Purple White Capsule No Markings

24 Topics Found

Found a Dark purple (half) and white (half) capsule no imprint. Anyone have a clue what this is? ## If there are no markings, it will most likely be difficult to narrow down what it contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. approved and manufactured prescription product, since they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification. The greatest likelihood is that it's something available over the counter. However, there is also a chance that it could be something specially done by a compounding pharmacy, since they also use blank capsules, or it could be a foreign medication. Does anyone else recognize this capsule? ## Thank you for the info. ## This is Tylenol/codeine from Mexico most probably. ## Women's Thrive level capsule. Purple and white no markings. ## ...

13 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

azitromicina samitrogen ## 1/2 dark purple and 1/2 white capsule with no markings on it...what could it be? ## In regards to the original post, that's the Mexican/Spanish name for the antibiotic Azithromycin, which is used to treat various types of infections. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more Azithromycin details here. As to the post from Shelly, I'm sorry, but if there are no markings on it, then it is very difficult to track down what it is. Does anyone else have any ideas? ## What is a half white and half dark purple pill with no markings and brown powder inside? ## Anyone received any updates on this? I just bought 9 pills from Cozumel Mexico yesterday. Same here, blue and purple pills with no markings. ## ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Azithromycin

- ## Are there any markings on the capsule? Something can only be identified with the imprint on it, the colors don't actually mean anything. If there are no markings, then I strongly suspect it is something available over the counter. Please post back with any other information you have. ## Bright all yellow capsule with no markings or imprints white powder inside ## No markings indentions arond the capsule where u can break it n half ## Bright yellow capsule with white powder inside


Trying to figure out what this pill is from a photo. Doesn't seem to have any markings on it but might be on the other side of the pill, however there are multiple pills in the photo and no markings on any of them. It seems to be a dark blue/purple color on half and the other half is cream tinted white. If you have any idea what this could be please help!! I don't believe the person who posted the photo is taking it for medical reasons so I'd also like to know if it might be a street drug?? Thank you ## Sounds like the same ones I got while in Mexico. They are tylenol/codeine. ## Mexican ultram/tramadol. Its a non opiod pain med used alot more since opiods are strongly abused. ## I see each of the last two posts are stating that this is something different than what the othe...

3 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

What could a purple capsule no markings White powder inside be ??? ## I'm sorry, but if there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what this is. Since over the counter items in the U.S. are not required to have imprints, like prescription medications are, it could be any one of a large number of items, including nutritional supplements or herbal products. Where was it found? There is also a chance that it could be a foreign medication, since they are not strictly regulated like those in the U.S. are. Does anyone else have an idea of what this could be?


Have been taking Ramipril (Altace) 10mg for probably 10 years and they have ALWAYS been white and BLUE capsules. Last week when I renewed this prescription, they were white and PURPLE. I phoned the pharmacist, and he said they were ok, that these were from a company in Israel. Don't know if this brand has caused a bad sinus / cold like infection? With news lately about counterfeit drugs on the market, it has me wondering. Have you heard of this? ## No replies yet. Does anyone know where I could have this new PURPLE and white capsule investigated to see if it actually has the same ingredients as the previous BLUE and white capsules? I am in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ## Are there any markings on the capsule? This information is what would enable us to check what they contain, because ...

8 REPLIES Filed under Ramipril

My prescription drug was changed from phenytoin with the purple band to phenytoin plain white with the number 420 printed twice on the capsule; I was told it was fine to take same formula and different manufacturer but when I asked if the fillers were the same the pharmacist stumbled and then said it is ok. Since the medicine was changed without my knowledge or permission by somebody (nobody in the Dr.s office knows how this happened) I am wondering about it. Of course I will ask the doctor again ( I spoke to the nurse before) when I see him - he doesn't take phone calls), but I would like to know something before then. ## Well, first no pharmacy is in any way obligated to always provide you with the product manufactured by any particular company that you have been getting. It is co...

3 REPLIES Filed under Phenytoin

I have a capsule that is dark purple with a white band in the middle. Each end of the capsule has "AG" on it. I can't find anything on the internet that matches this description. ## I have the same pills that match your description and I believe they are the Allegra Allergy 24 hr gel caps. See the pic of the box for more detail on RiteAid's website. Hope this helps. ## Thank you! I take a lot of pills and this is new to me. I couldn't figure out what it was. ## Hello, Just wanted to confirm for other readers here that based on the product packaging, Allegra Allergy 24hr Gelcaps are purple capsules with what appears to be a white/silver band in the center. [From an online image vantage point of the box, you can't really tell if it bears the markings "AG"; ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Allegra

I found a dark purple and black capsule in my boyfriend's drawer. I opened it up and found white power. I tried to look up the capsule online but there are no markings on it. However, I did find an online wholesale site in China that sells the same exact (empty) capsules. My question is, what could the substance that was crushed and put in the capsule be? He does have a history of opiate addiction and is supposed to be on subs. I saw him take it right before bed and minutes later he was half sleeping/snoring and half awake. It's obviously a downer but what?

Filed under Opioid Dependence

My cousin found a purple and white capsule with no markings on it. She was told it was off-brand 50mg Adderall. Anyone know if this could be right? ## If there are no markings on it, then it can be definitively said that it is not a legal U.S. manufactured prescription product. They are all required to have imprints to enable their identification, regardless of being name brand, or generic. With no markings, the highest likelihood is that it is an over the counter product, but there is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. Is anyone familiar with a capsule that looks like this? ## It's oxy elite fat burner. Probably from gnc. ## There is no 50 mg adderall at all ## 50MG OF ADEROL WOULD PROBABLY KILL MOST PEOPLE! THIS IS MOST LIKELY SOME KIND OF FAT BURNING PILL,...

