Where Can I Find Apetito Pills

25 Topics Found

Apetito (Cyproheptadine) is a first-generation antihistamine marketed for use as an appetite stimulant to help promote weight gain and an increased body mass index in those who may be malnourished or under-caloried due to inadequate food intake. Clinical Studies On The Benefits Of Apetito Pills For Weight Gain [1] Beneficial Effect of Cyproheptadine on Body Mass Index in Undernourished Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial [2] Use of Cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite and body weight gain: A systematic review Other Prescribed Uses Of Cyproheptadine [3] MedlinePlus ## What country is that brand (Apetito) manufactured in? From what I could gather, the drug Cyproheptadine is known to be an antihistamine used to treat or prevent symptoms of hay fever and other allergies. Reports suggest...

11 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

Help me please need to gain weight apetito pills. Trying to find these over the counter in Texas. ## Hi Angie, Sorry to hear about your challenges with weight management. From what I could gather, the pills you're referring to called Apetito, are reported to be illegally imported through other countries like Zambia, Zimbabwe, India, and Mozambique. However I've seen no mention of these pills existing on US soil. If you're in Texas why don't you just look into the various OTC supplements available at local healthfood stores in your area? Another option is medical cannabis if it's legal where you live? From my experience that is a great way to stimulate your appetite as well. One other suggestion I have would be to consider seeing a registered dietician who can help yo...


I've been using Apetito for 2 years now and I sometimes gained weight very fast, like within a week. However I noticed if I stop taking Apetito I end up losing weight. I'd be curious to find out what happens when others stop taking their Apetito pills and if there's any unusual amount of weight loss you may have experienced from doing so? Apetito is okay because it does help increase your appetite, but it really can make you eat a lot which is the reason why you gain weight. I just know that if taken everyday and eating a lot of food then you will naturally end up gaining weight very fast. Yes, Apetito works. ## From what I’ve gathered, Apetito (cyproheptadine) is a prescription medication used to help increase the appetite in people with medical conditions that cause ...

7 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

Can pregnant women take apetito tablets? ## Are you referring to the weight loss product? If so, I haven't been able to find any information on what it contains and I'd have to advise no, weight loss is not something a pregnant woman should be concerned with. She needs to eat more to maintain optimal health for both her and the baby. Have you discussed such things with your doctor? ## I am 2cmonths pregnant and am losing weight very much. I got no appetite for anything. What can I take to regain appetite? ## Can I get pregnant while I'm using appetite pills? ## No, I didn't discuss this with my doctor but I need to now. ## Am asking the same qestion ## Hi i have been using appetito pills and I stopped when I found out I was pregnant and now I'm losing weight. Is it s...

14 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

Can a man use apetito and if so, what are the side effects? ## For what reason is this supplement used? ## Can apetito be used by man if they want to gain weight? ## Appetite-increasing medications such as Appetito (cyproheptadine) are not gender oriented and can be taken by a man or woman. Please note however that cyproheptadine is an antihistamine used primarily for allergy relief and weight gain/appetite increases are merely a possible side effect; therefore this should not be relied upon as a sole means of gaining weight. Only a proper dietary regimen, adjusting one's eating habits and/or weight training are effective long-term solutions for healthy weight management. I would encourage others who may be seeking to use cyproheptadine to also consult a qualified nutritionist who c...

7 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

I was using apetito for six months ,and now my body is changing become very dark plz help ## it worked for me. ## Been using apetito for 3 months now. If l leave my weight goes down. What else can l use to mantain my weight. ## well i hear u are getting darker ?? .. happen to user before its really because if u use the tablets u also need to eat while talking these and it do sent always have to be fat food but try some bright vegies but not at all time . ive been using these tablets also i gained alot of weight mostly in my thighs and butty and ive worked out in the belly area for a better waist .. so what im trying to tell u is to exercises eat and try fresh fruits as well cause as u are doing this u also wanna be health and these help u with a better skin tone and health . ## Hello Li...

