20mg Vs 40 Mg Of Viibryd (Page 6)
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I have been on Viibryd since Nov 1 2011. I began with the started pack (10mg/7 days , 20mg 7days then 40 mg). After being on it for 2 days my anxiety was TERRIBLE on the 40mg. I am now on 20mg and feeling pretty damn good...better than I have in years. Psychiatrist has agreed to keep me on 20mg and we will re-evaluate later.

My question is: are any of you on 20mg and staying there? If so, what are the pros and cons? How are you feeling...does it feel like that dose is enough?

134 Replies (7 Pages)

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Viibryd is the best RX on the market for anxiety and depression IMO. Actually I think it works best for self confidence. I have been on quite a few meds Lex, Celex, Zoloft etc. but with Viibryd, I noticed within two days a huge change in my mood and overall feelings on every level. I cant imagine anyone not having a good experience with this unless of course your not actaully depressed or have anxiety. I dont have any side effects at least that I can tell. Mayvbe im used to side effects from years on the other meds but definitely nothing different. Anyone who is not getting good results from other meds... Talk to your Dr and get on this. It will change your life. IMO of course. Good luck

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I'm wondering the same thing. Feel good on 10mg the first week, why not just stay there?

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Been using viibryd for almost two years and I think that I have been doing very well. I'm having some real stress issues now and I was gonna check with the Dr about a higher dose, but I don't think it's possible due to the fact I am on the highest dose at 40 now?

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I came off Effexor XR over two months and then went on viibryd starter pack. At 20mg I was finally feeling good again I was craving carbs but could watch a show and emotionally invest again. I was finding the joy in my daughter again. Now five days in at the 40mg and I had to go to the ER for a migraine. I have had migraines for years since I was twelve (44 now) and never was it so bad that I had to go to the ER. I called my Doc twice and left messages never got a call even after the ER trip. I am at a loss now. I feel awful. I hate to self medicate but I am thinking of cutting myself back and trying to find a different Doc. A psychiatrist that has a patient in crisis and doesn't return a call is a scary prospect. I have never been to the ER before this. I have never needed him like this before. Feels wrong to leave someone out there struggling like this. I guess I am worried about the low sodium migraines I have read about and what to do.

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I am on the 20 mg because I could not take the 40. I felt awful on the 40 with more anxiety too. I am having trouble with legs tingling and burning and tight muscles. Have only been taking it 5weeks. Did you have any of this trouble

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Would like to update on my experience with Viibryd. I had gotten viibryd from a regular MD. When I started experiencing BAD side effects and i do mean BAD I discontinued slowly off of it....then I decided to seek a professional in this field. She explained that I have HIGH anxiety (GAD) this med she would not of pick this for me because it sent me into Hypomania had a horrible 7 months....believe me I have been on Paxil Lexapro Pristiq Effexor XR and NEVER experienced any of these side effects that I had with Viibryd. Goes to show you that all medicines do not work the same for everyone for sure...anything that comes out new I am not trying it....by the way I did go back on Lexapro 10 mg and so far it is doing ok....NO side effects at all....I just hate that they seem to eventually quit working...Lexapro works for 5 years so I'm trying it again... Hope you all have better experience with Viibryd than I did ...Good luck to you all....

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I am on the 20 mg of viibryd I couldn't take the 40 mg either. I am having some problems with my muscles being sore have you had that problem?

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Everyone listen.... Just take CITRACEL OR METIMUCIL AND it works.

Don't need to deal with the side affects. These products work two (2) ways

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I'm glad to hear that you are doing well on 20 mg of Viibryd. I have been on many anti-depressants (Effexor, Zoloft,Paxil) and without a doubt, Vii

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As like everyone else I'm titrating up on the viibryd starter pack and now am on 20mg. I went on it for OCD and am already starting to feel some relief from obsessions that I've been suffering from for 3 years. I'm excited to get to 40mg and stay there for a while, but the only downside is that I might be feeling a hypomanic episode coming on. Hopefully my lamictal will be at 100mg before I get to 40mg of viibryd so I don't get full blown mania. I have bipolar 1 disorder too btw.

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How did the 40mg of viibryd make u feel?

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I think this medicine is horrible.... First 3 mths was not bad on 20 mg then started to fell blah so they up it to 40 and thought I was losing my mind.... Diahrea, panic attacks, racing heart, heart palpitations, vomiting, nausea, pulse rate would not go down ran over 100 all the time even after waking up...Had sleep paralization in my sleep, tremors, hallucinations and in my book I never had the great sex you all say I was too busy having bad side effects lol....So I decided this was not for me... I went to 15 for 1 week then 10 for 1 week then 5 for 2 days then off..... Thank you lord....also found out that I have hashimoto thyroiditis which, is a autoimmune disease and effects depression and anxiety.. Also need to eat healthier to bring down the antibodies that r attacking thyroid. Most people that are being treating for anxiety and depression is caused from a misdiagnosed thyroid issue so please have them run tests TSH T-3. T 4 and antibodies test.... Look it up on line it is very interesting and makes sense... My body was rejecting the antidepressants cause I did not need them... I needed help with my thyroid. I am off antidepressants now first time since 2002.... I feel GREAT all because I was misdiagnosed...PEOPLE PLEASE WAKE UP... TAKE CONTROL.....if you read this hashimoto is the most misdiagnosed disease in the United States and the drug company's and physchiatrist and counselor are making a fortune off of us.....

