832 93 How Can You Tell If You Are Taking A Placebo Of The Medication You Used To Take (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy doctor and I had discussed my quitting taking Clonopin 0.5 mg. as I have taken for so long, so he told me he would submit a placebo at some time without telling me. Got my RX filled and keep sweating and getting headaches. Could this be from the placebo as the pill looks and has the same imprint as the original one I was taking. How can you tell?
I am sure my doctor prescribed a placebo in place of my morphine sulfate ir. I also get er's, so thank goodness I haven't really suffered the drug sickness so bad as if they dropped me completely. However, the pain has been just excruciating. Even my husband asked if I thought they wrote me a sugar pill, because I have just been staying in bed, on the couch, or sitting in 1 place in my wheelchair, and not productive at all. I'm a crafter, and am always doing some kind of project but its taken all my energy just to live in my skin!
I almost always have a few of my meds left, at the end of each month, and I take the pill bottles and throw them in the hall tree seat. Well today, after 5 weeks of being miserable, I thought, I'm going to try to take one of my old meds I had left. Complete peace. And I finished a project I have been working on. So those pills, if they were the same, why would the old ones work and not the newest ones?!! I can get thru the next 2 weeks, (hopefully!!) and hopefully, my tolerance will be lowered and my meds will work even better than before. But if the next scripts are just more of the same, then I def need to find a new doctor! Oh, and my pills are just plain white little pills, the usual writing isn't on them. There is usually a line on 1 side, and some numbers on the other. I compared to my old ones.
Also, when I saw my doctor almost 2 months ago, they also dropped my pills by 30 pills a month. So when I saw them the other day, I explained that I was sure it was the doc who lowered my meds after my id doc told them I wasnt healthy enough to risk an infection by getting their inj's., (that baylor neurosurgeons said would do me absolutely no good, anyways!), but it was the pa who handed them to me, and I thought I could trust the medical professionals I trust to take care of me, and didnt feel like I needed to study my scripts, or count my meds. And I mean, surely, if they were changing my meds, they would have told me this. But not a peep was mentioned. Luckily I do not take as many as they prescribe, or id of run out of the ir's, a week early! After being completely puzzled at where my medicine went, I finally figured out they dropped 30 pills a month! On my own. I felt like that was terribly unethical, but what can we really do? If we make too much noise, they will cut us off completely. So its like I told them... Since I am at their mercy as to what meds I get each month, whether its enough to be productive, or not, it is, what it is, and I can do nothing about it. So I would appreciate the honesty, at the very least!!! I also told the entire office that I never ever wanted to see that pa again, and found out that my name was put on a list of many others who also refused to see her!! If it gets too bad, I will just have to come up with an alternate plan of attack!!
Best of luck to everyone. I know that, if you are reading this, on this site, then you are probably feeling as crappy as I am, and searching for anything you can do to make it stop. My prayers will go to all who read this, that you find peace, and are able to live in your skin without suffering so badly.
Re: oldhipichk (# 48)
Look on your prescription bottle. Under Federal Law the name of the medication in the bottle has to be on the label.
TEVA diazepam is completely inafective. I question the efficacy of this drug! After many years on diazepam, I just had my Rx filled with TEVA brand. 10mg...nothing, then took 20mg...nothing but a headache. Had some other generic diazepam and it worked like it should. This is not the first complaint of TEVA pharmaceuticals. I’ve heard of and read about SIMILAR experiences with this company. As a healthcare provider, the negative reviews of their products are CORRECT.
You know when you can tell when the government is losing..when you have one name in group conversation that consistently quotes law..and has been at the beginning..they truly believe we're all stupid.
Re: Jl (# 52)
I post the facts and laws because they provide answers.
It is illegal for a pharmacy to dispense a drug with something different that what is on the prescription container the patient received when they got their prescription filled.
When a child or someone else overdoses on a medication. The ER has to know what the substance is to try and prevent injury or death. Providing the wrong treatment can be dangerous or deadly. If a patient is treated for an over dose and the medication is a placebo. It could be deadly to the patient. That is one of the reasons the name and dosage of the drug dispensed has to be accurate and on the container it came in from the pharmacy.
