in my plans. We shoul . Band togethern hire a team of high power aattorneys n doctors for research. Please reply.

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I am 39 and was diagnosed with severely diminsihed ovarian reserve, have had 3 miscarriages, failed IVF's and am now also looking at donor eggs.

I had no warning that roaccutane could potentially cause infertility and am heartbroken if taking this drug has caused me to be unable to have children.

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Sara, my name is amanda. I took accutane 14 years ago and was diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency and hypothyroidism in 2008. Before accutane my cycles were normal. I know exactly what you are going through. If you need to talk, {edited for privacy}.

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I took 3 cycles of accutane as a teenager. Shortly after the last cycle I started to have stomach issues that contine to this diagnosed with colitis at age 42. In addition I cannot have children. I have had 8 miscarriages and all the doctors and a ton of tests cannot find a cause. I really think these problems are caused by Accutane. As a teenager you do not think that an FDA approved drug will cause long term issue. All you care about is getting rid of your acne. Parents DO NOT let your kids take such a risky drug.

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Trying to find about impaired spermatogenesis due Accutane? please search "retinoic acid role in spermatogenesis isotretinoin". Beyond the complex... isotretinoin the chemical name for accutane acts like a natural derivative of vitamin A called retinoic acid. Retinoic acid as it turns out is an active substance in along with many other substances in mediating spermatogenesis. Put isotretinoin in huge amounts where it occupies the receptor for retinoic acid And it permanently alters the testis at a cellular level possibly damaging microtubles and killing off most of the germ cells

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I took the generic form of Accutane (Claravis) in 2010. I suffered the usual side effects while on it dry lips, sensitive skin, joint/muscle pain. The dermatologist prescribed 1.5 mg/kg/day with a cumulative dosage of 270 mg/kg for 6 months for a few pimples behind my ears. The dermatologist reassured me over and over that all of the side effects were temporary. Within one month of stopping, I developed digestive problems, dry hair, dry skin, deep wrinkles, ankle pain, back pain, shoulder pain, fatigue, tinnitus, early periods, basically accelerated aging. All of these side effects are still here with me today and don't look to be "temporary" anymore. I just found out that I am post-menopausal based on my latest blood work. There is no reason to go through premature menopause that I can think of except...oh yea this chemo treatment that I was given for a few pimples back in 2010. Unbelievable, this treatment ruined any chance of having my own child. The effects of this drug are worse than acne. Acne doesn't cause joint pain, digestive problems, dry skin/hair, hair loss, brittle nails, accelerated aging, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, low libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, osteopenia, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, etc. Acne doesn't kill your organs, your colon, your ovaries. This drug kills!

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I would like to be informed if any legal suit is going to take place. I also took Accutane and have infertility. 35 years old. Thank you!

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The ONLY question that needs to be answered regarding Isotretinoin/Accutane and infertility is "Can Isotretinoin cause, or contribute to, infertility in certain patients?" It either does or doesn't. The answer won't be found in statistical reports.

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OMG, I am shocked. I am 23 and just found out I am going thru premature menopause. I took this crap 4 years ago. The endocrinologist asked if I ever took Accutane, and said he sees this happen in young patients who took it! WTF, I still have the side effects booklet and it says nothing about menopause. I would much rather have acne than to have to deal with this! It feels like my life is over. I can't stop crying about this. I had no idea it is being used for cancer. Acne is not cancer!

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"Other methods of male contraception: There are many potential methods of male contraception that are not reported on in depth here. For the most part, the research on such methods is too preliminary to warrant a full description. However, these methods do appear in the news, and we regularly receive questions about them.

Retinoic acid receptor antagonist (BMS-189453): In the 1980s, researchers at the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Meyers Squibb developed a drug they designated BMS-189453. They investigated whether it could be used to treat skin and inflammatory diseases, and found that rats treated with 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight became infertile. That was an unexpected side effect – the researchers decided not to study the drug further. It remained on a shelf until a group of scientists at Columbia University came knocking in 2007.

BMS-189453 is a pan-retinoic acid receptor antagonist. What does that mean? Let’s take it one piece at a time. “Retinoic acid” is the metabolic product of the vitamin A in food. The “receptor” here is a molecule in a cell that picks up retinoic acid. The receptor is in the nucleus of cells, and functions there as a transcription factor, making proteins that turn on target genes. “Antagonist” means that this drug binds to the retinoic acid receptor and prevents it from picking up retinoic acid. “Pan” means that this drug affects all three known types of retinoic acid receptors, named alpha (a), beta (ß) and gamma (?).

Scientists have known since the 1920s that dietary vitamin A is necessary for normal production of sperm in men (Wolbach 1925). It turns out that retinoic acid is necessary in specific amounts inside the genitals for normal sperm production. Blocking retinoic acid receptors in Sertoli cells and developing sperm cells results in disrupted sperm maturation and, ultimately, infertility.

