Pregabalin And Methylcobalamin Capsules Used For
22 Topics FoundIs it good for long time use like 3 months, or 6 months or year ## Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that's also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Methylcobalamin is a form of Vitamin B12 and it is also believed to help with nerve issues. As to how long you should take it, you should follow whatever instructions you were given when it was prescribed. What are you taking it to treat? ## Why is mecobalamin and pregabalin capsules used
Trade name ZENERV-M prescribed for my left shoulder tingling due to reduced C56/C67 disc spacing. I am 77 years old. ## Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with certain types of nerve pain. Methylcobalamin is a form of Vitamin B12, that has also been shown to help with the same types of problems. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight gain and blurred vision. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?
Iam suufering with nerve pain and before doctor prescribed me but now I forgetten when to take the capsule, is it after food or before food and how many times a day ## The manufacturer's guidelines for taking Pregabalin note that this medication is usually taken with or without food, two or three times a day. Ref: They also recommend taking Pregabalin at around the same time frame every day as a way of helping your body adjust to having it your system. If you have any additional questions or concerns please post back and I will be happy to help! ## When we want to use this capsules.... Before or after food ...please tell me ## Pregabalin And Methylcobalamin Capsules Used After Food Or Before ?
HI, IAM APERAMEDICAL PERSONS, MY WIFE HAS DAIBITIC AND SO THAT WE HAVE REMOVE HER LEFT KIDNY BEFORE THREE MONTH AGO. OUR PHYICYAN RX. PREGABOLIN WITH METHYALCOBALAMIN TAB. 1 O.D. IT IS SAFE TO CONTINUE LONG TERM TREATMENRT PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWER. THANKS DEPAK PATEL AHMEDABAD. 06.07.2013 ## side effects of nermax -pregabalin ;methylcobalamin capsules prescribed for back pain for a diabetic patient . ## This tablets I use one time but 7 tablets once a time what it causes plzz send me the answer ## For spondyoisthesis at L4_L5 Dr has prescribed Nervmax for 30 days @1/day..but at the same time Dr has advised to reduced weight adv suitably...ambika She is58
for muscle pain doctor prescribe this pregabalin&methylcobalamin capsules morning 1 and night 1 and tolagin 8 mor 1 and night 1 since 1 month but my hand pain never reduced what to do is there any side effects if i continue to use for another month because doctor advises use the same medicine for another month how safe iam. please advice me ? ## Hi Please continue with one capsule of maxgalin75 at night for long term . 2. Acupunture 3. Sujok is godd but costly try and see ## Does Neugaba M 75g cause weight gain? ## i am a diabatic pationt,having diabatic neuropathy my dr. suggested me maxgalin75m-2,elacafort(torant)-2 andduloxe-20-2(morning and eveing),my mrs. having only neuropathy problem but she is not diabatic,weather same medicians she take?pl. guide me. ## IAM DIABETIC IAM TAK...
What are the known side-effects of Pregabalin Methylcobalamin-plus Capsules manufactured by Allkind Healthcare in India? ## involuntary twitching, loss off vision, epaclectic fits. ## The drug in this is the Pregabalin and it's side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. The Methylcobalamin is a nutritional supplement that's a form of vitamin B12, but it has been known to cause nausea in some people. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Are there any other questions or comments?
My wife had met with an accident three months ago and as a result facial trauma was there. Dr had prescribed mahagaba m 75 for the nerve injury which she was taking from last three months. Is there any side effects of this combination taken for a long time?
Filed under PregabalinRecently I saw a neurologist physician for my neck to shoulder pain who asked me to take Pregabalin, Methylcobalamin and Alpha-Lipoic acid capsules for 3 months. I would like to know the side effects of this medicine? I am an 82 year old female and have osteoporosis as well.
Filed under OsteoporosisPregabalin And Mecobalamin Capsules is used for which kind of diseases ## Hi, Parvez! The combination of Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant and the vitamin Methylcobalamin is most commonly used to treat nerve pain, since both have been shown to help alleviate it. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Additionally, if you have been on this medication for a long period of time, it is unsafe to stop abruptly, because doing say may cause the risk of seizures. Is there anything else I can help with?
please give me the detail of pregabalin&methylcobalamine capsules. I take this capsules and i feel every time my eyes was closed. ## Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain. Read more here: Do you have any other questions? ## I was told to take pregabalin 75 mg. I feel heavyness of head, nausea and slight giiddi feeling. Why this happens. ## Lata, side effects are normal for any medication you take and usually are to be expected. Have you mentioned them to your doctor? Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and weight gain. Read more here: ## give the reply ## kindly inform me the doses, uses, indication for using Methyl cobalamin and Pregabalin preparation ## Takin lyrica 75 mg at nite only one ,, why does it cause weig...
Pregabalin And Methylcobalamin Capsules Uses and side effects. Can it be used for long say 3 months,6 months or a year ## Methylcobalamin is just a vitamin that's a form of vitamin B12. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. The Pregabalin, however, is an anticonvulsant. So, while it can also help with certain types of nerve pain, it is usually the part that can cause side effects. Learn more Pregabalin details here. They may include nausea, dizziness, weight changes and dizziness. And yes, some people do take it for that long, it really depends on the condition being treated and how the person responds to therapy. Are there any other questions? ## I am taking PREGEB M OD 150 since last 2 years. Is it O.K. to continue? What could be the possible side effects? I am non diabetic, bu...
