Red And White Capsule With Powder

43 Topics Found

There arent any prescription markings on it. Its a big pill almost plastic like, I found it on my bed after my after my boyfriend left. Im guessing its from one of his friends. Ive never known of him taking pills or any drugs so I'm really puzzled. Any ideas? ## If it has no markings, then it's most likely something that's available over the counter. From the description, my best guess would be that it's a supplement of some type. Have you tried asking him about it? Does anyone recognize this? ## I found the same pills hidden in my son's room. At first I thought they might be an illegal drug...but I've never known him to be like that and I had not noticed any behavior changes. Upon further investigation...I found that it was a penile enhancement pill that can be ...


found in my teens room, since it was hidden I am supposing that it is something he didnt want discovered ## Are there any markings on it? If not, then it will be difficult to determine what it contains. We can rule it out as being a manufactured prescription product, since they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification. However, there are a few other possibilities, something done by a compounding pharmacy wouldn't have such imprints, over the counter products aren't required to have them and there is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. Have you tried asking them about it? ## it almost sounds like heroin. My brother was on it and they came in capsules that were clear on one end and red or yellow ect. on the other end. And the heroin i...


blue and white capsule no markings, with reddish brown powder inside. ## If there are no markings, it may be difficult to determine exactly what this contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription medication, because they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification, but it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products. There is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. I will keep looking into this to see if I can find an identification. Does anyone else have any ideas?


I have a white capsule that has brown powder on the inside and no markings. It's a brownish red powder on the inside. What can it be? ## Hi Chasidy, Just out of curiosity, whereabouts did you get your pill from? Knowing its origin may provide helpful clues for narrowing down prospective pill ID's. Also, does the brownish/red powder have any sort of smell to it? Certain herbal supplements have distinct (recognizable) odors. Unfortunately, without the verification of a lab analysis, a pill with no markings could turn out to be anyone's best guess... One thing's for sure though, and that is, the FDA doesn't approve any US prescription drugs that do not have an imprint or marking of some kind for reference. Having said this, I can only assume that the pill itself may be ...


I have a capsule, white half says 5, red half says APO, and it has a white powder in it, what is it? ## APO on white side and a 5 on red side of capsule is Ramipril 5 mg. Ramipril is a medication used to treat high blood pressure, heart failure, and diabetic kidney disease. (NDC 60505-2877) Inactive Ingredients: - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Titanium Dioxide - FD&C Blue No. 2 - FD&C Red No. 3


Hi. I have been given a white capsule that has a small Z on one side and the number 14 on the other. I was told this was pregabalin but don't trust the person. Can anyone help? ## They are 150mg pregabalin. {edited for privacy} ## Just to confirm, these are indeed Pregabalin 150mg as Craig stated. Description: White cap/white body, size “2” hard gelatin capsule shells, imprinted with 'Z' on cap and '14' on body with black ink contains white to off-white granular powder. Manufacturer: Aurobindo Pharma - Milpharm Ltd. Origin: United Kingdom Inactive Ingredients: -Capsules content: Maize starch, talc -Capsules shell: Titanium dioxide (E171), gelatin, sodium lauryl sulfate, iron oxide red (E 172) (For 75 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 225 mg and 300 mg) -Printing Ink: S...

2 REPLIES Filed under Pregabalin

I found these while cleaning out a wrecked car. Would like to know what they are. Red and white capsule with white powder inside ## It is most likely an over the counter product of some type, since manufactured prescription medications are required to have imprints to enable their identification and the capsules used by compounding pharmacies are usually plain, not colored. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone recognize these capsules?


I found a small unmarked bottle of little red capsules, with fine white powder inside. No markings on the capsules. ## If there are no markings on them, it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what these contain. We can rule them out as being a manufactured U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification. However, this does not apply to something done by a compounding pharmacy that was specially ordered by a doctor, over the counter products or foreign medications. Does anyone else have an idea of what these are?


Can anyone tell me what this white and red capsule with powder on the inside is? Only says medix on both sides. ## Hello Lee, From what I was able to find the pill you have is a amphetamine clobenzorex and reportedly this medication is supposed to suppress appetite and help lose weight. . I was able to find that this medication has been banned in the United States and I was unable to find any information about this from the FDA or NIH. Since this medication is illegal in the U.S I suggest you dispose of the pill at your local drug drop off which will be located at either your local pharmacy or hospital I hope this information helps. ## How are you this evening I find out yesterdayFrom friend of mine she live in Mexico she can vacation to Houston and she told me about it that it’s ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Amphetamine

the caplsule is about a half inch long, its unmarked, and when i cut it open, a brown powderwith a slight sparkle and minimal white flakes in it was inside ## Where was it found/obtained? With no marking, it may be difficult to narrow down what it contains, however, we can rule it out as being a manufactured prescription medication, because they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification. This doesn't hold true, though, if it was something put together by a compounding pharmacy, if it's a foreign medication, or an over the counter item. I'm going to do some more searching. If anyone else has any ideas, could you make a post to help out? ## I have a pill in a red unmarked capsule. Suposadly it is "dianabol" a steriod. Inside there is a hard powde...


