What Is Multivitamin Red Pills Used For

26 Topics Found

side effects to skin ## 2 days before i started to take medifortan i observed some rashes at my back. im not sure if this vitamins aggravates my condition after 4 days of taking it. i still have supply that i kept. do i need to continue or use d usual vitamin that im taking. i am in Canada. i consulted to a walk-in clinic doctor and he prescribed a steroid cream that really helped my rashes to heal. but with no specific diagnosis. but i still need a dermatology referral which i am now scheduled on May. meanwhile, to reduce my doubts i want to get reactions from you. hope u could help me. ## Medifortan AS is a supplement that contains: Buclizine HCl 25 mg, Ca pantothenate 10 mg, niacinamide 50 mg, vit A 5,000 iu, vit B1 50 mg, vit B12 10 mcg, vit B2 10 mg, vit B6 5 mg, vit C 250 mg, vit ...

24 REPLIES Filed under Buclizine

Sir/Mam My doctor has just done a Laprotomy on me and has suggested I take this tablet once daily for 3 months. Does this tablets increase weight, does it reduce stomach fat, and does this tablet help with hair fall & hair graying problem? ## Hi sonali, Based on my research Supradyn multivitamins contain the following ingredients: ascorbic acid 150 mg, biotin 0.25 mg, calcium pantothenate 16.3 mg, calcium phosphate 129 mg, copper sulphate 3.39 mg, dried ferrous sulphate 32.04 mg, magnesium oxide 60 mg, manganese sulphate 2.03 mg, nicotinamide 100 mg, phosphorus 25.8 mg, sodium borate 0.88 mg, sodium molybdate 0.25 mg, vitamin A 10000 iu, vitamin B1 10 mg, vitamin B12 15 mcg, vitamin B2 10 mg, vitamin B6 3 mg, vitamin D3 1000 iu, vitamin E 25 mg and zinc sulphate 2.2 mgs. This multiv...

8 REPLIES Filed under Biotin

About 5 years ago I was very anemic-hemeglobin count was at 8.3 and a doctor prescribed an iron prescription for a 30 day supply at the cost of $27.00. It worked wonders for energy. It was a red tablet-rather large. I think the name of it started with a (V) but not for sure. Can anyone tell me what this was? ## That's really not a whole lot to go on. However, since it was for anemia, which is usually also improved with other nutrients, such as B vitamins that can help you absorb iron better, the relatively low price, your description and the fact that you said it gave you an energy boost, my best guess is that it was just a multivitamin with iron. Possibly, a prenatal, since they are fairly cheap and contain large amounts of many very vital nutrients, including iron and folic acid. ...

1 REPLY Filed under Folic Acid

Trying to identify a red oblong pill with GC on both sides. ## What is this pill used for? Red pill with GC on both sides ## Found a red oblong pill with imprint GC on both sides. What is this? ## What is it? I found one on my house. It's a big red pill with GC on both sides. ## I located a red oblong pill with GC imprinted on both sides to be identified as a "Geritol Complete 16 mg iron-0.38 mg" tablet. This supplement is a multivitamin with iron, used for treating or preventing vitamin deficiencies. For verification, you can view an image of the pill by clicking on the following link: Images/AA112320.jpg I hope this helps!

4 REPLIES Filed under Geritol Complete

i was 55kgs just before two days i was feeling bodyache and take the medicine1. etoshine 90 2.Riecal CZ 3.EVION LC and after two days found my weight 59 Kgs. I want to know that whether these medicines are responsible for gain in weight and reduction in fatiuge. ## HI, Meenu! How are you? It was most likely due to taking the Riecal, which is a multivitamin nutritional supplement. If you were a little underweight due to not taking in enough nutrients in your diet, then getting enough of them from this supplement could have caused the slight weight gain and it would most likely also cause an increase in energy. But you should consult your doctor to be certain, since a rapid weigh gain could also be the sign of other possibly dangerous health conditions. Is there anything else I can help w...

2 REPLIES Filed under Etoshine

is sangobion capsule safe for my 8 year old daugther? i want her to take sangobion becuase shes anemic ## What has her doctor advised? Have there been tests performed to confirm she's anemic? Sangobion contains Copper, Iron, Folic Acid, Manganese, Sorbitol, Vitamin C and Vitamin B12. However, I do not know if the amounts are appropriate for children and there are no dosing instructions or usage instructions included on the medication page. ## hi,my name is tania i am 15+ i want to gain my weight,my friend told me about sangobion capsules,i am worried that it will give any side effect?please tell me fst ## my son taking a sangobion syrup as prescibe our pedia coz hes red blood cells is low...its ok that i will give him also a enervon multivitamins at the same time.... ## pang ilang b...

