Muscle Relaxer

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Muscle Relaxer, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Muscle Relaxer Overview

A muscle relaxant is a drug that affects skeletal muscle function and decreases the muscle tone. It may be used to alleviate symptoms such as muscle spasms, pain, and hyperreflexia. The term "muscle relaxant" is used to refer to two major therapeutic groups: neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics. Neuromuscular blockers act by interfering with transmission at the neuromuscular end plate and have no central nervous system (CNS) activity. They are often used during surgical procedures and in i...

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Recent Muscle Relaxer Forums: RSS Feed

Cyclobenzaprine 5mg Shelf Life

what is the shelf life of cyclobenzapine 5 mg? ## Hi cindirs, According to Rising Pharmaceuticals, a manufacturer of Cyclobenzaprine, the expected shelf-life of the drug is 24 months (2 years). Reference: However, there's actually a lot of conflicting information around the topic of expired medication/shelf-life of a drug. According to a Harvard Medical School family health article, except in rare cases (i.e. tetracycline), there is little chance of danger due to taking medications even up to 15 years beyond their expiration date. This conclusion was based upon a study conducted at the request of the US military due to stockpiles of expensive drugs they could otherwise need to replace every few years. The conclusion was that 90% of those drugs remained effective 10 - 15 years after...

Updated in Cyclobenzaprine
Shortage of Soma (Carisoprodol) DAN 5513

I am writing this thread forum to discuss the shortage on soma and carisoprodol. Recently even the best pharmacies in my area are completely out of soma. Had to wait a week just to get my second best preferred soma 350mg generic. I had to settle for Jubliant Cadista Pharma generics which are the imprinted OP 35 white tablets. I have been on the Watson formulation for over 5 years which are imprinted DAN 5513. Luckily when Activas Elizabeth / Mayne Pharma acquired Watson Pharma then of which now Teva Pharma has acquired Activas medications. Activas was smart as they kept the Watson formulation of soma and dispensed the watson generic formulation. Last month I was able to find the watson DAN 5513 tablets and was informed they would have them in stock in future no problem. This was not the...

Updated in Soma
CVS no longer carries Soma

My Rite Aid closed so I had my medicine filled at CVS in Arizona. Found out they haven't sold Soma in a few years. Safeway told me a year. Yet Kroger & Walmart sell it. I've just lost 6 months worth. I'm sure my Doctor will help me when I return in a few weeks. I miss Rite Aid already, they were very nice, and sold Soma! ## Hey Eddy! Sorry to hear that! I get mine from CVS here in Texas? ## Thank you Sandra, I called and asked CVS how I could transfer my prescription to WalMart. The answer was you can't ## A big thank you to Walmart, a store that I have hardly used. They had to order my amount, 270 for a 3 month supply, I can't believe the price, $2.27. I was paying over $20 at Rite Aid, the retail price is $137 without any discounts. I knew Rite Aid was overchar...

Updated in Soma
Muscle relaxers for disk problems, a knee replacement, as well as arthritis

I have degenerate disk problems, a knee replacement, as well as arthritis, and I can't get any muscle relaxer that actually works. Why? ## Well when you bones have structure issues the muscles try to hold the cartilage & ligaments that's left in place .... when a muscle reader relaxes the muscles it may relax the muscles but it removes the support of the cartilage & ligaments & transfers the stress points to those connective tissues & being in same proximity it just appears that the relaxers are not working .....imo ## What are you expecting them to do? They are not pain relievers, and will only work to help relax muscle tissue, none of the conditions you've mentioned are muscle based, so a muscle relaxant won't help much with any of them. Ref: Muscle Rel...

Updated in Aspirin, ASA + Carisoprodol
Using Skelaxin for muscle spasms

Has anyone read about or experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome while taking Skelaxin? Also, is it ok to take over a long period of time? ## It can be taken as long as your doctor feels it is safe, and beneficial for you to do so. I took it for chronic pain for several years, and had no problems with it, though I will see I found its benefits to be minimal. The FDA lists the typical side effects for Skelaxin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and drowsiness. Ref: Skelaxin Information Are you on any other medications?