4 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

I used the appetito tablets for a week and now my left breast is experiencing watery discharge....Do these tablets cause hormonal imbalance? I'm really worried as I'm already one week late for my periods... ## Same thing is happening to me. My left breast is becoming big and painful... If I wear a bra, all of it will be in pain. ## Hello Ruey, According to the National Institute of Health Apetito contains the active ingredient Cyproheptadine which is an antihistamine with additional anticholinergic, antiserotonergic, and local anesthetic properties. This medication can be used to treat a variety of things to include stop allergic reactions, increase appetite, weight gain, reduce migraine pain and stop itching. The NIH does not list breast pain or discharge under the list of adve...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

What is the story with these tablets? Do you get a big butt and big hips? I'm very interested to know and am tempted to take them cos im not happy with my body shape. However i read a story of a girl where she took the tablets and only one butt cheek grew, and i think it's now irreversible! ## They contain the active ingredient Cyproheptadine, which is an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat allergic reactions. It is not safe to try to use them just to gain weight, unless your doctor has specifically instructed you to do so. Just like any other medication, it carries the risk of side effects and adverse reactions. Learn more: And yes, it would be reversible, because the weight gain only lasts as long as you are taking the medication. Are there any other questions or...

12 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

Is it true that by taking this drug you will be able to gain weight, enlarge breasts and develop hips? If so, after how long from when you start taking the Apetito? ## I really want to gain weight, so i bought appetine pills. Will they really help me gain weight? ## Yes, it's true. It took me two months to have a beautiful body, but it has one side effect - you get a pot belly. ## drink banana shake three times a day u can gain weight upto 8kg in 15 days .....and for making healthy banana shake add 3 bananas in half cup of milk.. ## where can i find super apetito in ireland, would like to gain some weight ## I want to take apetito tablets to gain weight are they not cancerous? and after how long will i see the difference and when to stop? thanx.. ## were can i buy apetito tablets in...

228 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

What are the possible side effects of apetito tabelts versus taking multivitamin tablets for increasing one's apetite? ## Are apetito tablets available over-the-counter?....please help me!!! ## If one loses their butt and hips coz of antiretroviral drugs can apetito be of good help? ## How long will it take to see changes after taking apetito tablets? ## Where can l get apetito tablets in joburg? ## Pls tell me if I can find apetito in a camest in sa? ## Can I take apetito while taking arv meds? ## I want to know, if u are using apetito pills, is it possible to stop using them without withdrawals or side effects? ## I need apetito tablets. Where can I find it? ## Yes it's helping a lot

9 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

Does super apetito suppository help to enlarge hips? ## I needed some pills to enlarge my butt and hips and somebody directed me to use super apeti suppository pills. I have used it for almost 2 weeks and i cannot see any changes; sometimes when i go to the toilet the tablet comes out fully intact.. Please help. ## How long could it take for my hips to enlarge? I started using super Apeti plus today. ## It's coz you're not inserting the pill well.....it's supposed to be inserted like 1.5 to 2 inches deep...where the rectum is....and empty your bowels before inserting it. ## Hi ma'am, does it really work? Is there a special one for it or d same super apeti I know? It's too small for insert that's why am asking. Thank you ma! ## Can you gain weight in 3 days after ...

23 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

Could you be infertile if you use apetito, and will you remain slim if you stop them? ## Can apetito tablets cause infertility. I'm asking this because I've been trying to conceive with no results. ## For how long am l suppose to use these tablets l have gained wait and hips and beasts, l am happy but l am afraid if l stop taking them l might lose weight again? How frequent am l suppose to take them and when should l stop? ## Can I take apitato while taking ARV's? Does apitato tablets caurse infertility? ## No, and no! It is not known to cause infertility, according to NIH studies, but it is also possible to regain weight, once you stop taking them. Weight changes are just a side effect, and they tend to only be temporary, so once you stop such a medication, the weight chang...

9 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

Can I take Apetito tablets when I'm using ARV's? ## can i use major curves butt enhancement if I'm taking arv's ## need to know if I can take cipla acti.n while in arvs ## I've lost so much weight and shape with arv's I also need to know if I can use cyproheptadine and where can I get it ## can i take appetitos with arvs and when breastfeeding i need to gain weight asap. ## Can I take cipla actin while I am on ARV'S? ## Hellow. I have lost a lot of weight over the past months and I am on ARV's. Is it okay to take Cipla Actin tablets to help with gaining wight. Thank you ## Um on ARV's, at at the same time struggling to conceive. So won't taking Apetito make the situation worse? ## hie,is it safe to take APETITO tables when im in ARV's? ## Is p...

