What Dr S Prescribe Oxycodone
100+ Topics FoundHello, I just found this forum. First off... I live in eastern kentucky and am wondering if anyone could give me some advice. My doctor just suddenly passed away and has left all of his patients with no way to get their prescriptions. It was a private practice with no other doctors working with him, just a NP to assist. I've been on the same medication ... same dose same amount for years with no issues as far as drug panels or anything. I've undergone multiple procedures and surgeries as well. I am a legit chronic pain patient with multiple health problems and I need a new doctor. I went to 1 doctor whose PA saw me, he didn't assess me, refused my medical records, cut my medication dosage to way less than even half of what Ive been on for years. He told me the doctor had alr...
5 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneIn Conneticut who prescribes OxyContin for pain management? ## Looking for a Dr who prescribe oxytocin in Essx NJ for sciattica nerve ## Hi ! My name is susan . for 6 yrs i have been struggling with pain . it worsened as time goes on .i use to b so active . from these pains it stops me from anything i do in life . im so miserable . i cant sit too lobg . drive in my car . losing sleep . its my lowet bac . and severe siatica . now its going down to my feet it numbs both my legs and feet . i fall rite down that i injured myself from my legs go numb .its so frustrating and very unhappy . i was a happy person . ppl use to tell me for yrs im very bubbly . now im miserable . its so hardvto get the help i need . i understand about ppl r addicted to pain pills but if ppl follow up rite and not o...
2 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI have chronic neck and shoulder pain and have been getting 30 mg oxycodone outside of the doctor. my friend moved out of state. how can i get a doctor to prescribe them to me? please help running out ## Hello, Nickelboy! How are you? Well, you're not going to be able to go to a doctor and just ask them to prescribe Oxycodone. It is a controlled substance and doctors are taught to view that as being drug seeking behavior, so they'll usually refuse to prescribe anything. You'll need to see a doctor, get a diagnosis and assessment, then discuss your treatment options. Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, if you require such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. Do you currently have a PCP that co...
2 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI know after some reading how stupid this sounds but I came to a town 80 mi.fro Las Vegas Nv.thinking I could go in with my Perscription bottles and send for Dr records and get my Perscriptions filled one of which is oxycodone 20 4× day. Well that didn't go well.The provider gave me 10 days worth but doesn't want to treat me as I am on pain medication as if I don't have other medical needs. I'm 63 yes old have never abused my Perscription but she doesn't know that. She referred me to a pain clinic in another state even farther away and I don't always have transportation as I don't drive and not sure if insurance will cover.well they won't take me even when I called with her refferal.She had to send my records which she doesn't have,though I'v...
3 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI suffer from severe pain in my back and arms and hands. I care for my husband who is dependent upon me to do everything for him. Going through a carousel ride from hell. I've gone to quacks who just want to give injections. ## There is no way of knowing if a Pain Management Dr will prescribe you pain meds without going to them. You may want to read some of the reviews of the pain drs at Healthgrade and Vitals, But, remember these reviews aren't verified. You will need a copy of your medical records from your previous drs. If you're taking high doses of pain meds, it is doubtful that you will be able to find a dr that will treat your pain. As terrible as this sounds, if your husband is unable to do anything for himself, he really need to be in a nursing home or you need to h...
2 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI am one of the patients of LF MEDICAL SERVICES. DR. MARJORIE LOUIS-JACQU WAS MY PCP DOCTOR. I TAKE 30mg OF OXYCODONE AND CAN'T FIND A NEW PCP. I'VE BEEN GOING BACK & FORTH TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM FOR A MONTH NOW. CAN U PLEASE HELP ME TO FIND A DOCTOR WHO WILL WRITE MY PRESCRIPTIONS FOR ME? I HAVE TWO HIP REPLACEMENTS, LUPUS, AND JUST WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT ON 9/4/2016 WITH A BAD BODY & BACK PAIN. PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME? ## OMG, I feel SO bad for you. I've also been cut completely off my methadone but the Oxycodone they replaced it with just isn't working for me, and I'm on 30 mg of Oxycodone 4 times a day! Unfortunately, I just turned 71 and had been taking eleven 10 mg of methadone with close supervision by my PCP for over 15 years with absolutely no side effe...