Side effects and duration for taking it for frozen shoulder redo, etc ## Will this help me with my muscular pains? My left hand is in severe pain and so is my upper back, thigh of left leg and hip on rt side. Thanks. ## Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that's also been shown to be effective at treating certain types of nerve pain. It's side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Methylcobalamin is a form of vitamin B12, it is also believed to help with some types of nerve pain. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. As to how long you should take it, that is something that only you and your doctor can decide. Have you tried it yet? Is it working for you? Pinks, I am not sure what the name brand would be, where ...
Which illnesses can Methylcobalamin be used to treat? ## Central nervous system & sciatica problems. ## please let me know the benefits of methycobal 500mg ## I am under medication for hypertension and high cholestrol for over 7 years. Presently I am taking (1) 'Pregator' Capsules(combination of Pregabalin 75mg, Methylcobalamin 1500mcg, Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg, Folic Acid 1.5mg, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride IP 3.0mg) of Micro Labs Ltd., (2) Altrip.10 (altrovastalin Calcium 10mg) of Alembic Labs. and (3) Tazloc 80 (Telmisartan IP 80 mg.) etc. one each daily. When I happen not to take the Pregator any one day, the next day my joints get swelled and dizziness is felt all day. In my husband's observation on my everyday behavior is that I am getting over excited, and my response ...
my hand is shivering and i meet the doctor he priscibe me this tablet can i use this tablet or not ## If it has been prescribed by your doctor, then it's probably fairly safe to assume that they've deemed the possible benefits of taking a medication to outweigh the possible risks for you. The actual drug involved here is the Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that is also used to help with certain types of nerve pain and issues, the Methylcobalamin is a form of Vitamin B12 and it's believed to support nerve function. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, weight changes and dry mouth. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
I want to need side effects exactly because my mom is using and she is feeling whirls in the mid time. Please help. ## Hello, Mandar! How is she doing? The only actual drug in this is the Pregabalin, it is an anticonvulsant and when combined with the Methylcobalamin, it's usually used to treat some types of nerve pain. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, mood swings and weight changes. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Are there any other questions or concerns? ## side effects of renerve capsule..for 66 yrs old women...she is taking Amlong A 50mg for BP....and nurobeon forte..and calcium tab. CCM....
pregabolin &methylcobalamin capsule nervmax-side effects ## Methylcobalamin is a nutritional supplement, so the actual drug here is the Pregabalin, which is used to prevent convulsions and treat certain types of nerve pain. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight gain. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## wife diabetic,ht,neural compression,cervical,old tb cured in kidney,suffering shoulder freeze,back pain taking nervmax for last 20 days,alongwith ultracet got long she can take nervmax without affecting her kidneys and other side affects.thanks.m.hasan rajasthan,India ## what if 8 tablets of nervmax 75 taken ## I hv spinal cord pressed in 2 places in spine. Doctors prescribed Nervemax tablet and kalcizol, and said it will b...
this manufacturing company make PREGEB 75 ; I HAVE STARTED TAKING ONCE A DAY ;I WANTED TO KNOW ITS SIDE EFFECTS AND RESULTS . AS I M PATIENT OF TRIGEIMENAL PATIENT FROM LAST 2 YRS. THX ## I AM DIBETIC AND OSTOPOROSIS TROUBLE. I AM GETTING PAIN IN LEGA AND NUMBNESS IN FOOT AND JOINT PAIN. X RAY REVELS THAT BONS HAVE BECOME WEEK DUE TO OLD AGE. I AM 82 YEARS OLD. DR. PRESCRIBED PROGAB M 75. IS IT A RIGHT MEDICINE ## Pregeb contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, it is an anticonvulsant that's also used to treat certain types of nerve pain. Pregeb-M combines it with Methylcobalamin, which is a form of vitamin B12, it is also believed to help with nerve pain. Learn more Pregabalin details here. Learn more Methylcobalamin details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drows...
Please provide details of Nervmax Cap and its indications and contraindications, scientific name, composition, etc. Thanks. ## Nervmax are an Indian drug containing Pregabalin and Methylcobalamin. Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant drug that is also used to treat certain types of nerve pain and Methylcobalamin is a type of B vitamin. Does anyone else have more information on what this is prescribed for? ## Taking the drug for Sciatica Pain. ## My wife was operated for L4-L5 Nerve Stenosis in AIIMS in July 2009,consequent to shooting pain originating from right buttocks & travelling down to her right feet.Before surgery she was given three shots of Steroid injections for temporary pain suppression.She has relief from shooting pain but still has tinglling sensation in her right as well a...
in trigemina neuralgia. i m prescribig this drug but i can't got any good wat i can prescribe wid this drug ## Nerv Max contains Methylcobalamin and Pregabalin. The Pregabalin is an anticonvulsant that has also been proven to help with certain types of nerve pain, but it doesn't work for everyone. this site is not medical professionals, so we cannot possibly suggest a treatment. However, you may do better with regular pain medication, such as a narcotic. Have you spoken to your doctor about this?
my doc has prescribed "TAB. PREGAPAS" but the handwriting is not clear and even the chemist are confused! but i find on the google that ,at some spanish pharma ceuticos called DANIEL PASTEUR that PREGAPAS is combination of PREGABALIN + METHYLCOBALAMIN ,which is same as PREGATOR CAPSULES but in the latter the composition or amount is given..SO we are confused with pregapas and pregator. my question is that PREGAPAS and PREGATOR are same medicine. patient has severe back pain! plz help
Filed under Pregabalin