Ammonia N 13
Active Ingredient(s): Ammonia N 13FDA Approved: * December 14, 2012
Category: Diagnostic Aid
Nitrogen-13 (13N) is a radioisotope of nitrogen used in positron emission tomography (PET). It has a half-life of a little under ten minutes, so it must be made at the PET site. A cyclotron may be used for this purpose. Nitrogen-13 is used to tag ammonia molecules for PET myocardial perfusion imaging. Production 1H + 16O → 13N + 4He The proton must be accelerated to a kinetic energy of about 5.55 MeV or a little more. The reaction is endothermic (i.e. the mass of the products is grea... [wikipedia]
* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.Dosage List
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