U L 15 Yellow Tablet Is It A Narcotic
27 Topics Foundyellow rectangular with rounded ends UL on one side 15 on other said to be oxycodone ## This tablet DOES NOT contain Oxycodone, nor any type of narcotic. This tablet contains 15mgs of Meloxicam, the active ingredient in Mobic, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory used to treat pain and swelling. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation. Read more: What reason did you have to believe it was Oxycodone?
oblong-yellow-watson-853-pill ## Pill Image This is Acetaminophen 325mgs and Hydrocodone 10mgs, a generic for the narcotic analgesic Lortab. ## its vicoten 10-325 I know because thats what I take for pain. ## Can anyone tell me what this is??? WATSON 853 on one side, scored on the other of a oblong yellow tablet. Please id if possible. ## 853 watson on one side,other side scored in middle,also yellow. what is it? ## I got these pills and they said they are Vicodine but I have my doubts they are yellow oblong tablets with watson and under watson is 10/325 does anyone know what these are I took one and I got so tired and Vicodine does not effect me that way. please help I think I am going to throw them down the toilet but I paid a lot for them I feel like a real fool. ## I have a 15mg oxy...
has numbers 445 h13 on it. please tell me what it is. ## small yellowish clear gel pill used for coughing ## I believe you may be referring to Tessalon Perles, which contain the active ingredient Benzonatate, this is a topical anesthetic used to help prevent coughing. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. You can read more about this medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## In regards to the first post, that marking is actually ETH 445 and it contains 15mgs of Oxycodone, a generic for Roxicodone, this is a very potent narcotic analgesic. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. You can read more about this medication here: Anything else I can help you with?
Has anybody ever seen a small plain yellow 15mg oxy without any imprint on either side? ## Hello, Kiki! How are you? No! The only capsules of Oxycodone that are available in the U.S. have markings on them and contain 5mgs. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. If you have one without markings, then it is most like some type of over the counter product. Is there anything else I can help with?
what is yellow oblong oval pill with number 681? ## Light yellow oblong pill, A [score] P on one side, 681 on the other. Any guesses? And thanks. ## try google lol its an antidepressent ## To add some specifics, the oval, yellow tablet with the 681 marking on it contains 150mgs of Bupropion in an extended release formulation. You can learn more Bupropion details here. It is an atypical antidepressant that is also used to aid with smoking cessation. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. The tablet with the AP 681 on it contains 300mgs of Acetaminophen and 5mgs of Oxycodone, known by the trade name Primlev, basically similar to Percocet. You can learn more Primlev details here. It is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming an...
Show me a picture of the yellow Oxycodone 15 mg with NP13 imprinted on it. Thank you. ## Hello, Beth! The Oxycodone HCL 15mg pill you're describing is a round, yellow tablet with "NP" on one side; these letters are separated by partial score marks at the top and bottom of the pill and the "13" should be on the opposite side. It is manufactured by Zydus Pharmaceuticals. (NDC 68382-0795) Does this match the tablets you're questioning? This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
I have had the NP 12 and they do not work the same. Dr. just upped my prescription. I got NP 13, and they suck. I'm sooo hoping these work. Pain is a B****. Anyone had these? ## Hello, Rosey! How are you? I'm sorry that they didn't work well for you. These tablets are manufactured by Zydus Pharmaceuticals and they list them as containing 15mgs of Oxycodone. Have you tried them, yet? The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Are these Half Moon Logo 271 Yellow pills really new Actavis morphs? Just got my script n they don't seem right. Can't get any answer ## Yes, that is correct! Actavis does list these tablets as containing 30mgs of Morphine in an extended release formulation. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I was also prescribed the yellow 271 30mg and they don't seem to work as well as the purple 30mg ones I was getting. These ones I can barely feel. I don't understand why they changed it. ## Which is stronger morphine30sulfer or oxycodone half 15mg and how many hrs of relief shoul...
Lannett 1552 green/yellow ## I have a capsule (dark green/light green) with imprint Lannett 1552 What is this? I can't find it anywhere. ## Its Asprin 325 mg. Butalbital 50 mg. And Caffeine 40 mg. Painkiller. Non-Narcotic but very strong. ## Randolf is correct, this is most commonly used to treat migraines or tension headaches.
These look like they had gotten a little damp. Are the 187, on the inside of the pill, are they green like the pill or white? ## Hello, Mickey! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Caraco Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 15mgs of Oxycodone in a regular release formulation. Looking at their list of ingredients, it appears that the coloring agents, FD&C Blue NO.2 and D&C Yellow No. 10 are used throughout the tablet, so the color should be uniform. These tablets are not coated. The FDA lists this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?
lite yellowish round pill with m 89 wrote on 1 side of it ## No, this is NOT Oxycodone, nor any type of narcotic. This tablet contains 15mgs of Meloxicam, a generic for Mobic, this is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, used to to treat pain and inflammation. Some common side effects may include: nausea, headache, drowsiness and stomach irritation. You can read more here: Did you have any other questions? ## this pill is oval and has on one side 58and other side has 93. Also, a pill that is round with nothing on one side 75 on the other . What are they?
