2090 V Pill (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I found what appears to be a Xanax?? French fry-shaped white pill with four scores and 2090 on front, but NO SCORES ON BACK (there is a cursive "V''). Are these a good brand? They don't taste good. I bit off a little piece and the tip of my tongue tingled and went numb! I'm freaking out! HELP!!

73 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Mr 209 (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

You blacked out after taking 4 mg of some unknown substance over a 5 hour period. One of the most counterfeited Xanax pills out there, Great, enjoy!

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Re: nicknam (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

There's a TON OF THEM!! More counterfeits than real ones. That’s a fact!

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Re: Xanaxdown (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Qualitest is the manufacturer

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I don't care what ANYONE says those ARE BAD. I have been prescribed Xanax for years and ended up with some of the v 20 90 with no etch on the V side and within a day i was in withdrawals and my friend who also got them ended up having a seizure. These were in the sarasota area (FL)

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Hi, what company is v 2090 manufactured from? There are a lot of different kinds but I want to know if V 2090 is the best generic. Can you please tell me who makes this? Thank you so much.

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Re: nicknam (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

X2 Xanax brand are mostly all fake. Break them apart and taste the powder. If it's bitter you're good. If the pill crumbles or doesn't stay together after you split it in half then they're fake. Don't buy X2's, at least not in LA. Hulks all the way or yellow actavis school busses are also as they haven't been getting many presses around here. I just got some of the 2090 V bars and they were legit, so it depends. Always be careful before taking a dose you think you could handle, start small because you know if it possibly is pressed and laced. If you said it made your tongue numb it prolly has some weak analgesic or painkiller idk. Hope I helped. If you'd like to talk more please reach out, I'd be happy to help.

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They’re fake got the same had bad symptoms.... lots of them .

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Re: Xanalude (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I had every brand too, even got a YouTube channel showing fake vs real, but yeah, I had 2090/V that don't taste right. Then I had 2090's that were bit skinnier but tasted real bitter so I heard that the company (This medicine is a white, oblong, multi-segmented tablet imprinted with "V" and "2090" and is manufactured by Par Pharmaceuticals, an Endo Company) got rid of the bitter taste because it was causing people to be more addicted thinking that ,"oh since it taste bitter they definitely will work", and that's not the case here. This company took out that specific taste also wont give you that inebriated feeling as much as the green s 90 3, yellow 2mg R039, blue 2mg B707, white 2mg g3722,white 2mg gg722 will. Now those are all 2mg xanax and they make counterfeit for each pills. I made a YouTube video of 3 diff type of green xanax that all work well. They all taste like bitter.

Test check: put xanax in soda to see if it drops to the bottom and sizzles. If it floats or goes to the bottom and doesn't break down or sizzle its pressed with promethazine, fentanyl or other substances.

TASTE TEST: every xanax I get prescribed if u put it on your tounge for a second you get a tiny tiny hint of a sweet taste which is the coating, then you will get the straight nastiest bitter alprazolam taste which are good fake ones.

PILL CHECK: If they crumble easy in the pill bottle they're fake, or like I said, they can make u feel good there are just thousands of people making bad ones with real alprazolam mixed with other substances. Also check the numbers. If they are squiggled or not straight they're pressed. If they're not pressed, it lines up right or on the side of the pill exactly in the middle on the side of the pill. You will see the lightest Indent line on the pill that means its pressed not pharmaceutical.

I've been taking xanax since 13. Took 6 month breaks here and there but I have Major ptsd and anxiety disorder along with depression so I know a lot about xanax, and from Cali to Las Vegas they make the xanax with the 2 on it, still making them look perfect, even drop test but that's in Las Vegas. All I know is people took pressed pills (fentanyl ones, all weird diff types of ones) and noticed the feelings of fentanyl takes away pain and makes u tired. Alprazolam doesn't do that.

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I have a pill that green in color, rectangular in shape, with #'s 2090 and blank on the other side. Also you'll find 3 separate lines, which makes it easy to break them for a smaller dose if needed. I need to know if this is really Xanax?

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Yep got the same ones. But I have see where they are putting small amount in the fake ones idk they might get a newbe repeat coustmer lol

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Re: Derek (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Methadone is not a blocker, it’s an opiot that gets in your bones, unlike SUBoxone, that actually blocks the neurotransmitters in your brain against any and all opiates..SUBoxone is the safest, reliable medicine that you don’t ever get any thoughts, cravings, etc. the best thing hands down! I’ve been through both, SUBs are the way to go

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I've been getting xanax 2mg white with v on one side and 2090 on the other. They are hard as a rock, you can't hardly chew them up. I think someone around where I live are purchasing them on the internet. They barely have that xanax taste. I would appreciate any thing you all could tell me. Thanks, T-bug

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Methadone is for opiate abusers that wanna quit , it blocks the receptors so if you take more opiod it wont instert your body , its stops the craving & i taken Oxy before and and also Methadone & Methadone jus made me very nausious , Methadone sucks

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