Tylenol Red And Blue Color
8 Topics Foundfound a pill on the floor while cleaning up at a bar. It is oblong sectioned into thirds that are red white and blue. No markings. ## I would need some more information in order to locate the correct pill for you. There are many pills with these colors. Please post back so I can assist you better. ## Tylenol 500mg (coated)
BLUE GRAY RED CAPLET l ON ONE SIDE 5 ON OTHER ## It is store-brand Acetominophen (Tylenol) 500mg ## Just double checking because with 3 colors it stumps the regular pill ID companies. I have a chiseled capsule shaped pill with one end a sky blue the other end is Red and it has a grey stripe around the middle a black 5 length ways and a 1 above it but upside down in comparison. You say that is an over the counter Tylenol (acetametaphine)?
capsule in 3 colors, blue 5 printed on it, red with L printed on it, and a grey collar in between ## I don't have a picture to post due to copyright reasons, but yes, this a 500mg Acetaminophen tablet, it is a generic or store brand of Tylenol Rapid Release. Learn more Acetaminophen details here. Are there any questions or comments? And a caveat: There are serious dangerous associated with overdose, such as liver damage/failure or toxicity, so please do not exceed the recommended daily amount.
The color eans different companies make them some put less tylenol in them some have more ifs its a ten its a ten same effect as as 10/325&10/500 the color doesn't matter in tens now the white with red specs is a five mg an white with blue specs is a 7.5 mg that's the only difference ## Thanks for taking a moment to share this information. A lot of patients may not even realize that their generics might contain up to 20 percent less active ingredients than the brand name. However from "brand to brand", are you saying here that different companies could also mean a difference in the percentage of ingredients? I wouldn't be surprised if there actually was, but it would definitely raise a red flag on the topic of quality control if brand names are getting dosage cut...
Generic tylenol was red, whte and blue. Is this correct? ## Well, there are some Acetaminophen products that are generics or store brands of Tylenol that come in those colors, but the colors don't necessarily mean anything. There are other products that come in those colors, as well. Are there any markings on the pills in question?
multi colored capsule with L 5 marking, the 'L' side is red , the '5' side is sky blue, the center is grey ## I have two pills with the following number ID on them: G 32 and M 357. They are both pain pills I think. Can you identify them for me? ## The L5 from the orignal post is a generic or store brand of Tylenol Rapid Release containing 500mgs of Acetaminophen, a commonly used pain reliever and fever reducer. Gp46 are there any other markings on the G32 and what color is it? If it is an off-white or pinkish, it more than likely contains Naproxen Sodium, a generic for Naprosyn, but the dosage depends on the other numbers on the tablet, as they denote the milligrams it contains. M 357 contains 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, this is a generic for Vicodi...
blue and white round coated pill with letters & numbers BP50 on it ## it is a round pill not a capsle and one end of it is gray then the middle is white and the other end is pink ## it has six sides it is a peach color and has N8 printed on it ## Oval capsule with one half green color And other half is white with specks of green. Number looks Like E-720 written in both Halfs of capsule ## The blue and white tablet with the BP 50 is listed as containing 25mgs of Diphenhydramine, and 500mgs of Acetaminophen, it is a generic, or store brand of Tylenol PM. NDC: 59726-0360 Its typical side effects may include: drowsiness, dizziness, sedation, and dry mouth. Inactive ingredients may include: Cornn Starch D&c Red No. 27 Aluminum Oxide Fd&c Blue No. 1 Gelatin Glycerin Hypromelloses ...
Round peach/pink colored pill with TY 80 printed on it. What is it? ## This tablet contains Acetaminophen 80 mg (NDC 50580-0518 / 00045-0430); a chewable Children's Tylenol. However, the product has been discontinued Inactive Ingredients: - Anhydrous Citric Acid - Cellulose Acetate - Crospovidone - D&c Red No. 30 - Aluminum Oxide - Fd&c Blue No. 1 - Magnesium Stearate - Povidone - Sucralose Ref: Tylenol Information ## What is this pill peach in color labeled TY 80 ## Big light purple pill with TY 80 on it, anybody know what it is?? ## it is a children's Tylenol. a chewable on 80mg