20mg Vs 40 Mg Of Viibryd (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I have been on Viibryd since Nov 1 2011. I began with the started pack (10mg/7 days , 20mg 7days then 40 mg). After being on it for 2 days my anxiety was TERRIBLE on the 40mg. I am now on 20mg and feeling pretty damn good...better than I have in years. Psychiatrist has agreed to keep me on 20mg and we will re-evaluate later.

My question is: are any of you on 20mg and staying there? If so, what are the pros and cons? How are you feeling...does it feel like that dose is enough?

134 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Angelo (# 129) Expand Referenced Message

Great in the gene sight! Yes I had relief at 30 but it wasn't perfect. Hang in there. I promise it'll get better.

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Re: Jashar2000 (# 130) Expand Referenced Message

How long were you on 30mg before you started to feel a bit better? I'm just on my 3rd day. My doc will evaluate me at the end of one week.

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Re: Angelo (# 131) Expand Referenced Message

After about a week. But I felt better at 20/20 after 4 days.

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Re: neloh (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

So you had to get 2 prescriptions to equal 30? I’m on a thirty pack right now, but wondering how I will keep it up when the pack is gone.

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I’ve been on Viibryd 20 mgs for two years, and my weight had stayed the same (150). I had even lost 20 lbs with cleansing and exercise. I was thrilled and maintained a weight of 130 for six months with exercise and not counting calories.

During some family drama, I requested to be bumped up to 40 mgs. Within two months, I had gained 9 lbs. back!!

I believe the extra Viibryd caused increased anxiety which led to nervous eating and also a craving for sugar and alcohol. I refused to go on like that, so my doctor agreed to decrease the dosage.

I’ve been back down to 20 mgs for 12 days now and the weight gain has stopped, so has my anxiety, my nervous eating and cravings. Hopefully I’ll shed these extra lbs soon!!!

I just think 40 mgs is too much for some people. I feel much calmer on 20 mgs.

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I think this medicine is horrible.... First 3 mths was not bad on 20 mg then started to fell blah so they up it to 40 and thought I was losing my mind.... Diahrea, panic attacks, racing heart, heart palpitations, vomiting, nausea, pulse rate would not go down ran over 100 all the time even after waking up...Had sleep paralization in my sleep, tremors, hallucinations and in my book I never had the great sex you all say I was too busy having bad side effects lol....So I decided this was not for me... I went to 15 for 1 week then 10 for 1 week then 5 for 2 days then off..... Thank you lord....also found out that I have hashimoto thyroiditis which, is a autoimmune disease and effects depression and anxiety.. Also need to eat healthier to bring down the antibodies that r attacking thyroid. Most people that are being treating for anxiety and depression is caused from a misdiagnosed thyroid issue so please have them run tests TSH T-3. T 4 and antibodies test.... Look it up on line it is very interesting and makes sense... My body was rejecting the antidepressants cause I did not need them... I needed help with my thyroid. I am off antidepressants now first time since 2002.... I feel GREAT all because I was misdiagnosed...PEOPLE PLEASE WAKE UP... TAKE CONTROL.....if you read this hashimoto is the most misdiagnosed disease in the United States and the drug company's and physchiatrist and counselor are making a fortune off of us.....

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you're suppose to take it with peanut butter

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Yes they are. I was diagnosed with it october 2008. My doctor put me on viibryd august 2014, sold it as a neutral wait gain mild antidepressant. 30 lbs, a mad face rash, and an immune system that is perceiving virtually everything as a threat turns out it's actually a heavy duty antidepressant. I can only assume it's because it's the current designer antidepressant du jour. Went off cold turkey 3 weeks ago, suffered through ridiculous withdrawals, realized that no medicine or cure should ever make a person that sick from not taking it. Seriously hell. Went into see my doctor, or shall i say former doctor today to explain my feeling of immune system in complete turmoil, and the feeling that the only way i'm ever going to get the inflammatory response down and reset is to do a complete suppression and shutdown via a course of steroids. After learning that i went off the viibryd he was rude, condescending and and just plain s***ty all the way around. I can't help but think it money related. Been my doc for many years but i will never go back. My trust and faith in him has been completely taken away. I can't understand how a physician who has taken an oath to heal and do no harm would pass out and encourage the use of this laboratory created poison. smfh.

