Anyone Else Trying Savella For Fibromyalgia? (Page 28)


This is a new medication that just came out for fibromyalgia. I have several other conditions involving spinal degeneration , herniated discs, arthritus, etc.
I've been taking this medication for a little over 2 weeks now and have worked up to the full dose. My biggest symptom seems to be upset stomach but I don't know if it's from the Savella or from de-toxing from 7 other medications that I've been on for over 10+ yrs.
Is there anyone else out there that has started this medication that can give me any information that they may have on it?

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Go to a Rheumatologist. They have connected osteoarthritis with fibromyalgia, and my Doctor has booklets with fibro and osteo all in one. It is a two pronged attack. Any doctor who doesn't believe in fibro needs to lose their license. Unfortunately, some still don't but they are the minority. I feel like I am dying too on some days and just try to get through a day at a time. I take Savella and no side effects and great results..lyrica was great, except I gained 40 lbs and my tongue swelled and I bit my tongue, and as the dosage increased my throat swelled, so I was allergic. Lost all the weight with savella, and also take lexapro which helps the depression (slight) from chronic pain, but ALSO helps the fibro..also eat no sugar, anything "white" is not right! use only whole grains, not whole wheat, brown rice, reduce your carbs, you will see a huge improvement in the fibro.

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I went to doctor today and she took me off cymbalta and put me on savella starter packs. she also gave me a few loritabs for when I have those dying days. I think I finally got through to her. Because of all of your posts, I knew to take it with food been a few hours now and no nausia. thank you for your kind and helpful post..

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Day two and my stomach is so upset, no appetite, & vomiting. I heard that the first two weeks will be rough so I will stick out for a few weeks.

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Hi, I've been on savella now for almost a year. Oddly enough, it's always made me sick off and on. Just within the last several months, it can even make me throw up and feel like I have the flu! I've been trying to wean myself off slowly and am down to taking one every 3 days. It does help my fibro pain which is why I am reluctant to get off it! The sweating did reside after awhile. My biggest side effect is definitely the nausea.

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i have been on various meds for years and started the savilla treatment about 2 months ago after building up to a 50mg dosage twice a day. my pain has definitely diminished and i do have more energy but the hot flashes and sweating are much more intense than anything i experienced while going thru menopause-and i thought that was intense! 2 hours after i take my morning dose i suddenly turn very red, get miserably hot and sweat so heavily that my clothes are drenched. this happens with a lessening intensity throughout the day, every few hours and then after my nightly dose starts all over again. a week ago i cut my morning dose down to half a pill, 25mg. and do the 50mg. full dose at night but am going to cut that dose in half tonight and will see how much of my pain returns. i am hoping i can get a balance i can live with because after all the drugs i have tried over the years savilla does work the best. i will keep all of you posted.

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I was on it for nearly a yearr, you can read my postings back for monthes, but the bottom line was the sweating and hot flashes were unbearable. Cutting the dosage did not diminish that side effect and my pain started to come back. I now drink a supplement called Supple, all natural and the pain that Savella prevented in my elbows is allieved by this juice. It has a high concentration of Vitamin K, and thats what my doctor believes helps me. Had it not been for the sweating and flushing, I could have lived with the constipation and insomnia, there werebremedies for that but not the hot flashes. Good Luck.

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Dr. Jacob tritlebaum says yes! Google him and follow. Saved me from misery when nothing else did.

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Hello everyone. I'm new to this site and just trying to figure out the do's and don'ts of this horrible disease. I was diagnosed 1 year ago with Fibro after going to one doctor after another for nearly 10 years. I finally got to the right doctor who prescribed Savella 50mg 2x a day but I only take it once. Twice a day gives me horrible headaches, nausea and terrible heart palpitations. While I do have some relief with the Savella, I still suffer from quite a bit of pain and I find that I am really depressed a lot lately. Don't know if it's because of the pain, the medication or both. Any suggestions? How do you deal with this. Thank you.