Updated in Skelaxin
is baclofen the same thing as a soma

my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene. ## no baclofen is not exactly the same as soma. they are both muscle relaxers but baclofen is a little stronger. i had been on soma and flexeril for over two years and now they have switched me to baclofen. it does work alot better for muscle spasms ## Am wanting to know at what rate baclofen treatment can be tapered off and the risk affects if stopped abruptly ## baclofen work alot better than soma it really releives the pain quicker than soma. ## IMy doctor just gave me Baclodol 5mg/300mg carisoprodol (soma). Strange thing is I can't find any info on this pill that tells me what else is in the pill, btw, they are not as good a reuglar soma. ## i get bad tightness in ny muscles within...

Updated in Baclofen
Soma Information

Has anyone else (Besides myself of course) EVER RECIEVED A MEDICINE MANUFACTURER / MANUFACTURED BY A COMPANY OR LABORATORY (Maybe called Centurian Laboratory's) from the country India? And if you have gotten some what do you think about the product that you received?? The 1st shipment I got was in a blister-pack called the following: Pain-o-Soma Manufactured in India by H A B Pharmaceuticals & Research Ltd. with the name "Carisoprodol Tablets 350 mgs" Clearly written on the "Blister-Pack's Qty#10 Per blister-pack" Ithe company that I ordered them from has a 100% money-back satisfied guarantee & I had paid up-from for 7-10 day buisness day delivery date guarantee & after I didn't receive my ORIGINAL ORDER THEY DECIDED TO RE-Ship it out to me at no ...

Updated in Soma
Managing Multiple Medications: My Experience with Norgesic, OxyContin, Lyrica, Antidepressants, and more.

I have been taking Norgesic for 18 months with 40mg of OxyContin 2 times daily & Lyrica 150mg as well as antidepressants, blood pressure medication of 80mg, as well as cholesterol tablets, plus 5mg of Endone (OxyContin). I take all this everyday, but sometimes I won’t take the Norgesic or the 10 Endone because I am so over it I can’t remember things sometimes. Has anyone else been on a similar regimen? ## When I took oxycodone and gabapentin together I couldn’t remember anything ever so I’m impressed you’re even managing this well because Lyrica is a lot stronger than gabapentin. The best way for me to keep track of multiple meditations is that I put them all in one of those Sunday through Saturday sorters, then I have another small container in my bag ...

Updated in Orphenadrine
Somas and tennessee law

i was on soma approx 10yrs then 1 1/2yrs ago my dr said she couldnt write prescriptions for them anymore i have taken 5 different relaxers and nothing works like soma. why cant i get them now? ## Well a couple years back Soma was re classified as a schedule 4 medicine and many Doctors don't like to write for it. Funny thing, I have had 3 doctors since the new law prescribe me Soma, go figure! ## Soma is the most commonly abused muscle relaxant, because it is so potent. And Eddy is correct, it was changed to a schedule IV controlled substance several years ago. As such, to have them prescribed on any long-term, ongoing basis, you'd need to be seeing a specialist, such as a pain management physician. ## Can soma be prescribed with oxycodone? ## Very doubtful with the new regulatio...

Updated in Somas
Yellow Pill 2632 V

What is a yellow pill with 2632 on one side and a fancy V on the other? ## The pill in description is Cyclobenzaprine HCl 10 mg manufactured by Qualitest. Cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxant, typically prescribed to relieve pain and muscle spasms. (NDC 0603-3079) Inactive Ingredients: - Croscarmellose Sodium - FD&C Yellow No. 6 - Hypromelloses - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polyethylene Glycols - Titanium Dioxide - D&c Yellow No. 10 - Polysorbate 80 ## I found a yellowish/orange pill with a v on one side and the numbers 2632 on the other side ## Will this medication help you sleep? And what is the average dosage you should take? ## yes they will cause you to be drowsy ## Will this pill stop toothache? ## I believe it is a muscle rela...

Updated in Cyclobenzaprine

Muscle Relaxer Medications (66 results)