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40 mg made me feel tired, lazy and foggy. I am using it for anxiety too...doc cut it down to 20 mg a week ago and so far i feel better. There was some weight gain though with the 40 mg =( .

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I've been taking Viibryd since October 2012. I probably shouldn't even be responding to your question, because I'm not sure it will help. I've struggled with my weight since I turned 25 and my metabolism completely halted (exaggerating, but that's how it seems!). That being said, I really can't say that Viibryd has "made" me gain weight. I can tell you that it completely made my chronic fatigue and aches/pains go away, so I'm feeling a lot better, which in theory should make me want to exercise more. But there is no pill that cures laziness, which is what I am! LOL!

So, I guess I would tell to try the Viibryd, but don't expect it to curb your cravings or appetite, but it certainly won't increase them (in my experience, anyway!).

Hope this helps!

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Nothing personally, but I have read a LOT of posts, and I have seen a lot of positive feedback about high energy and no weight gain. This is also a HUGE concern of mine. Number one thing I asked my doctor, I told her if it makes me gain weight it would definitely be counter-productive (I always ask her for "bonus drugs" -- anti-depressants that aid weight loss). Don't these drug companies know that's the best way to make us happy? That or make it injectable with Botox.

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well i did the trial pack i ended my 10 mg of viibryd on christmas day im a blusher got alot of complements it dont matter i still blushed lol. i got to 20 mg till bout january 3rd felt pretty normal i noticed i swallod saliva more not bad for blushing a little depression i was on 40 mg for about a week and a half felt annoyed with little things no blushing i can recall i personaly didnt feel good with 40 went down to 20 i feel good but i would also like to say i take 1g of colonzopam generic for kolonopin 1 in morn 1 at night thats why i get somewhat tired easily. been on 20 mg and 1mg 1st few days not well but happy to say feel good aftr bein on it bout 2 weeks now but main thing is i smoke weed it clears my head havnt smoked for a few weeks just wondering cus i plan on gttin a little pot really soon plz someone any advice ASAP thanks.

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U don't flip around doses consistently with ssri's. They gradually build up in ur body.

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I have been taking viibryd for 7 weeks. Started the sample pack and on day 3 of 10 mg. felt tremendous relief from major depression and anxiety.Went on to 20 mg. and got the brain zaps just upon drifting off to sleep. This side effect went away within a few days. I did the 40 mg. for 2 weeks and found 3 hours after taking it I was tired, unmotivated, craved sweets like an alcoholic craves liquor and later in the day caused extreme anxiety. I went back to 20 mg. (cutting the 40 in half) anxiety waned...but still lethargic 3 hours after taking 20 mg. I now cut the 40 mg. in quarters take 10 mg in the morning usually about 7 and 10 mg. 8 hours later.20 mg. total for the day. I now sleep well (at 40mg. I had horrific night sweats) Appetite is down..no sugar cravings...stomach problems, gas and heartburn gone. I am happy and sad when it is appropriate (if that makes sense) not the flat dial tone feeling I have experienced on other antidepressants. I hope this will be helpful to others out there and that you will experience the relief and happiness we are all desperately seeking.

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OK So I went to the Dr. for my 6 month checkup on Viibryd. Told her 20 mg was good and about the loose stool issue with this med still after 6 months. She says there is no solution for that except immodium only as needed. She offered to switch me from viibryd to something else if the bowel issue becomes too much. I really like how I feel absolutely normal on viibryd. Every once in a while a little anxeity will rear its ugly head but nothing as compared to pre viibryd days. Ireally have no weight gain and sex is so much better now that the anxeity is gone. I am really afraid to switch to something else. 10 years ago I took zyban (wellbutrin) to quit smoking. Stopped taking it after a week because I was so spaced out. No focus or concentration. I'll stick with this drug because it works well.

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My Dr. has prescribed 40 mg of Viibryd after taking me of taking me off of Zoloft. I titrated beginning with 10 mg Viibrid/100 mg Zoloft, then 20V/50Z, then 30V/0Z. After one week I noticed an improvement vs. the 150 mg of Zoloft I had been on. Viibryd has been so effective that I've topped out at a daily average of 31.5 mg by taking 40 mg on Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. and 20 mg on Sun., Tues. and Thurs. I reason why take more than I need to? I believe that the only reason that the manufacturer recommends 40 mg. is to compensate for the fact that some patients inevitably will fail to take the medication with food. Taking 40 mg. on an empty stomach is the equivalent of taking 20 mg. with food. I religously take the medication with food and 31.5 mg is working great. Plus, should my depression return I have a little bit of ammo left to fight it with by going to 40 mg daily.

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