If a patient could not read what their doctor wrote their prescription for. They can look on the label of the contained it was dispensed in from the pharmacy. If they still have doubts. They can google the imprint. If they still have doubts. They need to consider seeing a psychiatrist.
Re: Fedup (# 13)
Unfortunately some addicts and some crack pot doctors have made it difficult for legit patients to receive help. Guns are killing more people than pills. But let’s not address that. Am 63. Never been on drugs. Have a 91 year old Dad living with me. But do you think they’ll give you anything for stress ? No way. So I’ve since had a heart attack that was stress related. But you government people keep catering to the low lifes that have always made it bad for the legit people in life that need help.
Re: Fedup (# 13)
I hope that you have followed up and resolved these issues. First of all, Id like to say that if you are a cancer patient you should be able to get meds but if you are having a hard time because you have been on it for a long time, then you have to get your MDs to refer you to a pain clinic.
The most important thing is your relationship with your physician. I know they are difficult, but we have to remember that there are many issues that they face. Doctors are there to help patients, but some of them, like the rest of us, dont always have the best bedside manners. We are all human.
Find a physician that you feel you can trust, if you cant trust him or her, just be clear about your fears, and just ask them to be honest. Don’t blame them for doing things such as prescribing medications you think are placebos, simply because you are having different responses to medications at different time.
There are poor doctors out there. I live in Montreal now and the healthcare system here is a nightmare. I went to the doctors the other day and the MD started asking me intake notes, asking me questions he already has. I noticed he didnt have my folder, and then he couldnt give me the results of my blood tests, and I had been waiting six months for those results! In any case, I was upset, but I didn’t say anything. If I complained, it would have appeared as though I was the one that was wrong, when clearly, he had messed up, or a secretary had, or someone.
Finding an MD that you can trust is very important. IF you are honest and find that your relationship with your physician has simply broken and cannot in any way be fixed, then ask him or her to refer you. IF the use of placebos is involved, then ask him or her if he will promise you that he/she will no longer prescribe them. If they cannot do that, then you probably should go somewhere else.
Hydo 5s are about the same as just taking Tylenol.... And if they're the 5/500 that's even worse cuz ur taken to much Tylenol... Over time it builds tolerance in the body and the same medicine might not do the same thing. Depending on how bad the injury is a hydro 5 might not break through the pain.
I infact know this does take place. In methadone mmt for sure. I overheard the staff at my clinic talk about it. Two nurses to more specific. One of them telling the other about it. Im sure manufactures are in on it to. If anyone finds fake meds they blame its on counterfit meds. That were switched in rought and then just investigate it as being that instead.
I don't usually reply to posts, but this one really hit home for me! Withdrawals from pain meds are excruciatingly painful! This is just plain insanity & not to mention illegal! I take 6 Morphine Sulfate ER tabs daily totaling 180 mg! If my doctor replaced them with a placebo, I'd wind-up in the hospital!!! Treatment of this kind is grounds for malpractice! I'd sue the hell outta this doctor! This is totally repulsive as far as I'm concerned! I suppose you get charged the same price for a placebo as the expensive pain meds??? I'm sure the medical board would love to hear about his unethical ways!
I'm suspecting the same ....my doctor was reluctant to prescribe my diazapam and this time the pills are bigger but have affect at all on my anxiety ...I feel I've paid for placebos when I needed medicine ..it must be illegal surely !?
Sorry for being ignorant but just what is an RX? .... and do we have them here in England? .... thanks
Hey FedUp, I'm taking the same medications and it's been awful, just went to pain management and they refilled my pain meds although taste like sweet and in more pain than ever, they have their own pharmacy, I don't understand why this is happening and I have no idea what to do anymore. Anyone who can help me with how to proceed with this?
the Canadian health minister is authorizing an illeagal placebo study stocking the placebo narcotics including diazepam all other seditives and opioids in pharmacies in many pharmacies all over Toronto Brampton and Mississauga I wish more people complain about their dr prescribed drug much needed and their dispensed a placebo from the pharmacy. Both the prescribing doctor and pharmacy are unaware of this disgusting placebo dispensing at pharmacies in these cities
I have been prescribed GTN 300microgram sublingual tablets(Martindale Pharmaceuticals Ltd) and have just noticed that there are no markings on these small concave uncoated tablets. Are they therefore a placebo ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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