3 Week Otc Replacement For My Lost Vicodin Script
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After my hurting back in a head on car accident, it's getting worse as I age. I am a senior citizen, out of shape now...I was going to a PC Dr in a local clinic for years, was getting fed up with their tactics, mistakes, cancelled appts at last minute, etc. TWICE I went into WITHDRAWAL for vicodin whilst waiting for script as such renewed every month when my Doctor was out of town on family emergency...

Since last Thursday i'm now going to a local hospital's Outpatient center. They gave me a ton of paperwork, referrals for getting MRI, papers I signed, MRI referral, etc and in between such was my new prescription for 3x's per day 5/325 hydrocodone/acetaminophen, aka vicodin.

OMG panic attack as i have LOST MY SCRIPT!! I called other places within their center I visited, no one found it. I searched my car, my home (next time will fold it immediately and put in my wallet)..DR WILL NOT WRITE ANOTHER PRESCRIPTION.

I have 22 more vicodins to last me till my next appt ALTHOUGH I have been taking 2 per day - I hurt the most early in the morning but once I get moving, pain subsides and mostly in the evening through the night SO I WILL NOT BE GOING COLD TURKEY, AS MUSCLE SPASMS, OTHER SIDE EFFECTS of no vicodin ARE AWFUL.

Noting here I ALSO take a muscle relaxer, gabapentin, LICODERM PAIN PATCHES, anti inflammatory, Zyrtec, prescription inhaler & both diclofenac anti inflammatory pill and cream, OTC vitamins, supplements...Occasional melatonin to sleep or Tylenol pm. My "best friends" are my heating pad and hot bath with epsom salts...

To carry me over for chronic 24/7 pain, I started taking Turmeric / curcumin... I also just bought ZEEQuil to help sleep at night-will alternately take tylenol pm' but meanwhile what should I take for pain?

I have had a headache since this morbid problem. I have faith in God, I will find the script BUT trying to take precautions meanwhile till my March 23rd appt.

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

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If you are only taking 5 mg of hydrocodone three times a day, you should not have much, if any problems with withdrawals. You can cut the 5 mg in half and that might help some.

You can also take ONE Regular Strength Tylenol (325 mg) when you take half of the 5 mg. OR you can take ONE Extra Strength Tylenol (500 mg) DO NOT TAKE more than 650 Tylenol every 4 hours or more than 1,000 mg Tylenol every 6 hours. REMEMBER, each Vicodin contains 325 mg Tylenol.

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I am so very sorry about your losing your prescription. That's horrible! Have you found it, yet?

Unfortunately, there is nothing available over the counter that is equal to an opiate in pain relief. It is their very nature of being so potent and habit forming that causes the FDA to require a prescription for them from a doctor. It's also listed as causing side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

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