White Pill 703
UpdatedCan anyone tell me what this pill is? It is white, oblong, powdery and is stamped with 703 on one side.
Please tell me what my son is into!
15 Replies
Caffeine, 325mg acetaminophen, 3-5mg codeine. Ove the counter cold and migraine medicine.
These are sold OTC in Canada. it's super Excedrine that replaces Excedrine's aspirin with 3-5 mg of codeine. According to a neighbor who returned from Canada the day before yesterday, a U.S. citizen can only be sold one bottle of 50 of these to bring across the border. This stuff is very common along the border States.
Its what's commonly known as a T1 or Tylenol 1. 300mg acet, 15mg caffeine & 8Mg codeine. Manufactured in Canada by: Clark.
"caffeine, 325mg acetaminophen, 3-5mg codeine. Over the counter cold and migraine medicine...."
It would NOT be "3-5mg". It would be a specific number, not a range. Each number on the pills is specific.
This is Tylenol 1, over the counter pain relief containing 8mg of codeine and 8mg of caffeine. These are taken in multiple pill doses to induce a high. These pills are harmful if taken in large doses. Keep away from pets and small children. If taken long term these can cause stomach issues as they do damage to the lining just like Motion Sickness tabs do when abused!
Actually it's a Tylenol 1 and they are abused for the codeine high. They'll pop 10 or more for an opiate buzz. It's not just aspirin unfortunately.
They're Tylenol with codeine and are abused for an opiate like high
Get it right...200mg Tylenol...15mg caffeine...8mg codeine. Used for minor pain control.
Your son is after the narcotic in the formulation called codeine. Codeine is a pro-drug of morphine, meaning that when ingested, the liver acts on the drug to cleave off a chemical group, leaving the chemical morphine circulating in the blood to produce a rewarding, "euphoric" effect. He is using it recreationally.
Re: Lawton (# 9)
Actually it's 300mg of acetomenophine, 15mg caffeine, and 8 mg codeine.
Re: Coolio (# 7)
Taking that many for a high would kill you due to the overdose of tylenol. It is a very small amount of codeine which helps with migraines just like the caffeine helps. That would be like saying someone took that many to get a caffeine jolt. You'd be in the hospital!
White oblong compressed powder tablet is: Tylenol #1 generic, made by a different company as "TYLENOL" name is trade mark protected. So the "703" stamp is the generic manufacturers choice of identifier stamp. The bottle / packaging will always indicate the breakdown of ingredients of contents along with its intended use, dosing, and cautions. Note: caffeine is a natural dilator (relaxes the arteries / vessels to lessen the pressure build up in an area such as brain resulting in headache relief). A gift from me to you. Grandma used to make a strong fresh tea, Black or green (double strength) some teas having more caffeine potency as say coffee. Sip down a cup at the first sign of a headache setting in. Caffeine chemical enters the blood stream same as anything ingested like meds. Average time to start feeling the result as with most oral taken meds is about 20 minutes. I did say most. IE: nurses will always say give it 20 minutes, right? So please give it a try, you may find your new best remedy and avoid having to take synthetic chemicals. Its just my encouraging you to try this. Sharing old school natural, generations proven method. As for codeine, it is a blessing for really bad pain, however it is progressively less effective as the body develops a tolerance to it. Taking more than prescribed and or for longer than recommended is a very bad idea. Chems are processed by your liver. Over use can do damage to the liver leading to insurmountable complications throughout the entire body, SO BE CARFUL! Is a mean addictive drug as well! With hard mood swings, aggressive behavior, phycological withdrawal can be a hard one just like an alcoholic or opioid user suffers during withdrawal. Again I say be careful and follow DRs directions with keeping the DR informed of ANY concerns. Thank you for reading. Hope it all helps.
Re: Karen (# 13)
I've seen people throw 10-20 Norco or Tylenol 3 down there throat... it's disgusting yet I've never seen anyone O.D from it... while I do understand that you can O.D on Acetaminophen it's not common
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