Small Round White Pill Lol
42 Topics FoundIs it just for mental issues? Do people abuse it? ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? According to the databases, this tablet is listed as containing 50mgs of Quetiapine, which is an atypical antipsychotic and no, it is not commonly abused, because there would be no purpose for doing so. It doesn't cause a high or anything. Typical side effects are listed as nausea, dizziness, weight changes and sedation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Wow the question was whatt is it ,why all the aggressive behavior be nice everyone will benefit including you lol but thanks for the imput . just so you know im a concerned aunt and im trying to be smart and be informed ,pehaps you should take a break sounds to me like you could use it just saying??
Round white pill. It has an odd symbol on one side that almost looks like pacman lol. On the other side it has a capital "C" with "30" underneath it. It's in an unmarked bottle that I found so I'm really curious as to what it is. Someone please help me identify it as I cannot find anything about it anywhere. ## Just found the exact same pill. The symbol is like a strange retro 9. Did you ever find out what it was? Related posts seems to suggest the C 30 could be for 30mg codeine?
Found a round white pill, it has an M on top of 146. Please hep me ID this pill. ## Im looking up this one also...all i can say is..Ggood Luck!! cuz i havent found nothing about it.. ## This is a generic Mylan brand pill called spironolact (25mg) it is a potassium-sparing diuretic (water pill) that prevents your body from absorbing too much salt and keeps your potassium levels from getting too low used for treatment of high blood pressure. ## immichael is correct on the id, he just spelled the name of the med wrong, it is called Spironolactone. Pill Image The name brand for it would be Aldactone.
I found these pills amongst my stuff and I'd like to figure out what the heck they are!! I've search high and low on the internet and cannot find a darn thing leading me to believe they may be illicit or something idk. Please help. It's bugging the crap out of me that i cannot figure out what it is!! Round white and has HLO1. ## Hello, Lola! How are you? Is that marking possibly FL 10? Can you please double check and post back? If so, this tablet is manufactured by Forest Pharmaceuticals and they list it as being a 10mg Lexapro tablet. The FDA classifies this medication as an SSRI antidepressant and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. ## It is an allergy pill..generic brand .. acetaminophen
rugby 4840 small round white pill. What is it? ## rugby 4604 oblong white pill what is it??? thanks ## Rugby imprints were discontinued years ago, when the company was purchased by another, I think it may have been Watson, but don't quote me on that. LOL Anyway, from what I've been able to find, the one with the 4840 marking is said to have contained Cyclobenzaprine, which is a muscle relaxant, though I cannot confirm that and haven't been able to find a dosage. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dry mouth, and headache. The one with the 4604 marking is listed as having contained 400mgs of Ibuprofen, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever, and swelling. The FDA lists its typical side...
Lol sorry guys but your wrong just got some prescribed they are oxycodone 10 mg with Tylenol IN them ## Since when this is Tylenol are you sure !??!! ## This might be new to us though ## No, this tablet contains nothing more than 500mgs of Acetaminophen, it is available over the counter and is a generic or store brand of Extra Strength Tylenol. This can be confirmed by any interest party with a simple Google search of the markings. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Lol that's what I thought they was ## This is def just tylenol... The oxy youre talking of usually has A333 printed on it and nothing on the other side.. Its JUST tylenol in this medication.. JS ## I fond mine and it has capital s m2a4 57344 ## Plain acetim...
The pill is cut in half so all I can see is 10 and possibly another number on one side and blank on the other side. ## It's generally very difficult to locate pills that are cut in half, since it could literally be anything at that point. Do you have any clues or hunches as to what you suspect it might be (based on where you found it or who you received it from)? Anything at all would be great, as there are at least 10-15 pills to choose from that are white and round with a "10" on one side. Lol
I have a small round white pill. On one side it appears to be a lower case b and the other side is scored and it looks like there are two sets of numbers which I can't read. It's supposed to be a roxy 30. Can anyone help? ## Unfortunately, without knowing what those numbers are, I can't really help you. Is there a chance that you could get someone else to look at it for you and post back with those numbers? In order to identify a tablet, the complete imprint is needed to be certain of what it contains. Thanks! ## Unfortunately the pill was old and the numbers had worn off. I ended up taking it and it definitely wasn't a narcotic or I would have been asleep. Lol. Thank you for responding.
Small white pill with G Z separated by the score down the middle on one side and plain scored on the back. I found this pill on my kitchen floor and I want to know if its one of my kids friends or completely innocent. I'm a nurse but don't recognise it. Help appreciated. ## I believe its innocent. I'm in Korea right now and have bronchitis and i was just looking for the same info as the doctor has given me this same G Z white round tablet. Since i dont speak korean i have been searching for info. So far, no luck. But i take it that the pill you found is innocent. If it was anything recreational they probably would have been a bit more careful with it lol. ## The research I've done leads me to believe that this pill may be from Canada, but I am not totally certain of that...