6 REPLIES Filed under Copper

it has no letters or markings on it at all It looks a little like a mulitvitamin tablet, but doesn't have the same smell or taste ## This is a simple multivitamin. I think its just a generic brand you can get pretty much anywhere, but it is just a multivitamin. ## I agree that it could be a multivitamin, however, there is also the possibility that it could be some other type of supplement. For instance, iron tablets are also made that look like this and if it is, it could be very dangerous for some people to think it is just a multi-vitamin, as for some people, too much iron can be just as dangerous as too little is for others.

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

drug name red and gray capsule imprint code B 798 ## This is a multivitamin called Ferrex Forte Plus. It contains Iron, Vitamin C, Folic Acid and B complex vitamins. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## 4 years post gastric bypass. Of course, I have malapsorption syndrome. My doc prescribed Ferrex 150 Forte Plus, I per day. I already take a multivitamin with 400 mcg of Folic acid, other B vitamins, and 15 mg of iron from ferrous fumarate. I wonder if I'm overdosing by taking both.

2 REPLIES Filed under Folic Acid

I had hearing problem for a few months .I consulted an ENT specialist who cleared wax of my ears and advised me to take Neurobion Forte tablets 3 times daily for 3 months.I have taken the tablets for 9 or 10 days when my blood pressure increase.Are the doses of Neurobion Forte prescribed for me overdoses? Have I to reduce doses? ## Neurobion Forte is a multivitamin supplement. Since it contains a complex of B vitamins, as well as some others, you do have to be careful how much you take, since too much of them can be as dangerous as not enough. Normally this multivitamin is only taken once a day, so three times a day might be too much. Learn more B vitamins details here. Have you talked to your doctor about it? You should really do so, because a blood test should be done to check your le...

18 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

My wife now aged 65, was operated for brain haemorrhage on 1st May 2016, slightly more than 1 year ago. The brain haemorrhage had started after she had accidentally hit the water tap in the bathroom, when getting up from cleaning the floor. After severe headache indicated something very serious, she was examined and operated in Fortis Hospital, Kalyan, India. The operation has been a success. Presently, she takes one tab of Eptoin 100 in the morning, after breakfast and one tab in the night after dinner. No other medicines except one tab of multivitamin tablet ' Becosule ' at night. She is basically fine except that she is more irritable than in the past. At times her left leg aches. What should we do now ? Reduce the dosage ? and how ? Follow up visit to the surgeon is due soon bu

What's the use of Hemarate tablet for someone who has an ovarian cyst? ## Hemarate is reported to contain Iron + Multivitamins for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. "Hemarate contains iron, Vitamins B6 and B12. These nutrients are necessary for healthy blood, synthesis of hemoglobin (an oxygen containing protein which gives blood its red color) and to prevent iron-deficiency anemia (IDA). IDA is one of the most prevalent nutritional problems in developing countries including the Philippines. Hemarate also provides other B-complex vitamins (Vitamins B1, B2, and Nicotinamide) which help in the conversion of food to energy. It has vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which enhances iron absorption. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which acts as the first ...

1 REPLY Filed under Iron Salts

Can anyone provide information on this dark red capsule? ## Centofer-C is a multivitamin supplement, that contains iron, vitamin C, Vitamin B 12, Folic Acid and Vitamin B2. As a supplement, its side effect profiles are not studied, however, some people do report some nausea, after taking it. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Folic Acid

Has anyone taken this tablet for weight loss? It's distributed by Calvin Scott and Co. What did it do? Any side effects? ## It's just a daily multivitamin, it's not going to cause anyone to lose weight. Learn more Vitamin details here. The only way a vitamin would help with weight loss is if someone's weight gain was solely caused by some issue from a deficiency in one it. However, a nutritional deficiency usually causes the opposite problem making someone underweight. Why did you think it would be for weight loss? ## My weight loss Dr. Gave me these, he said some people have a tendency for their hair to thin but with this vitamin it helps to relieve this problem

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I would like to know supplement facts on Folbic please? ## "Folbic is a multivitamin, commonly used as a supplement to prevent/treat vitamin deficiency. This combination of vitamins provides folic acid, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12 to people who lack the amount these vitamins for good health. Folbic also has other uses and is prescribed to treat other conditions (such as certain heart and blood vessel diseases) by reducing your body's level of homocysteine." Please see the drug information page Folbic for full details... ## What are the concentrations of folic acid,vitamin B6 and B12 in Folbic Tabs? ## Is Folbic Tab and Folic acid the same or similar to each other?