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As a nurse we are taught if it isn't scored in the middle meaning a line in the centrr to easily break then it shouldn't be broken in half.

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Not until I did the 20 in the AM and 20 in the PM. He told me if that didn't work he'd have my switch meds. But it worked. I was really tired at first. But I adjusted. If you're not feeling better after a week (max). Again, I'd call your doc. Viibryd has quick effects. Not like old school meds. I wouldn't use Ativan. That's addicting. You shouldn't need

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As like everyone else I'm titrating up on the viibryd starter pack and now am on 20mg. I went on it for OCD and am already starting to feel some relief from obsessions that I've been suffering from for 3 years. I'm excited to get to 40mg and stay there for a while, but the only downside is that I might be feeling a hypomanic episode coming on. Hopefully my lamictal will be at 100mg before I get to 40mg of viibryd so I don't get full blown mania. I have bipolar 1 disorder too btw.

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I searched and came upon this site because I was wondering if cutting the Viibryd tabs is okay or not. Some meds say not to. I was on Celexa for about 2 years, and it basically ruined my libido. I told my doctor this. He then switched me to Wellbutrin, which did nothing. My problem is my anxiety. I started getting to the point where I didn't care what I was saying to anyone - and I didn't want it to ruin my job. So Celexa worked, but after the Wellbutrin, he put me on the Viibryd. Yeah, sleepy at first, not real clearly thinking, but I was calmed down a lot more. BTW- I didn't want to be a walking corpse either! My problems were loss of feeling, no libido, etc. After coming off of Celexa, I slowly got it back. Then when I'm on Viibryd - completely gone. I just went to have my testosterone checked, and it is low. I want to come off of Viibryd completely, as well as the Wellbutrin and Ambien. Sometimes I feel like a drug addict, but don't want to have a nasty demeanor, either. I'm going to start reducing my dosage of Viibryd today. A couple of people said to stay on the Wellbutrin, which I probably will, at least for now. I'm also checking into those over-the-counter sleep aids - such as the new one (Excederin or Anacin sleep??)

Oh yeah, and as far as weight gain - it happens! Since I've been on Viibryd, I somewhat have a non-stop appetite, which I personally think is caused by the anxiety. I just have to be a man and learn to control it.

If you can stay away from Viibryd - DO IT!

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I am OFF Viibryd as of about 45 days ago. Doing well. Feeling better. Keep in mind that any drug prescribed for mental health issues damages the brain by shutting down the frontal cortex.

Recently attended a talk by Dr. Peter Breggin, MD (breggin.com) who consults with the National Institute of Mental Health. If you want an eye opener..check him out. His basic premise states the psychiatrists went into business with pharma years ago, thus we have more 'maladies', more drugs to treat said maladies when the majority of our issues could be solved with talk therapy and more love..too simple. No one ever made money on mental health made simple, did they. Think about it. Good Luck all! Encourage all to continue to find their center, learn to hold it and try to wean yourself off.

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well i did the trial pack i ended my 10 mg of viibryd on christmas day im a blusher got alot of complements it dont matter i still blushed lol. i got to 20 mg till bout january 3rd felt pretty normal i noticed i swallod saliva more not bad for blushing a little depression i was on 40 mg for about a week and a half felt annoyed with little things no blushing i can recall i personaly didnt feel good with 40 went down to 20 i feel good but i would also like to say i take 1g of colonzopam generic for kolonopin 1 in morn 1 at night thats why i get somewhat tired easily. been on 20 mg and 1mg 1st few days not well but happy to say feel good aftr bein on it bout 2 weeks now but main thing is i smoke weed it clears my head havnt smoked for a few weeks just wondering cus i plan on gttin a little pot really soon plz someone any advice ASAP thanks.

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