22 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

whre can i find the apetito cyoroheptadine in durban and surrounding area? ## Am in pietermaritzburg where can I buy apetito pills over the counter? ## I would like to know where to get apetito pills in Cape Town? ## Hi, please tell me - did you get them? I also need them in Durban central.

3 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

So far, I've experienced zero improvement after taking these tablets. How do Apetito tablets work and for how long should they be taken in order to start noticing changes? ## How Do Apetito (Cyproheptadine) Tablets Work? According to MedlinePlus, Cyproheptadine is in a class of medications called antihistamines and works by blocking the action of histamine; a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms. However, one well-known, but off-label use of Cyproheptadine is to stimulate one's appetite to help with weight gain. You can read more about Cyproheptadine's role in weight management by visiting the links below: [1] Use of cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite and body weight gain - A systematic review [2] Efficacy and Tolerability of Cyproheptadine in Poor Appetite ...

81 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

Are the side effects of apetito cypoheptadine tablets tablets permanent, because my best friend used them and one hip is bigger than the other? ## Hello, Lynett! How are you? Your friend should consult their doctor. Side effects shouldn't be permanent, but only a doctor can determine if it's solely due to their taking the medication. Learn more Cyproheptadine details here. Was she taking it by prescription from her doctor? ## Hi, Lynette it is not possible that yr friend's hip was bigger than the other bcoz of Appettito. It is very likely that yr friend was like that even before; the figure become more visiable after gaining weight due to Appetito. The tablet is only well known for gaining weight due to stimulating appetite and has no side effect that has to do with disfigur...

9 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

My wife has completed five months of pregnancy and she is fit and fine but she hasn't been able to sleep at night for the past few days.... So will u tell me if she can use anxit .5 for two or three days regularly at night? Is it harmful?.... Kindly reply to me soon. ## Hello, Anuj! How are you and your wife? No, the U.S. FDA advises against the use of this medication during pregnancy, especially since it can be habit forming, so the baby could be born addicted. When pregnant, it is always best that a woman not take anything that has not been prescribed by her doctor for the safety and health of both her and the baby. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am 4 months pregnant and I drink apetito tables is it bad


necesito saber si la sibutramina 15 mg capsulas sirven para adelgazar y cuales son los riergos gracias ## Sí, la sibutramina es un supresor del apetito usado para bajar de peso, junto con dieta y ejercicio adecuados. Los efectos secundarios comunes pueden incluir: náuseas, dolor de cabeza, insónia y anorexia. Puedes leer más aquí: ¿Hay algo más que pueda ayudarle?


informacion sobre càpsulas neobes de 75 mg amfepramona para adelgazar y cuanto tiempo es recomendable tomarlas. ## Estas son las cápsulas de ammphetamine, que funcionan como un supresor del apetito para ayudar en la pérdida de peso. Debido al riesgo de efectos secundarios graves, ya que son estimulantes, no deben usarse sin supervisión de un médico. Estos efectos secundarios pueden incluir: náuseas, dolor de cabeza, la anorexia y la frecuencia cardíaca elevada y la presión arterial. Lea más: ¿Hay alguna pregunta o comentario? ## segun la experiencia, cuantas libras se pueden perder en un mes tomando Neobes, y haciendo una hora de ejercicios 4 veces por semana, con una dieta regulada?? se que depende quizas de cada organismo, pero aprox c...

51 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

Fui a México con una doctora y así me funciona a mí. A las 9 am tomo una Norex y un cuarto de Ifafonal. Luego, me tomo una malteada que es un suplemento alimenticio que se llama Nutriplus Light y la acompaño con otras dos pastillas junto con la malteada, que son Fluoxetina, la verde con blanco de 20 mg, y otra que se llama Reduc. A las 3 pm tomo otra Norex y un cuarto de Ifafonal. Después, vas a tener una comida normal con porciones normales y antes de comer te tomas otra Reduc. Para la cena, una malteada con la Reduc y así diariamente. Norex quita el apetito y acelera tu metabolismo. Ifafonal es un calmante, tomas 1/4 para calmar tu desesperación. La Reduc es un quemador de grasa y son naturales. Vas al baño muy bien. La malteada Nutriplus es un ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Norex

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