2012 Oxycodone 30mg Shortage In Florida (Page 14)


My spouse, who is in severe, chronic pain, has been a customer of Walgreens for many years. We live in Pinellas County, Florida. Everyday this week we have driven from Walgreen's to Walgreen's trying to fill his prescription for Roxicodone 30mg, to no avail. I cannot get any help from his regular pharmacy. I know that it's dangerous for them to tell a total stranger which store has them in stock, but I don't understand since they know him, why they can't call around or give us any assistance. I am at a total loss as to what to do & would appreciate any information that you could provide. It is so hard to see him in so much pain. Thank you.

1050 Replies (53 Pages)

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If any of you have insurance then you are wasting your time with those pharmacies. I and two family members get our oxy scripts filled every month with no problems and a 10 dollar co-pay, I won't tell you what to do but if you have insurance you should know where to get your scripts filled by now.

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Got with the Chief Pharmacist and She ordered y meds right there and then, said that I am the only Customer Who uses that strength Oxy and She will be sure that I will have Meds in Future!!!

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"I don't feel comfortable filling your script" - that's the same line I got - must be their standard response now.

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I too am in Sarasota & have done everything you have listed. I have been on my meds for 12 yrs & have been going to the same Walgreen's right by my house less than 2 miles, I even sent my script off after they swore they had them & could fill them, what a MESS paid for
overnight shipping & then they didn'thave them & were unable to order them.Took 3 1/2 weeks to get them returned...then they were scribbled all over. So I was told by my Dr to go to a private pharmacy, so I did they told me I need to transfer all my scripts there-did that-they said ok we can do it. They filled everyone of my scripts all 9 $2500.00 worth, but not my pain meds & I have 1 er & the oxy 30's for bt-Been 3 weeks & they still haven't filled & when I asked about all the others they said "oh we don't have a problem with any of them but we can't fill the pain meds". I went back to my dr he have e opana ir not on my formulary & the pharmacy said we can't fill those either maybe you sshould try another pharmacy
Yea right-fill every bargining script I have 9 non CII & leave me with my 2 CII.
I'm so tired I shake the pain is so bad I can't eat-my kids starts crying & tell me they are plentiful on the streets! ;,(
So So sad thought their new data base was supposed to fix things-Heck they haven't even given it a chance-They just cut everyone off-legitimate patients that is.

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@ Peter P....I have insurance and I was NOT having a problem up until July. Then all Hell broke loose. My pharmacy said they had not received their shipment since the last time I filled (their last shipment). They tell me they continue to order every week but just don't get them in. It took me a while to establish there, which I know is the key. However, now I'm out looking just like I was just starting all over...so having insurance and being established is no guarantee right now.

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@ helpless, havent been able to fill roxycodone with insurance with same Dr for 2 years since may. I'm at Drs office right now, and don't even know what to ask for. Can't get roxycodone, tried opana, and was on morphine this last month and have been in a lot of pain. Little relief with morphine. This whole thing is a nightmare. I'm going to ask for opana again, very expensive and pharmacist played Dr with me and would only fill 90 of the 150 I was prescribed. I'm over this BS.

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THis is a problem we are all having and need to do something about it, Go on face book and sign up to join the group Fight for Florida Pain Care Network, this group needs as many members as possible for support and to help ALL of us real pain patients to get the medications we need w/o having to go through misery every month! Join now and stand up for what we deserve!

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B, Im also on there and have asked people to join us in our fight. No roxycodone scripts from my pain mgt Dr. I told him about our organization, and he just nodded. He's a good Dr, but for a lot of them, it's about the $$$. He just said I've switched most pts to other meds. I also heard our Governor Rick Scott is taking pain meds. I haven't tried to fill new rx. Thursday, is when I can try to fill opana. It cost me a fortune last month with insurance and that was for only 90 the pharmacist would fill out of the 150 the rx was for. That's why I switched to morphine. Did little for pain, so now where do I fill opana? Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks and God.bless

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Lizzy legs.... You will love this since were from same place Walgreens at 41/clark you know where i mean....they all use U.P.S now and there driver got robbed on the road! Has to be another inside job!!!!!!! Its all inside jobs that killing us real pain management clients!!! Im sick of this, signing petitions is not gonna do it odviously because thats been going on awhile now, and do you guys think that Gov. Scott gives a crap about us because he takes pain meds? No he isnt gonna want all to know him like that. And i bet he has no problems filling his meds either, come on guys we are the only ones to change this... im surprised that not one pharmacist has been killed yet...because i know how bad withdrawl can be and what goes through the mind, its gonna happen, so they need to do their damn job!All of these people need to do their jobs, PERIOD ! end of story!

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All who live in FL, PLEASE join on FB. Look for Raliffe, Donna for Fight for Florida pain care network. There's strength in numbers, and this organization is doing great work. Join us, and be heard!

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I agree something needs to be done now and think we need to do something.Call Pam,Bondi our wonderful attorney general. I will join any organization that will help the people who really need the medication.Something needs to be done now. This will drive me to Disability,which I do not want but will have to if I cannot get my medication filled.I live in Pinellas County FL.