red and white capsule, no imprint, in little cellophane bag. Powder is greenish brown, bitter, almost like chili powder ## These capsules contain 75mgs of Pregabalin, it is an anticonvulsant that has also been proven to help with certain types of nerve pain. The reason is was in the bag, is because since they help with pain, many people do abuse them, thinking they will get the high that they do from narcotic pain relievers. Is there anything else I can help you with?

1 REPLY Filed under Pregabalin

Found a red and grey capsule with white powder and no markings - what is it? I cant find it anywhere. ## The FDA requires all prescription products in the U.S. to have unique imprints to enable their identification, in case of emergency, so this is most likely an over the counter product, of some type, though there is a small chance it was a specially compounded medication, or something from a foreign source. Is anyone else familiar with a capsule matching this description?


we moved to a new place, and we found these pills all over the place, i had no idea if there blood thinners or what i keep finding them everywhere. We have animals and i'd like to know what they took if they ever find one. icase they get sick i'll know what to tell the vet. i've completly flipped my house but i'm sure there is one that i missed.The pills are about the lenght of a dime and there is solid white powder inside.. Please help!! Thanx ## This is actually a Canadian drug called Flunarizine (5mgs,) it is a Calcium channel blocker used to treat cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. That should be enough information to give your to vet, in case of emergency.

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Pressure

It was a half red and half green capsule, I think white powder form inside. I was about 8 years old. I remember my right cheek being swollen . I was in the hospital over the weekend , 2 or 3 days. I had a tube connected to my mouth. I guess doctors thought it wasn't a good idea for me to have any solid food so I wad fed through this straw. I did have a nurse though, that would come and visit me and take me to the break room to have some sandwiches and or anything safe other than tube food , so I obviously could chew. I don't have my dad in my life anyn

Deep red color, very large, 150mg. I feel very shaky and my eyes are very twitchy. I took 2 yesterday and 1 today. I dont remember what it said on the pill, or if it even said anything. ## You took them and you don't know what they are? Without knowing the markings or active ingredient, we are operating on pure guesswork. Even knowing the dosage was 150mgs and the color still leaves it open to many possibilities. Can you tell me where you found, or obtained them? That may help to narrow it down. ## I found a large red capsule with white powder inside, any idea what it could be? I was cleaning out cabinet and found about twenty inside a bottle that supposedly contained antibodics


found these capsules in with other pills. a large white capsule no imprint & a smaller red capsule also with no imprint. white one has white powder in it ## If there are no imprints, it's going to be difficult to narrow down what these contain. We can rule them out as being U.S. prescription medications, since they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification. However, they could be over the counter products or even foreign medications. Were they found in the U.S. or elsewhere?


Trying to identify a red capsule with no imprint, having brownish powder inside. ## Hello, David! How are you?? With no imprint, we can rule it out as being a manufactured prescription medication, since they are all required to have unique imprints to enable their identification and compounding pharmacies use plain capsules. That means that this is most likely an over the counter product of some type. Where was it found? Some over the counter products are regional, so knowing the general location may help to narrow it down. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. ## I got a similar capsule from Walmart in Reno, Nevada. ## I have red and white capsules with no imprint that are supposed to be Ibuprofen 800mg. Is anyone able to confirm?


Found 2 red capsules (looks like white powder inside) in a small clear plastic sealed bag. ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what thse contain. We can rule them out as being U.S. prescription drugs, since those are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products or even a foreign medication. Where they found in the U.S. or elsewhere? ## Hello I have the exact same type of pill. It has white powder in it, no markings, and when I opened it it smelled really sweet. I am thinking possibly a cranberry vitamin/supplement??? Are there any products that are packaged like that?

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

red on bottom half/orange on top more bullet shaped part of capsule. white powder on inside. There are no markings on this capsule. ## I am sorry, but if there are no markings, it will be impossibly to positively identify, unless you would pay to have it lab tested. There are several on the market that meet this description, such as over the counter vitamins, supplements and cold remedies. I have seen several vitamin C capsules that match this exact description.

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I recently found this capsule and there is white powder in the center. Please let me know if you know what this is. ## Judging from the description of the pill, this could literally be anything. U.S. law requires that all prescription drugs have a unique imprint on the tablets or capsules so the medication can be identified by manufacturer, substance and dosage. However, the way a pill looks is entirely up to the whit and whim of the company making it, so there are many, many pills on the market, both over the counter and prescription that meet that description.


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