6 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

small purple and clear capsule filled with small white balls ## Are there any markings on the capsule? That is what would enable us to positively identify it, if there aren't, it is going to be difficult to do so. If there are no markings, then it isn't a U.S. prescription medication, since they are required to have markings to enable their identification. The only exception would be if it was something put together by a specialty compounding pharmacy. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? ## Again it is a lavendar and clear capsule with small white pellets inside. There is a letter r inside a diamond shape on the clear side and the numbers 3607 on the lavendar side


I'm trying to find the name of this oval shaped diet capsule, that is half white and half purple. ## Are there any markings on it? If not, it may be difficult to determine what it contains. Do you have any other information on it? ## Thx Verwon for the response... There is no other information on it, just purple and white, no stripes nor markings... ## Finaflex PX


Off white capsule with the numbers: 93 typed above the #s3109. They're on both halves of the capsule. I think some sort of pain medicine. Not sure. ## off white capsule; 93 over 3109 ## Purple and Gray Capsule ST-3FE on Purple side 224 / 3850 on Gray side Light brown powder inside ## it's a blue and orange capsule with the letters WRP104 on the orange half and 70 mg on the blue half ## found capsule/pill red and blue with tan band in middle inside is white and solid like tylenol....no markings at all on th outside....maybe nothing at all, but it is strange to my home, and I have g-children. ## DARK GREEN--LIGHT GREEN J2 J2 ## GXP Capule Lt. Beige, Top looks larger that bottom because of the joint where the top and bottom join, but the bottom of the cap looks smaller. My dog chew...

10 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

Found two blue capsules (turquoise) that have no markings. The powder inside is a brown color with grains of white lightly mixed in ## found an unmarked dark purple pill with a brown hardened powder with crystal looking bits in there...in a "recovering" heroin addicts drawer in a unmarked pill bottle. what is it? ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult for anyone to identify this for you. We can rule it out as being a manufactured U.S. prescription medication, because they are all required to have unique markings to enable their identification, in case of emergency. However, it could be something that was done by a compounding pharmacy, an over the counter product, a foreign medication or an illegal substance. The description does sound like it could be Heroin. ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

what does omeprazole DR 20 mg look like the one i have is a capesle its purple and lavander ## What are the markings on the capsule? Omeprazole is a generic for Prilosec, and as such, it is made by several different companies. There are a few that meet this description, but colors are subjective, so it is only the markings that would enable us to verify its contents. This medication may cause side effects, such as: nausea, stomach pain, dizziness and flatulence. Learn more: ## I have been hearing bad things about Omeprazole and have been on this medication for quite sometime.the color is tan&white ## Josie, what bad things have you been hearing? And, as I've already stated, I can't tell you anything about it from just the colors.

3 REPLIES Filed under Omeprazole

Oxycodone 30 mg compound no markings blue and white ## A medication specially ordered by your doctor and done at a compounding pharmacy would usually not have any markings, they just use unmarked capsules. The FDA classifies Oxycodone as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Purple and green capsule no markings but has a sweet taste it's supposed to be a OxyContin ## Does anyone notice that tadte has alot to do with the effectiveness of their pain meds? I have noticed that the more bitter the pill the more effective it is , the more bland or sweeter it is the more non effective.

3 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

They have no identification code. One is half red and half white. The other is a solid dark purple, and yes they are both capsules. They are normal sized capsules. ## HI, Dannyboy! How are you? If there are no markings on them, then we can rule them out as being U.S. approved and manufactured prescription medications, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. That means that they are most likely something that's available over the counter and that leaves it open to a pretty large list of possibilities that include both medications and supplements. Where did you find them? Some products are regional, so knowing the general location may help to narrow it down. Does anyone else recognize these capsules?


can any of mafena retard hurt a healthy 51 year old man? ## I have esomeprazol Generic Nexium Omedex Plus. This is generic for Nexium 40 mg. These capsules are blue and white and I thought Nexium was purple. ## Generics do not look like the name brand medicines as that is part of the patent of the medication, generics aren't even the same look from all manufactures, even when you get the medications from the US, athough US generics all would have the same markings I do not know much about Mexican medications. I do know that apparently Omedex Plus is packed in various colored capsules as the ones I have are in clear ones. ## Actually, U.S. generics won't even all have the same markings, each manufacturer is required to use unique markings, so the exact source of a medication can ...

3 REPLIES Filed under M-Hist

White and purpule capsul ith the wording Randbaxy witten in black on the purple side of the pill. What pill is it and what is it used for? ## Is that the only marking on it? Are there any additional letters or numbers? Ranbaxy is a generic medication manufacturer, but there are usually some other markings included that help to identify the specific medication. Learn more prescription drug details here. ## I am currently using this same tablet, this capsule bears no other markings. I am using it for a pigmentation disorder. The doctor said I had some sort of fungus in my skin, therefore I have this white spots all over my body.

2 REPLIES Filed under Antifungal

How strong is the 30mg morphine tablets? ## What do you mean how strong is a 30mg Morphine tablet? That is equivalent to a 10mgs Oxycodone. ## Thought the was what does it LOOK like? MST Continus, the most common brand of morphine sulphate tablet, m/r, are purple with '30' on one side and 'NAPP' on the other. They are biconvex and unscored. There are many other types of morphine but most are capsules. I have heard that in the USA there is a white 30mg morphine i/r tablet but don't know the markings, never having seen one. I have also seen a grey tablet which was claimed to be morphine sulphate m/r. ## Usually, Morphine 30mg is either Maroon or Green. The Brand Name Is Made By Purdue Fredrick Pharmaceuticals, which is Maroon and Side 1 says PF and Side 2 says 30. Here...

19 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

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