2 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI am in Dublin, Georgia and in need of a Pain Management Clinic or Doctor to prescribe Percocets or Oxycodone for back pain, etc. I am 68 years old. ## Near Snellville? Try Dr David A. Stewart at Eastside Spine & Wellness. He's on the Board of Anaesthesiologist and is interested in helping you to NOT be in Pain! Love him! ## R u anywhere near Calhoun??, if so try Dr. Font @ center for Spine & Pain Management...him & Shannon (nurse practitioner) r great!!!
2 REPLIES Filed under PercocetMy father has been taking medicine for pain for 12 years his dr. Decided to retire but he has degenerative spine disorder it only gets worse over time so his meds have gone up to 300 30mg oxy's a month and 60 30mg morphine a month he has Medicare part a,b and d and care Oregon open card and has about a week left I'm so scared for him to be in pain if anyone can please tell me a dr that will take him on please I'm so desperate my phone number is {edited for privacy} please any info helps he's tired of being treated like a junkie for trying to follow drs orders ## I am so very sorry about the problem your father is having. However, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, to continue receiving such medications, he's going to need to see a pain manag...
1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodonei have herniated disks in my neck and had a complicated cervical epidural which left me in worse pain. Currently i take 10 mg oxycodone x4 a dai feel like it isn't working as well ,i want to be re evaluated by a dr who can manage the medication better right now im using my primary but he will leave the practice in a month and also just doesn't really understand the medication well. I plan on having more PT and started with an acupuncturist . Hopefully after a few months i can wean off the meds. However, for now i need a dr in NYC who will prescribe
Filed under OxycodoneAnyone know of a dr in sonoma county, CA who prescribes oxycidone and takes medi-care? Ive been taking 100mgs for several years and my meds were stolen so my primary cancelled my contract. I had not breached my contract b4. No early fills, etc... I think she just wanted me off & that was her opportunity. ## Hello, Jay! How are you? Yes, if she was a PCP that might be so, because they are actually supposed to cut down on who they prescribe such medications for, due to new regulations that were put in place last year. If you require such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area? This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such a...
1 REPLY Filed under OxycodoneI have had chronic back pain for years have had two surgeries and no success my current Dr prescribes me oxycodone 30mg which help but he's retiring and I need to find a Dr that will prescribe the same meds if anyone can give me some names would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ## Hi Tombuzz, I just saw your post about your doc retiring, you're in Hazelton which is where my husband was born and still has a few family members I think. I'm surprised your retiring dr doesn't have another one coming in to take over his practice! Too bad because it sure would make things easier for you. Does your retiring Dr have any suggestions for you? If he's not mentioned referring you to another dr, ask him if he would. I'd think he'd be in the know where the drs in town are co...
3 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneDr in west suburbs of Chicago that prescibe pain meds I have MRI and blue cross ## Greetings; I'm 65, had back surgery (laminectomy) due to disc ruptures at L4 & L5S1 when I was in my early 30's, was allright for a while yet never FULLY allright. With work (waiter carrying heavy trays) for more than 30 years, several motorcross accidents (loved the old, reliable Yamaha 250's!!!), scoliosis, degenerative dis disease, disc protrusions at L4-L5 (again!!) accompanied by hypertrophic artropathy producing stenosis at same; osteophytosis is seen diffusely (all this from last MRI dated 02/14) I've gotten proggressively worse. Have tried EVERYTHING except for walking on my hands 24/7 to relieve the pressure, and there is always more surgery which I WILL NOT DO!! I'm older...
1 REPLY Filed under OxycodoneI was recently prescribed oxycodone IMM REL for my severe back pain and I wanted to know what is the difference between the regular oxycodone and the one I have now....please esplain if its addicted...reply thanks ## All Oxycodone has addictive potential, it doesn't matter what release type it is. IMM REL stands for Immediate Release, meaning the drug starts to be released as soon as the pill is in your stomach, regular release pills take 15 to 20 minutes to start working.
