Diagnostic Aid

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Diagnostic Aid, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Diagnostic Aid Overview

Medical diagnosis (abbreviated Dx, Dx, or Ds) is the process of determining which disease or condition explains a person's symptoms and signs. It is most often referred to as a diagnosis with the medical context being implicit. The information required for a diagnosis is typically collected from a history and physical examination of the person seeking medical care. Often, one or more diagnostic procedures, such as medical tests, are also done during the process. Sometimes the posthumous diagn...

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Recent Diagnostic Aid Forums: RSS Feed

Omnipaque and Movicol causing a rash on my face and neck

I had a virtual Colonoscopy for which I had to drink three 50ml bottles of Omnipaque 350 with 2 sachets of Movicol the day before the procedure, then another intravenous dose of Omnipaque on the day of the scan. Nearly 4 weeks after this I then had very sore lips and a rash around my mouth. I went to my doctor and she told me to use coconut oil. However, a week later the rash has spread around my face and nose and after another few days it has spread to the rest of my face and neck. It is very itchy! Has anyone else had this type of reaction?

Updated in Omnipaque
Memory plus gold side effect

I'm a collage student. I started taking memo plus gold last week..time goes by, i felt a slight headache and now it became serious. I never take any drugs or multivitamins. Is it the effect of memo plus? Should i continue to take it? Thanks in advance 4 ur answer. ## Hello, Princess! How are you? This is just a nutritional supplement, but it's fairly potent, so it may cause side effects such as this in some people. However, it is very important to make sure that there is nothing else causing your headaches. Have you consulted your doctor? ## hello i have the same problem 1 week of taking memo plus gold i experience head ache. should i stop using it? ## I guess ung mga post regarding na walang side effect ang memo plus gold eh di totoo my husban Used it for 3 days and need to sto...

Updated in Enhancer
Memo Plus Gold Side Effects

What are the possible side effects when taking memo plus gold for 3 months? Thank you in advance for the reply. ## Memo Plus Gold is a nutritional supplement that contains a complex of vitamins, as such, it is not tested for side effects, as is done for actual prescription medications. Has your doctor advised you to take it? ## can i take memory plus gold a day before the board exam??board exam na kasi namin bukas e. ## mag aral ka mabuti yn ang payo ko sayo ## When this is effective when I take this supplement? ## ok lang bang i take ang memo pls gold kada exam ko lang. i mean umiinom lang ako nito pag exam ko di po continue ang pag inum ko ng memo plus gold is it ok?? ## What is the best time take the medicine on memo plus gold?i am a instructor on College school,how long it cn be tak...

Updated in Enhancer
Side Effect of Memory Plus Gold

I am a student and recently I haven't been able to remember my lessons after studying and also I am experiencing forgetfulness everyday. So then I looked up the effects of memo plus gold. I started to take MPG this week (since monday 10/17/2016) and it's been 4 days now, but in 3 days of taking MPG I had a headache and I feel as though I'm going to have a fever because of too much aching. Is this natural for taking it for the first time? Please answer because I want to cure my forgetfulness. Thank you! ## Hello.. ask q kc im taking memo plus gold kaso nga s halip n makapag aral aq. Ang nangyayari after taking memo plus ay sobrang antok. Ok b yun? ## I started taking memo plus gold early this year in preparation for the bar exam in November but see no positive effects. I took...

Updated in Enhancer
heraclene capsule 1mg

Is heraclene 1mg for my 6 yr old son good for him to increase his appetite? ## what is the function of heraclene capsule? ## Hi! my son is already 3year pld.. first time i heard that vitamins? does it really help to increase his appetite.?He doesn't eat much even milk, But his weight not really bad. Please give me some advice how to improve his appetite. If you recommend heraclane, how effective it is, is there any side effect? ## My son is 15yrs old pwede na po ba sa kanya ang 3mg..salamat po ## Matanong ko lng po,pwede bng khit ilng buwan mag inom Ang ank ko sa heraclene 1mg Yong ank Kong 8 yrs old?at sa 16 yrs old na ank ko anong mg pwede sa knya? ## I find HERACLENE as the best appetite enhancer. My 3 yo son is still using it until now for 5 months already...(but not continuous)...