The researchers at Columbia University have now shown that this drug works as a reversible contraceptive in mice (Chung 2011a). Mice given the drug mixed into a solution orally for 7 days were infertile after 4 weeks, at doses of 1mg/kg body weight and 5 mg/kg. The mice all sired healthy litters after 14 weeks, and the offspring had normal fertility. The researchers also found that fertility returned when mice had been treated with 1mg/kg for 16 weeks, and that those offspring were also healthy (Chung 2011b). Their next steps are to:

• extend the dosing regimen for even longer periods,
• evaluate the drug in primates,
• and develop a drug specific to only the alpha (a) retinoic acid receptor, because that’s the one critical for making sperm."


Chung, SS, X Wang, SS Roberts, SM Griffey, PR Reczek and DJ Wolgemuth (2011a) “Oral administration of a retinoic acid receptor antagonist reversibly inhibits spermatogenesis in mice.” Endocrinology 152(6): 2492-502.

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It was hard to conceive... But I cannot deny the miracles in my skin (I was like a monster before accutane)... Plus, non of my doctors linked my infertility problem with accutane. Would if be different without accutane? I don't know...

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All acne is hormonal.

That being said, in women there are two hormonal treatments, that should be considered. OCP such as Yaz. Spironolactone is an anti-andogenic oral diuretic. Doxycycline is considered the best of the oral antibiotics because of its anti-inflamatory properties. The best topical retinoid is Tazorac and Aczone is an ani-inflamatory topical that does not have an antibiotic effect. If you have tried the best alternative treatments and still have significant acne or scarring, then isotretinoin is pretty much the only treatment option. At that point, it is reasonable to take isotretinoin. Also, it is reasonable for women to have a hormonal workup to sure they don't have PCOS or some other abnormality that is causing the acne, rather then jumping on to isotretinoin.

To me, the tragedy is the women who were unnecessarily treated with isotretinoin, or who were treated for far too long and now have fertility issues to deal with. Gynecological endocrinologists specialize in hormonal problems in women.

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First, I want to say my heart go out to everyone on this forum. Second, thank you from bottom of my heart for sharing your stories i know it's not easy thing to do.

My story is a little different please bare with me. My husband and I just found out his ex had put the kids on accutane multiple times since they were 14. A little background they don't live in the country with us. They lived aboard with their mother and stepdad and just got back here ready for college. Girl 4 round, boy 3 since they were 14 and they are 18 now. The mother was on accutane herself 20 some years ago and was not able to conceive and had to do IVF to have the kids and they had the twin. Now both of the kids have spine curvature, anger outburst, dry skin and constantly stomach problem. The girl also has irregular period and crazy mood swing. And of course the pimple and mild case of acne are still there.

I just want to know what kind of doctor who would put kids on accutane even the problem is not severe? Why do doctors still give out this poison? And is there any way we can reverse the damage of accutane i.e stem cell?

I'm so scared now. Please reply.

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Infertility is one of the minor side effects that Accutane gave me. My life is over because of this poison. It never should have been prescribed to people for something as miniscule as acne. I was prescribed this poison for maybe 2 or 3 zits. And guess what? I have more zits now, than when I was put on this crap. Thank you derm for lying to me ("I promise all side effects are temporary...they will be over once the drug is out of your system one month after you stop are so healthy and young, don't worry so much about the side effects that you are experiencing, you'll be fine") and thank you Roche for manufacturing a drug that slows cell proliferation and interferes with hormones permanently among many, many other things. This drug ages the body inside and outside very quickly. It has affected me physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am not the same happy person that I once was. I cannot do the same things that I did before taking the drug a few years ago. It is just so devastating once you find out what this drug does to the body and brain.

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No PCOS, my hormone levels are normal, my ovulation is right on cue. I have little to no fertile cervical mucus. My OBGYN has mentioned that that has a possibility of being correlated. Same for my diagnosis of severe dry eye as my eyelids do not secrete the oil that keeps your tears from evaporating too quickly (mine evaporate at 2 seconds when it should take 10 seconds).

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-Lipids create a hydrophobic barrier which prevents evaporation of water.

Isotretinoin effects the meibomian glands in a way that changes the lipid profile of tear film, causing increased evaporation and Sjorgen's-like dry eye symptoms in men and women. This is well known and well understood:

"Effects of Isotretinoin on Meibomian Glands"

"The Influence of 13-cis retinoic acid on Human Meibomian Gland Epithelial Cells"

"Meibomian Gland Morphology and Tear Osmolarity: Changes with Accutane Therapy"

"Ocular Adverse Effects of Systemic Treatment With Isotretinoin"

"Toxic effects of systemic retinoids on meibomian glands"

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Oh my god, I've never been more grateful to find a forum site. I'm 19 and suffering from moderate acne. Met a dermatologist a few days ago, was prescribed with antibiotics and Acnotin (accutane). Thanks God I researched about accutane right away when I got home later. Even though my mom has paid for the medication, I tried convincing her that it doesn't worth the risk to start it. So I'll be meeting my dermatologist again to suggest me another treatment. Seriously, I'm kinda paranoid of oral medication already.

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