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So you got sick with something that might be cured, tried some meds and they worked. LUCKY YOU. My fiance will NEVER be better. Our lives were RUINED 12 years ago when he fell in a HOSPITAL. Not only did they cover up his fall, they kept him in the hospital for a month trying to figure out HOW to do it, then gave him a spinal fusion that left him disabled with permanent spinal cord and nerve damage. He has tried all kinds of different meds over the years, patches, injections, physical therapy...you name it. The 30mg is the only one that helps him feel like he can get out of bed for an hour or 2 every few days. Other than that he cries every day, talks about throwing himself down stairs to paralize himself, and would probably kill himself if he wasnt so scared to do it. So, please don't say people just want what they want. That kind of thinking is what is causing this problem. (yes, he has already been to mental health facilities, they just send him home saying, actually....he is right. What can you say to him? He won't get better and in so much pain you can't say live with it.....if he could, he would after 12 long years)

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Carly, I'm so sorry that your fiance has to suffer so greatly bc of this awful situation. The govt has violated a basic human right to have access to a med that can at least make peoples lives tolerable. Pay no attention to some of these people who say the most foolish of things. 9 out of 10, they are getting their meds. Has your fiance tried opana ir? They work as close to roxycodone for me than anything else. They're very expensive though. With insurance, they cost me $97.00 with insurance for 150, 10 mg. I've read 10 mg of opana is equivalent to 20 mg of roxycodone. I was out for close to 6 hrs today to find them though. In a last ditch effort, stopped while I was in the next town over @ a small pharmacy, and they had them. It's just a suggestion as they come in different strengths and er and ir too. God Bless, prayers sent to you and your fiance and family.

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OK, my 2-cents worth. Why suddenly unable to fill these prescriptions after months and years with the same pharmacy? My theory.. I hate to say it, but let’s just follow the Money. One of the pharmacists let it slip the other day. I was running from store to store, doing the pharmacy-crawl. Instead of saying "we are out of that" (I believe this is frequently lies), she actually said to me "… we don’t carry that any more, it is not profitable". That explains a lot. Think about it. Something changed. Extra security cost for pharmacy? Yes. Plus Maybe the amount the insurance co pays $/pill, maybe the amount Medicaid pays $/pill, but these corporations are now unable to make the same profit and they simply don't want to bother selling at a loss. If you have 3 or 4 profitable scripts each month, or pay cash, they will probably fill, even though they are "out of stock" for the insurance / Medicaid paitient.
I'm furious. Please think twice, there is an important election coming up in November. Should we blindly follow the business mantra of more and more deregulation? This is a perfect example where the current practice is (should be) illegal. But nobody's watching and they certainly don’t behave well on their own accord.
Thanks for listening.
50-something in W. Central Florida w/fractured thoracic vertebra. Previously on Oxy30s, but can't get them anymore.

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Robert, your theory is right on the money. Never of this whole situation like that, and it makes perfect sense. I heard everything today, from we don't have them anymore, to I'm not comfortable filling it, to I only have.50 and can't guarantee you the rest. This was all the answers to opana. The pharmacy who finally did fill it said he will have them for me in the future, and also mentioned he doesn't carry oxycodone or dilaudid. Hmm.. your theory is becoming very clear.. opana and quadruple the price. As usual, it all comes down to $$$. Thank you for a fresh perspective on a despicable situation.

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ROBERT......Yes u got it...didnt think of that! and your right, i use to pay 200.00 for 180, now 620.00!!!!!!!!!! So there not getting them for 100.00 a bottle so they said f*** most of us! SAD but today i found a human being pharmacist and its not a chain guys so stay away from chains and pay the price if you can until this crap blows in there face. God bless.

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ROBERT....your right! i went from 200 to 620.... so guys stay away from big chains and pay the price til it blows over if you can. god bless the pharmacist that are real and treat us like human beings.

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CARLEYCHICK the 30 oxy are out there just alot of money at small mom an pop pharms, because of what Robert said, its so making sence!

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Well, here it 10 days later and I finally got my Oxycontin 80mg script filled! Simple enough is what it all boils down to; develop a relationship with the head Pharmacist and have them keep an eye on Your particular meds. I was told to come in 8 days in advance to make sure that My Meds would be in stock by the time My Scripts will be ready so there will not be another 'down time' episode.

"COMMUNICATIONS" is all it boils down to in this particular case. I would encourage those of You Who are in this predicament, ask to speak with the Pharmacist and explain Your situation and ask for Help for the future.

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I just spent the last 2 hours reading all of your comments and I am sick to death that I have to turn away people in need because I don't own the store and I have to follow the rules. I am a good pharmacist with true compassion for those in need. Both my parents died horribly painful deaths due to cancer. So here is the deal. I want to open a store but cannot afford all the start up costs. If any of you can help with the financial aspect then I promise to help ALL of you get the meds you need. Write to me at xxxxx@xxx and let's make this happen.

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