Updated in Enhancer
mosegor vita for infants

I am looking to find more information about this and whether it is safe for infants to take as a supplement? ## any supplements given to an infant should be discussed with your health practicioner. What you think may be helpful can have serious toxicity due to their immature liver and kidneys. ## is mosegor vita good for my son? he is 3 years old now. ## Have your doctors prescribed this for your children at all? According to a related discussion thread (Mosegor Vita Capsule) this is a nutritional supplement (and MIMS states that it is an appetite enhancer for helping with weight gain). I agree with mcrn that any supplement or medication given to an infant or child should be done under a doctor's supervision. What I would recommend is for you to visit the related discussion that I j...

Updated in Enhancer
propan with iron capsule

indication ## Propan with iron is a nutritional supplement used as an appetite enhancer for any condition that may reduce ones normal appetite. It contains: Buclizine HCl 25 mg, Fe sulfate 80 mg, nicotinamide 10 mg, vit B1 10 mg, vit B12 5 mcg, vit B2 1 mg, vit B6 5 mg Side effects are listed as drowsiness and nausea. Do you have any other questions? ## Is it okay if I will take propan with iron together with conzace that contains vit. A,C,E and Zinc? ## Hi um can i drink propan to reduce my appetite but i have a gastric ulcer that's why im lossing my appetite so is that ok or no and is it safe? ## Can i take propan w/ iron even i'm taking losartan, vits b1b6b12.. & myra e 400 ## Hello po, pwede po ba ang propan with iron sa mga mababa ang hemoglobin? ## Pampataba po ba ang ...

Updated in Enhancer
memory plus gold

memory enhancer ## please sent me again how to get this product.thank you.... ## Hi! Would it be ok to take memory gold plus If taking other medication such as blood pressure pill or cholesterol pill. Is there a drug interaction? Thanks! !! ## i would like to oder memory plus gold, pls. tell how and where ican buy it ## There are no contra indication and side effects. I have been taking Memo Plus Gold for almost 2 years now. I am satisfied with the help I get for my memory and concentration. ## I`m just 16 and i would also like to take memory plus ... I`m an accounting student and i find it difficult to memorize our lesson especially in our accounting subject...do you think it will help me enhance my memory.. please reply ## I've been taking memo plus gold, i have normal bp before t...

Updated in Enhancer
white pill c f 8

Little white oblong maybe with C F8 on it. It's supposed to be a mood enhancer. Is this true? If so, what are the possible side effects? ## A white oblong pill with C on one side and F|8 on the other, reportedly contains 20mgs of Citalopram hydrobromide, marketed for use in treating anxiety and depression. For verification, the manufacturer/distributer is listed as Jubilant Cadista Pharmaceuticals Inc. and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 59746-0544. I hope this helps!

Updated in Enhancer
SGPT treatment

First get an advised or prescription from ur attending physician. We have our different history diagnosed and the causes of illness. I was diagnosed in SGPT of 110u. My doctor prescribe me a Sylimarin (Steinbach brand) to cure in 10days for my final medical abroad. He said its either fatty liver or chronic liver disease like hepatitis.(please google cause by liver disease) he advice me to eat only grilled fish without using any edible oil, eat fruits, no meat for curing period. For 10 days i only grilled fish in a grilled pan, steamed green camote top leaves(talbos ng kamote) daily for my every meal. I eat random vegetables (gisado lang without any meat, use only few drops of patis to taste and black pepper. Avoid using and eating excessive of salt or enhancer like betsin or guisa flavor m

Updated in Enhancer

Diagnostic Aid Medications (173 results)