White Oval Lo22

3 Topics Found

oval white one side LO22 ## This is NOT Tramadol! This tablet contains 200mgs of Cimetidine, a generic for Tagamet, used to treat conditions such as heart burn and GERD. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, flatulence and headache. You can read more here:

1 REPLY Filed under Tramadol

white oval pill Lo22 ## White Oval Pill L022 ## This is Cimetidine 200mgs, a generic for Tagamet. This is used to help treat heartburn, acid reflux, GERD and similar conditions.

2 REPLIES Filed under Cimetidine

white, egg-shaped pill ## What medicine comes in an oval, white , 1/2 long, with LO22 on one side and nothing on the back???? ## This is an over the counter medication, Cimetidine 200mgs, a generic or store brand of Tagamet.

2 REPLIES Filed under Cimetidine

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