3 REPLIES Filed under Folbic

riconia lp tablet i am taking everyday one tablet.what is the benefits for the body making this tablet, i want no the benefits of the tablet ## From the limited information I can find, it is listed as a multivitamin tablet, so it would benefit you by ensuring you have the proper amount of these vital nutrients. I can't, however, locate specific information on what's in it. Does anyone else have more information on this? ## IAM ALSO TAK KING ONE RICONIA RED,LONG,TABLET EVERY DAY AFTER LUNCH.IT IS MULTIVITAMIN TABLET DR SAYS.LET ME KNOW WHETHER THERE ARE ANY SIDE EFFECTS IF WE USE IT ON LONGTIME. ## ARE THERE ANY SIDE EFFECTS IF WE USE THE RICONIA RED COLOUR TABLET CONTINUOUSLY ON LONGER TIME ## is there is any difference between riconia tab & riconia LP tab ## I want to know ...


Hello, I'm having hard time swallowing Supradyn film-coated pills. I was curious if the splitting the tablet in half (for easier swallowing obviously) will reduce the effect of the pill, or have some other negative effect. Thanks... ## Usually if there is a score line (divid) embedded into the tablet, it means the manufacturer purposely made it so patients could easily cut it in half. However from personal experience, I've found that with typical multivitamin/mineral tablets (such as Supradyn), it doesn't seem like there should be any problems if you were to cut it in half. I've cut similar 'horse' pills (as I like to call them) in half before because they were simply too big to be swallowed whole. If you cant find a good pill splitter though, I would probably en...


Please tell me the effects, side effects, uses and dosage of this drug. ## Nurokind Plus is a multivitamin used to treat diabetic neuropathy and other cardiovascular diseases. It contains: Folic acid 1.5 mg Alpha lipoic acid 100 mg Methylcobalamin 1.5 mg (a form of vitamin B-12) Vitamin B1 10 mg Vitamin B6 3 mg Vitamin B is likely safe when taken as directed. It is advisable to consult with a physician who is aware of your medical history before starting a regimen of this. Several conditions may be aggravated by vitamin B-12, including high (polycythemia vera) or abnormal (megaloblastic anemia) red blood cells, as well as Leber's disease. I hope this helps. You may also find the article about B Vitamins to be of use... ## My wife is pregnant and she got a very severe ache in her leg...

37 REPLIES Filed under Folic Acid

Are there certain foods I should not take with carbo-levo? Should I take it with meals? ## From what I've read, the combination of Carbidopa + Levodopa can be administered with food to reduce the likelihood of nausea; however, it should be noted that using multivitamins or minerals together with levodopa may decrease the effects of your medication. Additionally, a high-protein diet may also reduce its absorption and overall efficacy. That said, it might be best to take this medication by itself or in between meals, to help avoid any chance of it not working as effectively as it should. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Carbidopa + Levodopa Details I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Carbidopa

After consuming supradyn for more than a month , leg cramps reduced but noticed considerable increase in hair loss. The daily hair loss is too much . I have stopped taking supradyn for a fortnight but hair loss is continuing. Kindly advise. ## Supradyn is just a multivitamin/mineral supplement, so it should not cause hair loss. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, and constipation, due to its potency. Are you on any other medications? Usually, ingredients in this, such as Biotin, help reduce hair loss. How old are you?

1 REPLY Filed under Biotin

A large white oblong pill. 155 on one side US on the other ## I have a large oblong pill with H on one side and 155 On the other what might it be ## The tablet with the U S 155 on it is called Folgard, it is a multivitamin/mineral supplement. It is manufactured by Upsher Smith. NDC code: 0245-0155 The FDA warns that it may cause nausea, and constipation, due to its potency. Red, I couldn't find anything that matches that description. Can you please double check the imprint and post back? Thank you!

2 REPLIES Filed under Folgard

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