White bar 56 65 5 5 5 ## its a round white pill on one side it says DAN on the other side there are numbers the numbers are 5658 ## yellow oblong a v on one side and 10/96 on the other side ## 5665 555 contains 15mgs of Buspirone, a generic for BuSpar, this is an antianxiety medication. Some of the most common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache. You can read more about this medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## On the next pill, Missy, you are looking at the numbers upside down, that imprint is actually V 3601. This tablet contains 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 10mgs of Hydrocodone, a generic for Vicodin. This is also a narcotic pain reliever. Thus the side effects are about the same: nausea, dry mouth, constipation and drowsines...
Just picked up script for 15 mg oxycodone ir's. they have always been blue. What is the difference? People are telling me they are garbage and do not give the same relief as the ones i have been taking, due to achilles tendinitus, which i am proably going to have surgery for if doesnt get better. Meanwhile am in great deal of pain. Can i ask pharmacist to exchange them? ## Sorry..the pill looked pink thru bottle..actually Yellow np 13 out of bottle.. ## Hello, Sherry! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. This tablet is manufactured by Zydus Pharmaceuticals and they list them as containing 15mgs of Oxycodone. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizzin...
oblong yellow pill scaored into threes with imprint ETH 309 and 5 on onther side on each section ## big v on back 36/01 ovel yellow ## 3601 V is a generic for Vicodin, containing 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, this is a narcotic analgesic. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## ETH 309, however, IS NOT Vicodin, nor any type of narcotic, it contains 15mgs of Buspirone, a generic for BuSpar, this is an antianxiety medication.
I went through my med cabnet and found a daily pill container from when i had surgery a year ago the pills are oval in shape light pink/peach in color one side has 31 and the other has 93 i would like to know what they are and the proper disposal for them ## This tablet contains 20mgs of Oxycodone ER, a generic for Oxycontin. This is a narcotic pain reliever. These can be very dangerous if found by children or animals, the best way to properly dispose of them is to take them to your local pharmacy and ask them to handle it for you. ## i FOUND A PILL A LARGE OVAL YELLOW ONE SIDE HAS A C ON IT THE BOTHER HAS THE NUMBERS 01 THEN A LINE SEPERATING IT FROM THE NUMBERS 70 CAN YOU HELP ME IDENTIFY ## five sided brownish orange z on one side 150 on the other side ## i havbe a pill that is pink ...
Is it a 15 mg oxycodone tablet? ## Yes, this does contain 15mgs of Oxycodone, a narcotic pain reliever. Size: 6mm NDC: 64720-225 Manufacturer: Core Pharma Inactive Ingredient(s): -lactose monohydrate -magnesium stearate -cellulose, microcrystalline -sodium starch glycolate type a potato -stearic acid -fd&c blue no. 2 -d&c yellow no. 10 Common side effects may include: nausea drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Read more: Do you have any other questions? ## Is the cor 225 15mg oxycodone tablet extended release or immediate release? I can't seem to find info on this anywhere. If you break the pill in half it's white on the inside. And they are scored as well.
Pictures oxymorphone imprinted with cresent ## Hello, Shades! How are you? Those would be tablets manufactured by Actavis Pharmaceuticals. They have a gray 7.5mg ER tablet with the numbers 261 on one side, a white 15mg ER tablet with the numbers 262 on one side, a yellow 40mg tablet with the numbers 230 on one side, a tan 20mg ER tablet with the numbers 229 on one side, a pink 30mg ER tablet with the numbers 263 on one side, an orange 10mg ER tablet with the numbers 228 on one side, and a pink 5mg ER tablet with the numbers 227 on one side. Do any of these match the tablet in question? The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
1st - oblong oval white pill has IP 137 on one side and 800 on back. 2nd - small light yellow round pill with M 89 on it. 3rd - small white round pill with AN 627 on it. 4th - small white and yellow capsule with ETHEX on yellow part and 041 on white part. ## IP 137 This is Ibuprofen 800mgs, a generic for Motrin. M89 is Meloxicam 15mgs, a generic for Mobic. These are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. AN627 is Tramadol 50mgs, a generic for Ultram. This is derived from an opiate, so it is classified as a narcotic, but it does not carry the side effects of a narcotic and acts as an anti-inflammatory in the body. ETHEX041 This is Oxycodone IR 5mgs, a generic for Roxifast. This is a narcotic pain reliever. ## little small round white pill with looks like 458 on it
My perscription called for 10/325 and I have for the pass 15 years been taking Watson 932. Now I have a yellow tablet by Alvogen, Inc. with a strength 325/10. Is there a difference? It doesn"t have apap in the decription. Please help me. ASAP - I feel something is wrong. ## Hi, Babydoll! Sorry about the confusion. No, there is no difference in the medication, Alvogen is just another manufacturer of generic medications. However, the 325 that's listed still means 325mgs of Acetaminophen and the 10mgs is the amount of Oxycodone that's in it. Learn more Percocet details here. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it may be habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?
small yellow one side has 445 and the other side has h13 ## Well, for the h13, you are looking at the pill upside down. That is actually an ETH, the logo for the pharmaceutical company Ethex. That said, ETH 445 is Oxycodone 15mgs, a generic for Roxicodone, which is a regular release formulation of the narcotic. Some of the side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, constipation and dry mouth.