Texas Adderall Doctor

9 Topics Found

I took adhd meds as a child but have not been diagnosed as an adult. Therefore I have no medical records showing an adderall rx. I need to find a doctor in Houston, TX who will prescribe it to me, and without insurance. I don't want to have to pay a lot for the visit. ## Hello, Pinklaces120! How are you? Unfortunately, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, you'll need to see a specialist for such a medication. Thus, I am not sure if there's any way to do it cheaply, unless you have a low-income clinic in your area that you can use to get referred to a place with a sliding fee scale. Does anyone else have any suggestions? ## Okay so I have been taking adderall 20 mg or 30 mg 2 times a day for almost 6 years through the same psychiatrist. He used to alwa...

2 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Need a GP to refill my script. I've been out for days and it's Friday. I've been searching and can't afford a $350 psychiatrist visit. ## Hello, Kay! How are you? Sorry about the problem that you're having. However, due to the new regulations that were put in place this year, a GP is not going to be able to prescribe this for you. I'm sorry, I know psych visits are very expensive, but there's really nothing that can be done about it. What happened with the doctor that was prescribing it for you? ## I need a new psychiatrist who will prescribe adderall and diazepam in Houston Texas. I have been seeing a Dr., but she is very unreliable, (works out of her home, no secretary, won't answer her phone, etc). I was supposed to see her again this month but cannot ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Have been on oxycotin 40mg 3xdaily and percocet 15 as needed. Need a doctor who will spend time with me-long medical history. Any small town area around Austin or within 100 miles. Better yet, one that (internist-GP) who can assist in my adhd meds and knows anything about dextroamphetemine sulphate and how it can reduce pain anywhere from 50-100%. A life without opiods would be amazing. Plus, I have never addressed my ADHD-refused adderall. Have tried all the holistic hippie stuff and neuro/anti-depressants to no avail. Docs don't know what to do with me. ## Amphetamines don't help with the management of pain. There are some drs who will prescribe amphetamines to combat the sidew affects of some of the pain meds. But, those drs are few and far between, even if they are pain mana...

4 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

I just moved to Riverside CA from Texas and I have been on Adderall for years. I just ran out of my last pill, but now I cannot seem to find any doctor that will even see me to write me a prescription. The doctors that are willing to see me but will not guarantee me anything are booked for the next month anyways. I am getting very desperate, and I feel like I am out of options. Does anyone know of any suggestions or any doctors in the Los Angeles area that will prescribe Adderall? ## Hello, Brian! How are you? If you're calling doctors to ask them to write you a prescription for this, you're just going to continue to have problems. Doctors and their staff are taught to view that as being drug seeking behavior and you're asking for a medication that can be habit forming and i...

1 REPLY Filed under Adderall

I suffer from severe ADD and anxiety. I found a doctor in Houston who prescribe me Desoxyn and Adderall for 12 years to treat my anxiety and ADD. But recently she decided to take me off the medication. I have years of records I’ve been prescribed medication and a severe need for it to function at work and live my life normally. So if anyone knows of any doctor in Houston if you willing to look at directions and prescribe this to me please let me know? ## Did u find a source? Im in the EXACT same boat, in The Woodlands

1 REPLY Filed under Desoxyn

Need 2 Locate a Pharmacy In Dallas, Texas Who Carries Qualitest Norco 10/325. White Ones DO NOT WORK. LOOKING FOR QUALITEST NORCO YELLOW 10/325. ## Looking for the same thing. Please help!! I have some Percocet A333 and do not like them. Too bad I got a 120 bottle count. I also have a script for Norco but I ONLY want the yellow ones. Please help in the DFW area ## Texas Star Pharmacy, Plano TX has one of the few licenses to dispense CII (includes Norco, Adderall, etc). Their "house generic" is the Qualitest brand ones you want. Small Mom & Pop pharmacy that specializes in customer service and best therapeutic benefit for their patients above all...Not simply the "bottom line" (making money) ## If you want to down load ... Been looking for a decent doctor in the dfw #...

9 REPLIES Filed under Norco

I just moved from Tennessee to Texas. I have been on adderall over 21 years. I am prescribed three 30 mg pills a month. Two 30 mg instant release. One 30 mg XR. I have my RX bottles. I have the physical paper RX's (in TN they will give you three consecutive month of your prescription predated. So for example, If go to doctor quarterly and my appt was 1/13. I'm given a total of six different paper RX with fill dates: 1/13, 2/13, 3/13. Three for IR: 60 30 mg pills per month to be taken twice daily. Another three, same dates but only for the one XR pill -30 30mg pill to taken once daily. I wasn't aware Texas law does not allow that class/ tier of drug to be filed via script from out of state doctor. My bad... CVS actually did leg work to investigate/ report me after they turned...

Filed under Adderall

I moved to Fort Myers Florida from Houston Texas. I have a Adderall prescription, I'm having a hard time finding a pharmacy that will fill this for me. Anyone know where I might be able to get it filled? ## Hello, Brielle! How are you? Since this is a controlled substance, it's going to be very hard to find a pharmacy that will fill an out of state prescription. It would most likely be easier to find a new doctor and get a new prescription that will be local. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Adderall

I'm in Texas for 60 days and my script is due in a week. Can my dr. call it in, in Texas from New Jersey? I talked to CVS and they said yes. Is this true? They said no fax, call-in only. ## No. You need a physically written script. Had the same problem in Massachusetts. Had a script for adderall that was written in Orlando Florida Massachusetts says no. Thankfully New Hampshire few miles out of my way , filled it. I guess depending on the state ## It really depends on the pharmacy and their rules. If they told you it was okay, with direct contact with your doctor, then you should go with it. Did you have any trouble getting it filled? The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth...

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

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