I found what appears to be a Xanax?? French fry-shaped white pill with four scores and 2090 on front, but NO SCORES ON BACK (there is a cursive "V''). Are these a good brand? They don't taste good. I bit off a little piece and the tip of my tongue tingled and went numb! I'm freaking out! HELP!!
Qualitest pharmacy makes V 2090. I thought they were bunk as well because of their taste. They don't fizz in carbonation either.
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415benzo Says:
I live in san francisco and I've seen yellow, green gg249 and xanax 2, basically any manufacturer out there. I've seen them fakes. Matter of fact on 11/15 police raided a house in Oakland with a pill press and 3000 fake xanax. Now it's hard to fill a prescription because of fake ass drug dealers.
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bizzybee Says:
they are counterfeit.. you described the exact same pill as i received. the taste wasn't right. didn't dissolve on my tongue and numbed my tongue.... where are they coming from? I'm in the Dallas area
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nicknam Says:
Does anybody know about the 2 milligram alprazolam gg249, if there's any fake ones going around and I believe I've gotten a few
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Xanalude Says:
I have read that these are real. I've been taking xanax for about a year, and there are counterfeit xanax of almost all real brands out there going around. The signs to look for when identifying if they are real are if they are hard or crumble easily, if they don't taste like real xanax, and the feeling. In my experience the 2090's I took were the best xanax I've ever had.
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Cshel Says:
Just because a med did not work for you, generalizing it,"METHADONE SUCKS", is very harmful. Methadone is one of the best naturally long-acting opioid analgesics we have. I have talked to many patients who say Methadone helped their pain the best of any long-acting opioid. Now no one can get the opioid pain meds needed to have a quality of life. This is due to all the myths drs are adopting, instead of doing their own research, regarding the guidelines, NOT MANDATES, put out by the CDC regarding opioid prescribing. GO to the painnewsnetwok and look up The Myths surrounding the CDC opioid guidelines.
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Littie Says:
I have a Xanax and it doesn't dissolve in water. Is it the correct medication? It has 2090 on one side and V on the other
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C-Bizzle Says:
Im from the Dallas Ft. Worth area and got a bunch of these fakes too. Some even have the scores on the back with the V in the middle. It seems as if there is some active ingredient in SOME but its not Alprazolam, it just knocks you out like Trizadone or somthing, not a desirable affect no anti anxiety properties.
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mcB Says:
They make real ones with no lines on the V side. I have one that I know isn't real; took a quarter of it. Crumbled instantly n my mouth and had no taste at all, i felt something but not what i feel from xanax. All my pain is gone, might have been one of those fentanyl or who knows what. Only reason im not pissed is my pain being all gone. I have a high tolerance to opiates. I take 80mg of methadone a day, prescribed to me. Be careful tho, there's counterfeit xanax bars (only white ones i know of) but one with fentanyl in it that can take ur life. Just be safe people, hopefully this will save someones life that sees this.
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NJ420VEGA Says:
Thank you!! Jesus Christ if you get it from your pharmacy they're not counterfeit! There's so many different brands of it but be it the white g's, the white ones that say xanax on them, or the yellow ones, they're all alprazolam. The only one I don't like are the green ones. They're time released and if I'm angry or stressed I need my xanax to work now not in an hour so f*** the green sticks.
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MrsHapper Says:
So I failed a DT @ clinic for methadone. NEVER done methadone in my life. But I had taken a white ("V 2090") bar 2 days before my DT because a close close family member passed away unexpected suddenly. There was Benz's in my system. I thought they mixed my DT up with someone else's because Ive NEVER EVER done methadone. But my friend had taken a ("V 2090") bar also. She doesn't take methadone or do anything else so I bought a drug panel ($29) and sure enough it came back positive for methadone. Be careful folks.
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Cshel Says:
Rollo, Methadone is a full agonist! Look it up! Before posting make sure info is correct. It is also up the readers to not take everything as,valid and to.do their own research and always question, It is your right! Peace and love to you Rollo, not wanting to start any negativity:) CDC done enough of negativity!
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Lil lyric Says:
Not true I know people on methadone for pain also, so know your facts.
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DARE Says:
Yes 2mg Xanax. Figure each # ex 2 0 9 0 is 0.5mg and the worse it tastes the stronger they are or they at least kick in much faster.
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Nyopiophile Says:
Qualitest is the maker of the 2090 with the fancy V cut on the back, with no scores on the V side and 4 scores on the 2090 side.
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BKNYdogg Says:
I have been getting the V 2090s for the last year, and honestly when taking them with Greenstone brand generics (made by Pfizer who also make brand name Xanax), there is a slight difference, but i still find them much stronger than the Yellow ones, which do absolutely nothing but put me to sleep. They are MUCH stronger that GGs which people still will take. Yes the taste and texture is a bit different, however as someone who had a bad benzo habit for years, kicked and stayed off for years, and now has learned to take them as prescribed (never daily ever again - not even one every 3 days!), the v2090s absolutely make me feel medicated, the same way a Greenstone (g3722s, the ones you all want) does but maybe like 1/16th less or some s***, it's barely noticeable. These are real. My girlfriend had a very bad panic attack (not caused by benzo use) and i put one of these under her tongue and felt her pulse drop and watched her come back over the next minute; with an opiate it would not be instant relief like that (nor would it be with Klonopin or Valium even!). I have heard people complaining about "fakes" but have not come across them myself. Hope this helps.
So I have some of these. I also can report that there is no bitter taste. They are super sturdy. The feeling is not as similar as other bars though - agreed on the less inebriated portion.
Can you confirm where you got the info that there is no bitter taste? My buddy swears by these and claims they are solid. Hoping to get someone else’s feedback on this portion regarding to the taste specifically. Any info is appreciated!
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Verwon Says:
Top Answer
These tablets contain 2mgs of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax, which is a Benzodiazepine that is used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. (NDC 0603-2130, manufactured by qualitest)
Side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and irritability.
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Adam Says:
You're absolutely lying awfully. If you're on 80mg of methadone then you're not feeling 1/4 of a bar or 1/4 of a bar's worth of fent either!!! Do not mislead people!