1 REPLY Filed under OxycodoneI Broke my arm on December 4th and was prescribed oxycodone. I only take it at night so I can sleep and deal with the pain during the day so I don't run out before the pain stops. I went to a clinic that is covered by my Low income insurance plan but the doctor refused to reissue my prescription. I don't use drugs and don't have an addictive personality. I'm not trying to make myself feel high. I'm still covered with bruises and my arm hurts really badly. I just want another prescription. ## Hello, Erika! How are you doing? I'm sorry that you're in pain and miserable. There were new regulations put in place this year that severely restrict what general practice doctors can and cannot prescribe, why they can prescribe it, how much they can prescribe and how lo...
3 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodonecan anyone help..i tore my shoulder out of the rotator cuff and have had multiple anterior dislocations. i am a father of 2 and can barely lift and hug my children. i am missing work due to pain and lack of sleep from pain.ive gone to e.r about 15 times in past year due to no insurance they help for about a week with pain meds but then i look on the street.i just want a dr nearme who will be understanding with my pain issues and will write me somthing for it can anyone help im at my wits end ## I can help with doc ## to have doc in newjesey: who and where in newjersey ## Hi I saw someone on here saying they know a good doctor for pain medication I currently go to pain management and he takes me off puts me on or switches me from something strong to barely nothing he's making me sick...
10 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneMy boyfriend's doctor of 3 years changed practices and moved and now he cannot find a doctor who will write him the same prescription he was getting the last 3 years with her. Are there any doctors in New Mexico who he can be on a pain contract with and get his prescription from. He was getting 150 3mg Oxycodone a month, because he has chronic hip pain, but every place we've gone to is telling him they aren't authorized to prescribe the quantity he needs. We have all of his X-rays, medical records and a copy of his board of pharmacy saying how much he's been on continuously for 3 years. He's not looking to get more. He just wants to stay on exactly what he was on. Please help. We're hitting nothing but dead ends and he's been without any medication for his pa...
10 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI'm looking for pain doc that will give me what my old doc did which was 30mg oxycodone (5 daily), 2mg xanax (4 daily), 10/325mg norco (6 daily). I live in okc, plz anything will help. ## Hello, Stella! How are you? I'm sorry, but there is no listing of doctors according to what they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to for you. Additionally, due to the new regulations that were put in place this year, you'll most likely need to see 2 different specialists for such medications, one for the pain and the other for the issue requiring Xanax. Why are you no longer seeing your old doctor? ## Tulsa or Muskogee pain management drs...I've had Two neck surgeries among other health issues and moving back home. I take klonopin 3/dy, hydrocodone 10/300 @ 4/day v& soma ...
72 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneI recently received knee surgery due to a car accident. However, I was already receiving Oxycodone for the pain associated with me tearing my ACL. The insurance company of the people who were responsible for the accident paid for my surgery, but in doing so, I violated my physician's policy of seeing another Dr. So he cut me off. I have all my medical records and I'm experiencing extreme pain. Searching for Oxy 30's on the streets are out of the question. Can anyone recommend an alternative route/ Dr.? ## Do u still have any oxy left? Or were you able to obtain any?
1 REPLY Filed under OxycodoneLooking for Dr in North Jersey that prescribes oxycodone 30mg. My Dr just retired. I am 55 yrs old. I have Progressive Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Osteoarthritis. Have all my Paperwork. Please help ## I'm looking for a pain doctor in NJ that will prescribe 30 mg oxycodone four to five times a day my current doctor doesn't care that medication he currently prescribes me has damaged my liver and pancreas because of the Tylenol I'm being treated for disc displecia and spinal stenosis from l4 and down I have herniated and completely destroyed discs I can barley walk ## Hi, were you still looking for a doctor?
2 REPLIES Filed under OxycodoneHave bulging discs already was on 10 mg of Percocet in August was on them for 7 months already had 4 epidermals chiro ,trigger point shots and still in bad bad pain in my neck and back .. ANYONE has any good dr that prescribe higher dosage please let me know ## Hello, Ryan! How are you? Unfortunately, there's really no listing of doctors according to what medications they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to and find listings for you. Learn more Oxycodone details here. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. If you require such medications on a long-term basis for the ongoing treatment of OCD, then you'll need to see a pain management special...
2 REPLIES Filed under Percocet