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Make sure you eat with it. Using naproxen might help, although it didn't help me. Avoiding all refined sugars, white carbs, etc. helps alot/ sugars caused me alot more inflammation. I also take valium to relax the knotted muscles at night and I take Lexapro, which not only helped with depression, no side effects, and it helped with pain, don't ask me why. I tried to go off it because my depression was better, but my pain came back. Hottubs are my savior, literally. I have avoided any opiods that they want me to try. So I have had to try alot of things. Lyrica worked fabulous, for a few weeks...however, I was allergic and as time went on I had swelling of tongue and that's when I got on Savella. Depression is to be expected with chronic pain. I too spent 10 years feeling like I had constant flue symptoms, before U of M, finally diagnosed it and sent me to Rheumatology. Now it is finally acknowledged. Dont go to a doctor who thinks it is "in your head". Treat your depression, it helps alot to feel better mentally, will keep you moving, which exercise is important. Stretching is important and eating well.

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My symptoms started shortly after taking levoquin for an upper respiratory infection. The Savella is better on the stomach with food. I've been taking 100mg for about 6 mo. My mid to lower body pain has improved dramatically, but my head, neck and shoulder pain hasn't improved at all.

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I have been off of Savella for many months now but when I did take it, it only relieved the pain in my elbows. Neck, shoulder and hip pain never benefited from it.

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I have been on Savella for the 30 day trial. I dont like it because it makes me really mean. I am not a mean person but I noticed that my patience with people is not very good since taking it. I was on Cymbalta and I loved it but it is so expensive so my Dr tried the Savella! Cymbalta takes my appetite and I lost about 15pds and was losing more, but only the 30mg the 60mg made me so queasy all day long. I dont know what to do now? My family and friends ask me what's wrong? When I was on Savella... they said I was "bit---"!!

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Savella is also supposed to help with weight loss. I actually gained weight on Cymbalta. If you take a low dose, like 50 mg. twice a day, you can also take a small dose of SSRI--I am on generic Lexapro--just 5 mg. a night. It has really helped with the fiesty-ness. You will be much more calm if you take this too. I have been on Savella for 2 1/2 years now and I keep feeling better and better. Almost no pain. However, energy is another story. I lack energy all the time, and the Savella doesn't help much with that. If I can get about 10 hours of sleep I do really well, but can't do that during the school year, so I just suffer.

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Did you ever try Effexor and have a bad reaction to it as well?? I did and it was bad so I am concerned about trying Savella....

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I have been on Savella for over 3 yrs and have not had any side effects. This medication really helps my fibromyalgia.

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Savella needs a little something in the stomach..just a cracker will do until you eat. I lost 30lbs I had gained on Lyrica, which when the dose tongue swelled and Savella was my last chance. I feel no side effects except I do get a little queasy if I forget to eat a cracker as I usually don't eat till I get to work. Sleep at least 10 hours helps with fibro..but I too suffer due to work and kids.

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Oh, one big side effect: very bad dreams after 2 years on Doc. changed me to take the full dosage in ams and not at night..seems to work for me..just have to eat a little something so I don't get naseaus..NO WEIGHT GAIN.

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Dear TamJean, I just ran acoss this blog and am glad I did, as you sound alot like me! I have fibro, chronic fatigue immune system dysfunction, osteo, endometrosis. Have had 3 surgeries for the endo, the last in May 2012; think they got most of it this tiime! Anyway, my rhem just put me on Savella and I am feeling alot better! I plan to take 1/2 doses of the starter pack to reduce the sweating side effect and the slight nausea; however thank The Lord, my pain and fatigue are quite a bit better after only being on it for 3 days now! I will pray for you and suggest maybe you give the Savella a try; if you're sensitive to meds like me, try the 1/2 dose. Take Care and God Bless.

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Hi, have similiar issues to you. Just started Savella 3 days ago, and yes did have mild nausea and LOTS of sweating!HA! This is on top of my surgerical menopause sweating, so I will be taking 1/2 a dose to see if my body will adjust better. The pain and fatigue is better already tho, thank The Lord! Take Care.

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Hi, I just started Savella 3 days ago, and it's helped alot already; have mild nausea and sweats tho. May try 1/2 the 50 mg dose to let my body adjust slowly. I also have been using Melatonin, time relase at bed time and now sleep like a baby! It's a natural sleep hormone, worth trying! Take Care and God Bless!

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