Stimulant / Psychoactive

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Stimulant / Psychoactive, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Stimulant / Psychoactive Overview

Stimulants (also known as central nervous system stimulants, or psychostimulants, or colloquially as uppers) are a class of drugs that increase alertness. They are used for various purposes, such as enhancing attention, motivation, cognition, mood, and physical performance. Some stimulants occur naturally, while others are exclusively synthetic. Common stimulants include caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, methylphenidate, and modafinil. Stimulants may be subject to varying forms of re...

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Recent Stimulant / Psychoactive Forums: RSS Feed

Benefits of Tanganil, How to use it and Where it's found

I have read all the comments here and after visiting over 10 very well recommended doctors across the globe and doing all sorts of tests, we all seem to be facing 2 combined issues that occur and are linked together "Vertigo Migraine & Meneire disease", any other doctor saying otherwise is a LIAR and just wants either your money or your insurance money!! Out of personal experience and having to deal with this very annoying matter for over 13 years now, I can say the best way to treat it cause there is no operations for that, is to take Tanganil 2 tablets at a time once in morning and once in evening with 1 tablet of gravol with every 2 tablets of Tanganil. Dont use Tanganil on daily basis but only when you really need to. An advice to help reduce the dizziness / migraines: D...

Updated in Caffeine
Dewitt Pills for kidney and bladder

I was told by a doctor that i have a kidney or bladder problem which seems to be giving me back aches when i try to sit or stand for long periods. I have heard of Dewitts kidney pills and would like to give that a try before things get worse. Can you help me to locate this product? ## I am sorry, but DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder pills are not longer being manufactured. I can't even find a listing that states exactly what they contained, but many of these old remedies had to be removed from the market, due to the fact that they often contained medications that are now considered prescription only drugs. What has your doctor suggested trying? If you are looking for some natural options that may help, there are several that many people swear by, that are known to clean out the kidne...

Updated in Caffeine
Cyclazodone Availability

Are there any US sources of Cyclazodone now that NewMind no longer has it? ## No, it has still not been evaluated for safety, and efficacy by the FDA. Ref: Cyclazodone Information Since it was discovered in the 1960's, it is very doubtful that the FDA will evaluate it in the future, due to the fact that other medications with proven safety and efficacy profiles are already approved. What specific condition do you need treated, and what medications have you already tried?


Used for treating headaches. It's white in color. ## From what I was able to gather Dorflex active ingredients are: -Caffeine -Metamizole -Orphenadrine Citrate From what I was able to gather Dorflex is used to relieve pain associated with muscle contractions resulting from trauma and tension headaches. Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## When I was in Brazel on vacation - I got such a trouble headache - Went to a Drug there and they gave me Dorflex - It was the best pill I had every had for the headache. Is it available here in the US - If it is a safe pill to take while in in another county - The Brazil poeple take it and no side effects and is not habit forming. ## The FDA banned metamizole in 1977 because of a rare but serious side...

Updated in Caffeine
blakjax AJ 3850

Large black capsule with above markings ## This is an over the counter energy capsule similar to Stacker or Stacker E. I dont know if this is the one made in the US or in Europe. ## I am not sure where it is made either, but I know you can buy them here in the U.S., my husband was just looking at a package of them the other day in our local pharmacy. ## It contains caffeine, Yohimbine (from the Pausinyatalia Yohimbe tree), Capsaicin (from chile peppers!!!!), Yerba Mate (from Ilex paraguariensis tree), Guarana seeds (from the Paullinia cupana tree) and Kola Nut seeds (Kola was originally used to make cola soft drinks). Blakjax AJ3850 is also known as Stacker this is the E version and provides you with more energy and is also known as a diet-pil. I think it's originally from the US bu...

Updated in Caffeine
white pill 703

Can anyone tell me what this pill is? It is white, oblong, powdery and is stamped with 703 on one side. Please tell me what my son is into! ## Caffeine, 325mg acetaminophen, 3-5mg codeine. Ove the counter cold and migraine medicine. ## These are sold OTC in Canada. it's super Excedrine that replaces Excedrine's aspirin with 3-5 mg of codeine. According to a neighbor who returned from Canada the day before yesterday, a U.S. citizen can only be sold one bottle of 50 of these to bring across the border. This stuff is very common along the border States. ## He's into aspirin! lock him up ## Its what's commonly known as a T1 or Tylenol 1. 300mg acet, 15mg caffeine & 8Mg codeine. Manufactured in Canada by: Clark. ## "caffeine, 325mg acetaminophen, 3-5mg codeine. Over t...

Updated in Caffeine
Obedrine Availability

I used to get a stimulant named Obedrine. Do they still make it? I am currently taking Adderall 30 mg and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. ## Carole, From the little information I was able to gather on this drug, it is a mixture of amphetamine and barbiturate. According to the American Medical Association these types of drugs were discontinued back in the late 90's after they re-evaluated the long term use. Some similar drugs such as Eskatrol and Biphetamine-T were also discontinued as well. I hope this helps. ## Yes obedrine was extremely good, but Nixon took it off market I think it would be awesome for add for my age group

Updated in Amphetamine
EP-D 225 white round pill with speckles

Found a round pill, white with speckles - red or purple speckles - X on the opposite side of the EP-D 225. Please help me identify. ## This is most likely an over the counter product sold as an alertness aid called Ephrine Plus, it contains 200mgs of Caffeine and 25mgs of Vitamin C. Possible side effects may include: nausea, headache, nervousness and insomnia.

Updated in Caffeine
White oblong pill brown specks no imprint or markings

I found five pills in my daughters room, all the same. they are oblong, about 3/4 in long, 1/4 in wide, and 1/4 in thick. they are an off white color with brown specks on the outside, but the inside is all white... what the heck could this be and is it harming her?? ## Hello, Kayla! How are you? I'm sorry, but with no markings, it may be difficult to definitively identify it. It's not a prescription tablet, since they are all required to have markings, but that does leave it open to many over the counter possibilities. Have you tried asking her about it? I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize these tablets? ## They are called speckled birds , it a caffeine pill sold over the counter mostly at truck stops. ## I took half a...

Updated in Caffeine
White oblong pill with 44344 on one side

What is a white oblong pill with 44-344 on one side and scored on the other? ## The tablet 44-344 is an over the counter alertness aid whicht contains 200mgs of Caffeine. One of the OTC variations comes from Rite-Aid (NDC 11822-0691) - a store brand of generic for Vivarin. Inactive ingredients: - Dextrose - Calcium Phosphate, Dibasic, Anhydrous - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polyethylene Glycols - Stearic Acid Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Thank you for the info. ## This is not only Caffeine. This particular pill is generic for EXCEDRIN - it contains 250 of acetaminophen - 200 of aspirin - and 65 of caffeine. ## 44344 without the hyphen "-" is generic excedrin migraine. 44-344 is caffeine. ## Thank you just making sure, gla...

Updated in Caffeine

Stimulant / Psychoactive Medications (11 results)