Please help to identify a white round pill with the number 986 on one side ## Is there any other marking on the pill? Is there a 93 on the other side or any other letters or numbers? Please post back so I can locate the correct pill. ## No just the number 93.. Ibwas told it i s a foclin bit idt it is ??? Please helpnive looked andò ask everyone ## No just the number 93.. Ibwas told it i s a foclin bit idt it is ??? Please helpnive looked andò ask everyone .... I do ty for ur help u round out forma me lol.. Its a foc.. And ty again
Is there a generic Adderall that's a round white pill with 100 on one side and blank on the other side? ## Hello Red, I was not able to find any Adderall brand or a generic equivalent that matches your descritpion, however, I was able to find an oralair pill that matches this description. The oralair medication is reportedly an allergy extract used as immunotherapy for the treatment of grass pollen-induced allergic. Here is some additional that I sourced from the National Institute of Health on this medication. IMPRINT 100 NAME Oralair INGREDIENTS - Anthoxanthum Odoratum Pollen 100 [ir] - Dactylis Glomerata Pollen 100 [ir] - Lolium Perenne Pollen 100 [ir] - Phleum Pratense Pollen 100 [ir] - Poa Pratensis Pollen 100 [ir] LABEL AUTHOR Stallergenes COLOR White SIZE 6mm SHAPE Round SCOR...
we have round (white) pill NA one side, RB the other side on the pill. very small pill. not sure... ## The small white pill with an NA on one side and an RB on the other side is a Capstar Pill. Capstar is a flea medicine for dogs from 2 to 25 pounds and it is an oral medication. ## Thank you for providing that information! ## You're welcome! It was driving me nuts trying to figure it out myself until today when I went to give one to my dog... no wonder the drugstore didn't have any information on it! lol
It's the size of an oc, with a slightly yellow coating and white inside, tablet, only marking I can see is either an s1 or 51, POSSIBLY 31 but I don't think that's it. Tastes like absolutely nothing at all. I'm so curious, I cannot find the answer anywhere! ## Hi Val, I located a round "orange" pill that appears to fit your description. It is imprinted with "S1" (in black print) on one side and blank on the other. This pill is identified as Bisacodyl delayed release 5 mg; a laxative used in the treatment of constipation. Manufacturer: Pharbest Pharmaceuticals Inc. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Bisacodyl Details I hope this info helps! ## Your reading the pill upside it's TEVA. It's a 5mg Valium
Found a small round pill, has that V on one side of it, other side is 54 over 583. Seeing mixed answers on these numbers. ## Hello, Jarr! How are you? I can't find anything in the databases that has a V on one side, with these numbers on the other. Roxane Laboratories does like a round, white tablet with just the 54 over 583 on it. They show it as containing 40mgs of Furosemide, which is a diuretic that's used to treat high blood pressure, edema and congestive heart failure. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and dehydration. Is anyone else familiar with one that also has a V on it? ## Sorry, that was a typo, it should have been they list it, not like. LOL
Hello S.W.I.M asked S.T.I.K :D What these pills he found were Color : the Coating is White or Off White Shape : Round, pressed pill Markings: on One Side there is a Q @ the Top with 100 @ the bottom *on the same side. The other side has No marking's or Scoreline to break in 1/2 What I've been able to Find : I've checked my CPS (1999 So) & can't find a Maker that uses the letter Q , I've been online now for 2-3hrs LOL & I think that Tamoxifen is what they are, but then the dosage is...WAY Off!! They were found (seriously:) in Canada, Ontario . I see a lot of different meds, But Never one I couldn't identify Please help me :D
Filed under TamoxifenThe faces are rounded not flat. Im not sure what this is. Could be multiple things. Hoping its a basic over the counter pain reliever but it could also be an antibiotic or something else i shouldnt take. Before i take a couple i want to make sure. I'm in canada. ## Flagyl it's an antibiotic used to treat infections when I was prescribed it I had a infection in a leg ulcer. one way to know for sure is it stinks lol
Round pill white in color has KO stamped on one side and has a breaking line down the middle of the other side ## This is an over the counter product, containing 325mgs of Acetaminophen, a generic or store brand of regular strength Tylenol. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## is it a nercotic or no? ## do you really think tylenol is a narcotic?! ## It has a k looks to be like an arrow coming off of the k with a o beside it on the other side is a line in the middle of it it looks to be off white
Found tiny (like gravol but a bit smaller and noticeably thinner) white pill with a star imprint but looks to have tiny circle within the star. Think 4 sided throwing ninja star type lol with tiny circle within. (Not 5 pointed ? but morning star just 4 points) On rear is a line. Found next to round orange centaur pill. I dont know how many mgs the centaur pill is. Which someone else said is like ambien (Xanax). Im not 100% sure. Would appreciate to know the name of each and mg. Please and thanks very much. ## RE: "someone else said is like ambien (Xanax)" First off, I just have to inform you that Ambien and Xanax are NOT the same drug; so whoever told you this pill is Ambien (Xanax) may intentionally be misleading you and I stay as far away from this person as possible. - Ambien...
found it in my brothers room is he abuseing drugs please help me know ## This tablet contains 15mgs of Meloxicam, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Learn more Meloxicam details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## It's like a strong motrin no way he's abusing them lol
Over counter white round pill with line down the middle.that s it. ## Hello Lola, Are you certain that this is an over the counter medication because all regulated medication in the U.S. is required to have an imprint for identification purposes. It sounds to me that what you found is either a vitamin or a supplement. These types of pills can come in any shape or size but do not have to have an imprint according to the FDA. Is it possible that someone in your household is currently or recently was taking any kind of vitamin or supplement? I am currently take a creatine pill daily that matches your description, perhaps someone in the household has something similar? Just let me know and I'll continue to help. Have a wonderful day.