20mg Vs 40 Mg Of Viibryd (Page 4)
UpdatedI have been on Viibryd since Nov 1 2011. I began with the started pack (10mg/7 days , 20mg 7days then 40 mg). After being on it for 2 days my anxiety was TERRIBLE on the 40mg. I am now on 20mg and feeling pretty damn good...better than I have in years. Psychiatrist has agreed to keep me on 20mg and we will re-evaluate later.
My question is: are any of you on 20mg and staying there? If so, what are the pros and cons? How are you feeling...does it feel like that dose is enough?
Your experience mirrors mine in that 40 mg was too much for me and I backed off to 20 mg and am doing much better.
I searched and came upon this site because I was wondering if cutting the Viibryd tabs is okay or not. Some meds say not to. I was on Celexa for about 2 years, and it basically ruined my libido. I told my doctor this. He then switched me to Wellbutrin, which did nothing. My problem is my anxiety. I started getting to the point where I didn't care what I was saying to anyone - and I didn't want it to ruin my job. So Celexa worked, but after the Wellbutrin, he put me on the Viibryd. Yeah, sleepy at first, not real clearly thinking, but I was calmed down a lot more. BTW- I didn't want to be a walking corpse either! My problems were loss of feeling, no libido, etc. After coming off of Celexa, I slowly got it back. Then when I'm on Viibryd - completely gone. I just went to have my testosterone checked, and it is low. I want to come off of Viibryd completely, as well as the Wellbutrin and Ambien. Sometimes I feel like a drug addict, but don't want to have a nasty demeanor, either. I'm going to start reducing my dosage of Viibryd today. A couple of people said to stay on the Wellbutrin, which I probably will, at least for now. I'm also checking into those over-the-counter sleep aids - such as the new one (Excederin or Anacin sleep??)
Oh yeah, and as far as weight gain - it happens! Since I've been on Viibryd, I somewhat have a non-stop appetite, which I personally think is caused by the anxiety. I just have to be a man and learn to control it.
If you can stay away from Viibryd - DO IT!
I stayed on 20 mg for a year and then I could tell the difference of not doing as well. After a few months of that, they upped it to 30 mg which made a little difference, so now every other day I take 30 mg and then 40 mg. It has repeated the success of the first year now, thank goodness. My concern is and has been what happens when you get to 40 mg every day - the maximum dose - and that begins to wane? The only answer I get is that that is the maintenance dose. Nothing else on the net about what to do if you get to 40 mg and that no longer works. So I look to at least a couple of years of feeling normal. Do NOT miss a dose or you will have the brain zaps, and other side effects like trying to withdraw from effexor.
My experience has been similar to others who report 40 mg. heightening anxiety. I dropped to 30 and had an incident of hearing voices so dropped back to 20 mg. and been maintaining there for the last month after all the tweaks. I still get bouts of anxiety but have determined that the meds can only do so much. I need to take action to self soothe and committed to practicing some form of meditation/yoga to change the chemical balance in my brain and regain control of my life so I can move forward.
You have been on it longer than I. These drugs do not work the same for everyone. Do what works for you. Good Luck!
I always say to myself, self when u eat that first piece of something you're not going to stop. I think about how I feel after being on the eating warpath for at least 20 minutes.
The question about weight gain is a good one. I was told that it was not supposed to cause weight gain. I have never had a weight problem and all of a sudden I've gained 10 pounds but that is on a very small 100 pound frame. Also I noticed it is all in my midsection where I never gained. I've now read numerous posts of the same thing happening to other people. I am on 40 mgs and I'm going to taper down. It's making me depressed when I see this weight gain in my middle. Hope this helps
I've cut my 40 mg pills in half, and have been taking 20 mg for about a month. I notice I actually do have more energy. Weight....well, sometimes I have an appetite, sometimes not. Haven't noticed any weight loss, but overall I feel better.
I have tried Viibrid for a few weeks now and it is NOT working form me. My anxiety if off the charts. Asked to and plan to go back on Effexor.
What dosage are you taking? The general population has started at 10mg up to 40 where most of us felt the anxiety levels. I'm lback to 20 and I'm back to doing well. Unfortunately you have to go up and down until you find your dosage level. Hope that helps.
I'm weaning off of viibryd right now. My main reason is weight gain. I've been on it a year an a half & have gained 42lbs. Now I'm more depressed then ever cause of my weight.
I went through the same scenario on the start up of Viibryd. Dropped back to 20 and have leveled there and found it to be relatively effective. Seems to be the norm for many.
I am on 20 and am going to stay there. 40mg causes strange things. Stick to 20mg
I was absolutely hyper on 40 mg but viibryd sure knocked hell out of my depression as soon as I went on 40. My wife finally told me that I was babbling at her non-stop and that maybe the viibryd took me from depression to manic/depressive. She is a long term nurse and told me to start cutting the 40s in half. In two days my manic-like behavior went away, but I still have the energy and desire to get things done....finally ..
Don't know about weight gain. I find myself eating less and do not have that constant appetite that I had when depressed. I actually want to start exercising again to firm up my stomach muscles. I think Viibryd is great.
you're suppose to take it with peanut butter
I am OFF Viibryd as of about 45 days ago. Doing well. Feeling better. Keep in mind that any drug prescribed for mental health issues damages the brain by shutting down the frontal cortex.
Recently attended a talk by Dr. Peter Breggin, MD (breggin.com) who consults with the National Institute of Mental Health. If you want an eye opener..check him out. His basic premise states the psychiatrists went into business with pharma years ago, thus we have more 'maladies', more drugs to treat said maladies when the majority of our issues could be solved with talk therapy and more love..too simple. No one ever made money on mental health made simple, did they. Think about it. Good Luck all! Encourage all to continue to find their center, learn to hold it and try to wean yourself off.
I started the 40 mg this morning. I was told to eat it with a table spoon of peanut butter, so I did. I hope it works. I could not tell a difference with the lower dose. I will keep you posted.
I tried to wean myself off for 2 months. Actually I did. But - I noticed I snapped at people, had less patience and didn't like the way I was treating people (which I think is a great thing when you can realize it yourself). I went back on to 20 mg a day, and this keeps me balanced and less impatient. Granted, it still doesn't do anything for my libido, because I have no drive at all. But to be around people and my mate, it's working out wonderfully.
I don't know why half a 40 MG. pill would be any different than the whole 20 MG. one...just be very accurate when you slice them, use a pill splitter to make the job easier...these actions will save money when your insurance won't cover the cost of medication.
I would say that everyone is different of course, and your body may not need the full 40mg. And staying on a lower dose is all you may need. I have been on several of the antidepressants and done I have to junk to the highest rapidly because it isn't effective at the lower dose and some are just too strong at the higher dose, so you know your body best. So what is right for you
I have been on 10mg for a week and just sitting down getting ready to take 20mg for the first time. Anxiety has been high, diarrhea and insomnia have been prevalent For the past two or three days. I am remaining positive that this is the drug for me!
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